Which characters in QL you hated most??


Project QL Intern
May 13, 2006
ok which of all the characters that we ve seen on this tv show over the years, you really didnt like or never liked at all??I dont mean of course the main characters like sam or al becouse you d shoot me then:lol But characters that they were envolved in the leapies life, and may affected his life for good or bad.like the character of Abigail for eg.
One character that i didnt like was frank the brother of jimmy.i dont know but he was getting in to my nerves for some reason.and of course joy if that was her name in the evil leapers.i dont think that she and sam made a good match in the end.
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One character I didn't like was Dr. Masters from "Shock Theater". He seemed to have a contemptuous attitude towards Nurse Chatam. I am not sure whether they just had some unpleasant history or whether he has a bad attitude towards women or what but I thought his attitude towards her was unfair and uncharitable.

Aw great discussion.
lets see:
  • Steve Slater - The Great Spontini: Especially the scene where he insists to Sam tht he can keep him away from his daughter, that made me want Sam to kick him in the nuts. He just makes me so mad, he's a selfish heartless idiot.
  • Abigale Fuller - Trilogy: Now I know I have mentioned this too many times as Brian has asked me to keep this discussion to a minium now, so I will keep this one short. As a child she is a little brat and a princess and as a young adult in the second part she is very selfish as she was worried about missing her wedding over the life of that little boy. So it was not just her having sex with Sam that bugged me, I assure you. Her charactor itself is what gets me.
  • Dr. Masters and Butch - Shock Theater: These two charactors had no consiteration for the well being of the patients. Butch treats them like lab rats, shocking them simply because they anger him(and shocking them period is just cruel), and Masterstreats them like frogs in Biology as I believe Al even puts it once. All they care about is the facinating breakthough of this strange behavior of Sam Beatermen. Its sick.
  • Mac and Kathrine(I think thats the wife's name)-Nucular Family: I explain this very well in the review thread, please see my posts there as I don't feel like repeating myself. Sorry. Although for them I would not use the word "hate" I just dislike them a lot or more directly their attitudes. Like I said see the Nucular Family thread.
  • Connie LaMatta-Jimmy: Like Mac and Kathrine I did not hate her but she did get on my nerves because she seemed to not consider Jimmy's feelings or intentions at all. One of the scene where she gets on my nerves the most was when Cory got into that little fist squabble with this other boy and Sam grabbed the other boy in attempt to break them up, yet everyone got so mad at him instead of consitering his feelings and his intentions especially Connie. She did not even consider that Jimmy was being noble and trying to cease the fight, all she was was this big guy with a little boy in his arms and cried "Attack". She is not a bad person just so close minded that it took her son nearly dying for her to finally open her eyes and her heart and have some respect for Jimmy.
I can not think of anyone else at the moment, I will edit this post later if I ever do.
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Sam Beckett Fan said:
Aw great discussion.
lets see:
  • Mac and Kathrine(I think thats the wife's name)-Nucular Family: I explain this very well in the review thread, please see my posts there as I don't feel like repeating myself. Sorry.

Mac would,probably, be my most disliked character of all QL episodes.
To that i'll add - Allison Grimski character from "play it again,seymour." i,just,didn't like her at all.
leaper said:
and of course joy if that was her name in the evil leapers.i dont think that she and sam made a good match in the end.

You mean Alia?


I don't know if I have a particularly *hated* character. I have to admit that it's been a while since I've watched QL (bad, Leaper, bad... LOL), and several episodes I've only watched once. More than likely, any characters I'd hate would be in those ones, 'cause there's gotta be a reason I've only watched them once. hehehe

isz said:
Mac would,probably, be my most disliked character of all QL episodes.
To that i'll add - Allison Grimski character from "play it again,seymour." i,just,didn't like her at all.
Yeah I would not say that I "hate" Mac and Kathrine, but I very much dislike them.

Tina_Als_Girl said:
You mean Alia?


