A Possible Temporary Goodbye


PQL Security Staff
Jul 11, 2002
Missouri, USA
Well, I might as well get this done before it's too late.

My mom's 2 months behind on the cable bill, so it's likely that our service will be cut any day now. Which means I won't be able to get in the 'Net. So... just thought I'd go ahead and say "See ya later" now before I can't.

I'm hoping to get a job soon, and as soon as I do, I'm offering to pay for the cable & Internet, since I'm the one who seems to use it the most in the household.

Of course, then again, we may not even have this house by the end of the year, 'cause my sister's wanting to move back in with Fred, and so that's the child support cut in half... Therefore, not enough money coming in to pay the house payments.

I really want to move out of here and into my own apartment while going to college, but I have no job, no driver's license or car, and therefore no way to support myself. I'm really scared of what's going to happen if the house is taken away.

All I can say is that I've definitely learned from my mother's mistakes: DO NOT GET A CREDIT CARD! Or if you do, only have ONE and keep it locked up in a safe.

Well, 'nuff rambling for now. I gotta go post this elsewhere so everyone'll know where I'm at if I suddenly disappear.

Well, Joy, that's so sad. :( Hang in there....and we'll all still be here when you do come back.

And you know, there's free 'Net access at the library. ;)

Anyway, I'll be praying things work out for you and your mom.

Re: Aww Hell No....

I hope things work out for you soon, Joy! Trust me, I know how tough things are all around. As it is, my family and I always seem to be teetering on the edge... :(
Re: Aww Hell No....

Keep your head up Joy, nothing is ever as black as it seems at the time.

You probably won't have read my TVS story yet but I have been where you are now, allbeit in different circumstances. I'm sure many others have been in the same situation, and like me, have survived. So don't despair too much. Everything happens for a reason and usually things turn out better than you you could possibly wish for.

All I can say is, "Hang in there kiddo, it may be a bumpy ride but eventually the ride stops to let you off."
Re: Aww Hell No....

My thoughts and prayers go with you through this troubled time Joy.
I'm sure that better times are just around the corner - you just have to find the right corner!
Re: Aww Hell No....

Hey, Joy. I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope that you can come back very soon! I too will keep thoughts and prayers tuned your way. :)

Credit cards seem like more of a curse than a gift, sometimes. I was always taught that unless you already have the money to pay it off, you'd better not even think about touching a card. I use credit when I buy things online, but I make sure that I already have the money ready, tucked away, and waiting to be sent out. That's part of the reason why I hate the invention of the "monthly payment." People can't always predict how much money they're going to have at the end of every month, and all it takes is one difficult month and one payment not ready on time to set off a chain of debts. Not to mention the lovely interest companies tend to tack onto the end of every monthly payment.

I wish the best for you and your family, Joy!

Wait.. a possible solution


Have you looked into www.netzero.net/ ?

You can get free internet (limited access) or for only $9.95 a month you can get unlimited access with no credit card! It's dial-up, but hey, at least you'd still be able to stay around!

Look for the free internet link near the top right hand side of the page. Hang in there and hope that helps!
Re: Wait.. a possible solution

Thank you guys for all the great suggestions. For the time being, it's looking like we'll keep our services for a while longer, but once my stepdad has to start paying his court costs and fees for rehab, I'm not sure how things are going to turn out.

Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. I know God will give us a way out of this troubling times.
