Photos from the Series Finale

TV Commercial ...................................................................... Opening Title, Sam's Birthdate

Sam Leaps In ................................................................................................................... The Bar

Stawpah Leaps ................................................................................................. Al & Sam

Below you will see the comparison shots of some characters that appeared in both "Mirror Image" and previous episodes!


Mirror Image Character ........................................... Previous Episode Character

Al the Bartender ........................................................................ Wierd Ernie from "Genesis"

Ziggy ............................................................................................................. Mo Stien from "Future Boy"

This Miner also appeared as Jake Dorleac in "Southern Comfort"

Mr. collins ........................................................................................... Don Geno from "Double Identity"

Tonchi Palermo .................................................................... Frank LaMotta from "Jimmy"

On right, Pete Palermo ............................................................ Jimmy LaMotta from "Jimmy"

Beth Calavicci smiles as Sam tells her that Al is still Alive

The Last Words

In the Alternate Ending to "Mirror Image" which would have continued the show into the next season, the picture of Al on the left "Leaped" into the picture on the right of Al, Beth, & their four Daughters

To Be Continued. . . .?

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