U.S. Release

Novel #


The Novel

Author: Ashley McConnell

Printed: November 1992
Ace Publishing

ISBN #: 978-0441693221
Leap Date: June 10, 1957

Cover: Keith Birdsong


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U.K. Release



Carny Knowledge
Author: Ashley McConnell

Printed: April 1993

ISBN #: 978-1852838713
Leap Date: June 10, 1957
Cover: Keith Birdsong


Photo of a "proof novel" before

actual publishing of "The Novel"
by Ashley McConnell

June 10, 1957
Jasmine, Oklahoma

Trapped in the body of a 1950s carnival worker, Sam Beckett learns the true meaning of thrills and chills. According to Al, Sam's holographic contact with the future, a roller coaster will derail in four days.

The accident will result in seven deaths . . .

And Sam's chance of stopping it are one in a million.

Summary & review by Dermot Devlin of the former quantumleaping.com:

Here is another excellent novelised version of Quantum Leap wrote by my Quantum Leap novel author, Ashley McConnell. Even though this is an excellent book, I would not rate it as one of Ashley's better Quantum Leap books.

Here Sam leaps into Bob Watkins, a mildly disabled Carnival worker. Bob is often the butts of some of the fellow workers joke, but it is usually in good humour that Bob laughs along with. Bob, as Sam comes to learn, believes that he processes a gift, which enables to predict the future at random, not that anyone believes him. Still, Sam thinks that this bit of inside knowledge could save him from some sticky situations during this leap.

When Al appears to Sam from the future, he informs Sam that there is 97% chance that he is to delay the opening of the carnival's new ride, the Killer Diller. If he doesn't, the ride will crash in 3 days killing onboard it. Including that, Bob gets the blame for causing the accident and gets sent to a mental institute where dies within 10 years.

As this leap progresses Sam and Al begin to realise that this isn't accident, it was done a purpose. Sam now has to track down the would-be murderer before it is too late, as no one is taking him serious about the impending crash. They are just passing it off as one of Bob's "predictions". There are several suspects with motives to this crash that Sam and Al have discovered. Sam has to be careful who and how he approaches, because if Sam makes a mistake, Bob will be put into the mental institute early and Sam will not be able to prevent the accident from happening.

As I have said at the start of this review, this is another good book from Ashley McConnell, but I do not believe that it lives up to the other books that she has written. Although there were times were I was totally gripped to the story, there were other times I was in a hurray to finish the chapter so that I could put the book down for a while. I believe that the uncovering and overthrowing of the would-be murderer came about too quickly and was over and done with like a flash in the pan.

I would recommend this book for another leapers to read, but I would suggest you read other Quantum Leap novels such as Prelude or Knights of the Morningstar before you read this one.

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Brush up on your Carny Knowledge, because it’s time for Quantum Leap: The Novel!

Join hosts Allison Pregler, Matt Dale and Christopher DeFilippis as they kick off the first meeting of the QLP Book Club with this extended review of the first novel in the Quantum Leap novel series, written by Ashley McConnell — in which Sam Leaps into a 1950s carnival worker and has to stop a deadly roller coaster crash.

We also bring you an interview with Quantum Leap novel series editor Ginjer Buchanan. Ginjer chats about the inception of the official tie-in novel program and how she kept it going for 19 books.

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