I don't know if I have a particularly *hated* character. I have to admit that it's been a while since I've watched QL (bad, Leaper, bad... LOL), and several episodes I've only watched once. More than likely, any characters I'd hate would be in those ones, 'cause there's gotta be a reason I've only watched them once. hehehe
I loved Alia. I would not say she and Sam made a perfect match but they made a very cute match, especially with her child like way of fearing Lothos and te different ways that Sam responded. I think they fit together in that sense because Sam is good at comforting people and Alia needed a lot of comfort especially in the third episode. It almost seems like Alia was one of Sam's assignments in the third episode. They also fit well together in the sense that they share the leaping expirenece and the feelings that come with it. But as far as a romantic couple goes, I would agree with whomever said they don't make a good couple, Sam belongs with Donna in my opinion. Sam and Alia are more of a cute brother and sister pairing.
I don't hate her, but I do hate the idea of Donna... I think the series would have better if they'd just left her out.

I didn't like Dr Gerard Bryant.... what a slimey jerk!!

When I think of some more I'll add to the list
Bexter said:
I don't hate her, but I do hate the idea of Donna... I think the series would have better if they'd just left her out.

I didn't like Dr Gerard Bryant.... what a slimey jerk!!

When I think of some more I'll add to the list
i didnt hate donna but i hated the second donna:hair ok she is a good actress but cmon who can compete with terrys hacthers looks
leaper said:
i didnt hate donna but i hated the second donna:hair ok she is a good actress but cmon who can compete with terrys hacthers looks

So you like Leap Back Donna just not the actress or You don't like either? Of course not bashing you for either choice I just did not quite get that.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
So you like Leap Back Donna just not the actress or You don't like either? Of course not bashing you for either choice I just did not quite get that.
no i meant the choise of the actress for the role of donna.i liked the donna character at the begining i found it kinda romantic and little moving at the end.it just bothered me a little that they had to put another actress to play donna,that she may was, and still is a great actress but ok she didnt look like terry hatcher.thats it
Hmm There was a pretty good resemblence in my opinion but I agree I don't understand why they didn't just give Hatcher makeup to make her look older.
RossBeckett said:
Hands down, STEVE SLATER! What a nozzle! As of right now he is the most hated. I honestly don't know what Maggie saw in that jerk.

~Steve B.
High five steve(you not Slater lol) :)
I agree completely. I also did not understand some of Maggie although I totally do not hate her. She claims more than once that she had no choice when she left when she of course did, she could have taken Jamie with her but she didn't. When my mom divorced my dad she was forced to her parents house for a few years but she did not leave me with my dad. She didn't have anyplace of her own to go to but she still took me with her. Maggie was very capible of doing the same. The whole thing was her mistake. Sam said it well:
"I didn't leave my daughter!"
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Sam Beckett Fan said:
Just want to let everyone know to look back at my list if you want, I just added a charactor. :)

Yes that one is a good one I forgot about her.. she's the type of character who gives you a sick feeling in your stomach while you are watching. Prob is, I'll have to watch all the eps all over again to remember the ones I really hated and I'm having real trouble finding the time to watch them all the first time. But guess what..... very shortly we are getting a brand new 42" plasma flat screen TV so instead of having to watch it on a tiny little 14" midget box (looks hilarious is our huge tv cabinet) I get to see Sam and Al on a great big screen :dreaming

Just for the record, the new tv's a freebie we get from a telephone company for swapping our business over to them.... occasionally it's handy being in a family business, but only occasionally.
RossBeckett said:
Hands down, STEVE SLATER! What a nozzle! As of right now he is the most hated. I honestly don't know what Maggie saw in that jerk.

~Steve B.

