Dean Stockwell and Martial Arts

Actually, I think the other fellow is the instructor and Dean was assisting. But the discussion thread says that Dean invented one of the moves, which I thought was pretty cool. Thanks for posting it over here, Helen.
There's an article about Dean doing this martial art, called arnis, on the Sassies website.
Just the Messenger

According to the thread...Dean was an instructor. My understanding is he is the one in the headband.
Oh, I see. The thread describes Dean as an instructor, but the other man is called Professor or Grandmaster.

Very cute that one of the posters said, "Oh boy! Al???!!!"
Aww I couldnt see the clip the thing froze on me :p
EDIT: ok never mind I tried again and it worked.

Cool beans, go Dean! Sam isn't the only Kong Fu master after all hehe.
Between Scott's spin crescent kick, and Dean's handling of the escrima, I think they could take on anyone. :D

That's funny... I never thought of either of them as action heroes. Pretty cool visual though. :D

Hey, I figured out how to post a picture:


Yes, that's Dean in arnis mode. Love that hair.
Well, I'm not one of the convention planners. You should probably ask them. I was just responding with fan enthusiasm. I think it would be cool if you could bring it.