Oh yes! I had forgotten what a complete creep and jerk that Steve was! I don't think Maggie "saw" anything in him. When she was asked by the girl if she loved him, she seemed to dodge the question by saying that Steve loved and took good care of her. I wanted to give Steve a knuckle sandwhich myself if I may say so. But when Ross said Al's favorite word "nozzle", I immediately thought of Clifford from "The Leap Back". I keep thinking what a creep he was trying to kill Tom and Suzanne and I am glad that Sam leaped into Al in the nick of time to stop Tom from pushing the car off the cliff while Al (in Tom's body) was unconscious.

I can't remember the name of the episode right now; the chain-gang episode with the aclaustrophobic guy who'd been framed- the head honcho that kept throwing the aforementioned claustrophobe into the pit, that man was pure evil I tell 'ya...

Also, not a "character", I hate the writer who made the episode about Sam leaping into the Civil War; aside from the nonsensical, rushed explanation they gave for Sam leaping out of his lifetime, I dunno, there's just something wrong with Sam romancing his great grandmother, even if they were in the deep south at the time ;-)
Term180 said:
I can't remember the name of the episode right now; the chain-gang episode with the aclaustrophobic guy who'd been framed- the head honcho that kept throwing the aforementioned claustrophobe into the pit, that man was pure evil I tell 'ya...

You probably ment the episode - "Unchined"(4x10).
isz said:
You probably meant the episode - "Unchained"(4x10).

That's it, yes... As for my favorite evil character actor; Michael Madsen from the Jimmy episode, dunno why but that guy is hilarious in anything he's in (like Beyond the Law) he's one of those born bad guys like Dennis Hopper that you'd be hard pressed to find playing a good guy in any TV show or film (Well, Hopper had a few good guy roles...)
Term180 said:
That's it, yes... As for my favorite evil character actor; Michael Madsen from the Jimmy episode, dunno why but that guy is hilarious in anything he's in (like Beyond the Law) he's one of those born bad guys like Dennis Hopper that you'd be hard pressed to find playing a good guy in any TV show or film (Well, Hopper had a few good guy roles...)

Which charactor was he? Was he the guy that turns out to be dislexic? If so I like him too as a kid I was a huge fan of Free Willy the movie and I immediatly recignized that actor when I saw Jimmy for the first time. He's a good actor. :)
Sam Beckett Fan said:
Which charactor was he? Was he the guy that turns out to be dislexic? If so I like him too as a kid I was a huge fan of Free Willy the movie and I immediatly recignized that actor when I saw Jimmy for the first time. He's a good actor. :)

Yep, that's him, the inability to read numbers on the shipping crate and whatnot :D

Of course Sam having a medical degree in, well, everything (imagine what sperm banks would've paid for a sample of his swimmers!) instantly recognized and identified the physical handicap as a potential explanation for Madsen's character's insecurity around the mentally handicapped.
term180 said:
Sam having a medical degree in, well, everything(imagine what sperm banks would've paid for a sample of his swimmers!)
Lol yeah genius genes :)
The scene where Sam reveals that to him makes me wish I was there. My psych teacher when I was a senior in High School told us about a student of hers form the past. She showed us a sample of his hand writing. It was atrocious and illegibal due to dislexia but he happened to be the smartest student in that particular class. I think Blu(I am sure that was the charactor's name) would have liked to hear that.
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Term180 said:
That's it, yes... As for my favorite evil character actor; Michael Madsen from the Jimmy episode, dunno why but that guy is hilarious in anything he's in (like Beyond the Law) he's one of those born bad guys like Dennis Hopper that you'd be hard pressed to find playing a good guy in any TV show or film (Well, Hopper had a few good guy roles...)

I don't know why, but actor Ronny Cox(Star Trek TNG and Stargate SG-1 amongst several other TV credits) popped into my head. If QL had gone on to a sixth season and beyond it would've been nice to see him play the part of Al's nemesis. Perhaps as a Air Force, Army, or Marine General. Like Michael Madsen's character in "Jimmy" Senator Kinsey and Capt. Jellico are not likable people. To say the least.

~Steve B.