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2x11 "The Outsider"

Leap Date:
October 6, 1982

Synopsis: An anonymous source sends Ben and an experienced local Denver TV journalist on the trail of a dangerous conspiracy as they pursue the scoop of a lifetime in the early '80s. There's trouble at HQ when Ian's past decisions come back to haunt the team.

Audio from this episode:

Handlink SFX: Chime
Connie: Good Gourd
Ben & Connie: Plumpkin
Connie/Davidson: Concussion
Connie: Rule #1

Connie: Rule #2
Connie & Ben: Rule #3
Connie & Ben: Rule #4
Ben & Connie: Don't give up
Connie: Run from yourself
Ian & Tom: No regrets
Magic & Jenn: The right place

Episode Menu

TV Guide Synopsis
Broadcast Date
Leap Date
Leap Location
Name of Leapee
Synopsis & Personal Review
Project Trivia
Ben Trivia
Addison Trivia

Ian's Outfit Worn in the Episode
Kiss With History

Miscellaneous Trivia
Guest Cast
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Characters who appeared in Classic Series episodes

Songs & Music
Say What?
Quotable Quotes

Production Photos
Production Videos
Production Credits

Poster by J.J. Lendl

Commercial for this episode:

TV Guide Synopsis:

An anonymous source sends Ben and an experienced local Denver TV journalist on the trail of a dangerous conspiracy as they pursue the scoop of a lifetime in the early '80s. There's trouble at HQ when Ian's past decisions come back to haunt the team

Broadcast Date:

Tuesday, February 13, 2024  |  10pm on NBC

Leap Date:

October 6, 1982

Leap Location:

Denver, Colorado

Name of Leapee:

Brian Conway

Detailed Synopsis:

Ben leaps into a phone booth in 1982 as it begins to ring. He shuts the door and answers. A voice tells him, "They know." Ben asks, "They do?" The voice says, "Of course they do. You talked to a suit at Kaplan, didn't you? I told you to keep your mouth shut. It's too late to be sorry. People are gonna die now. Their blood is on your hands."

The caller hangs up as Connie Davis, a news reporter tells him they are going to be late. He follows her and checks out his press badge to discover he is part of a local news team, named Brian Conway. Ben tells her he just got off the phone with a source that said people are going to die. She is skeptical and says that everyone wants her to report on things because she is Connie Davis, a well known former news reporter in New York. She's not that person anymore, and the story they bare about to report on is the biggest one she's had in months.

On the scene at Rustic Roots Farms, she does an interview with Steve and Nancy, local farmers who grew a 1000-pound pumpkin. "Good gourd, that's big!" Nancy says they can make 200 pumpkin pies with it as she coughs through her statement. Steve says their results are due to a lot of work, a lot of waiting, and a little weed killer. Addison fades in and motions Ben over. He suggests they take five due to a low camera battery. Ben immediately asks, "Did it work? Did Hannah get my letter?" Addison says that she did and they were able to fix Josh's heart. However, he still died a year later in a car accident. Ben desperately asks for Hannah's phone number and Addison looks it up for him and then asks him to focus on the leap. Addison briefs Ben about Connie, who was a legend in New York City, and compares her to Barbara Walters. She was fired over something to do with a source and now she works this local station in Denver, Colorado without the limelight. Ben says all he has to do is get Connie's career back on track.

At Quantum Leap Headquarters, Gideon Rydge meets with Magic and Ian. He explains, "All I'm saying is that I developed an advanced micro-processor that is my technology and I let Ian borrow it and now... they won't give it back. I mean, how would you like it if someone just took your stuff?" He snickers in a threatening way. "I can tell you who doesn't like it: the Pentagon. They think that my tech is very valuable. More valuable that all of you, I'm sorry to say." Magic says to excuse him, but he's playing catch-up. Gideon explains that Ian Wright stole his Quantum Chip, threatened his representative (Simone), turned Rachel against him, and continued to use his chip without his knowledge - and without Magic's knowledge as well. "Did I leave anything out, Ian?" Ian cowers and says quietly, "No." Gideon gets up and says he has some meetings but he trusts Magic to sort this out. And just in case, someone from the Department of Defense will arrive in the morning to make sure Magic does.

After Gideon departs, Magic loses his temper from the deception. He tells Ian to leave and log out of every terminal. He instructs Ian to speak to no one until their meeting with the DOD representative tomorrow. Ian leaves, nearly in tears and Jenn rushes in. Magic lets into her as well and says this time there will be consequences that he can't control. Jenn tries to apologize but Magic commands her out of the office, clearly frustrated.

Ben talks to Connie after the pumpkin story as they return to the news station. He tells her that she is so much better than small town stories. She says this is just who she is now. Ben goes back to the van for a tape he forgot. As he walks through the parking garage, he hears something, but dismisses it and goes to a pay phone to try and call Hannah. He gets her answering machine but does not leave a message. As he hangs up, he is faced with a man in a ski mask holding up a gun. The man says, "I want you to leave this story alone." He pulls the trigger, but the gun doesn't fire. "Next time, it won't be empty," he threatens, as he strikes Ben with the gun.

While Ben and Connie talk about what happened to him in the parking garage, their boss, Davidson asks what they are doing. Connie says Ben hit his head on a pumpkin. This is met with skepticism by Davidson. He says, "Well, watch where you're walking. Don't get any blood on the carpet." Ben asks Connie what happened in New York. She avoids this conversation but says Davidson gave her a job and she doesn't want to lose it. Ben asks, "What if this is the next Watergate?" She rolls her eyes and says that every reporter wants a Watergate but few want to do the work. She tells Ben to do the work and maybe in a few years he'll get his big story.

Addison arrives as Connie is walking away. "Why are you always covered in blood?" Ben shrugs and says "I don't know!" Addison says she knows Ben's faces and he is distracted.
"You're the best leaper I know," she offers, "and it's your job to remind Connie that she is a damn good journalist." Addison surprises Ben by saying if she hadn't joined Quantum Leap, she wanted to be a journalist. They note that Connie said rule number one was 'Do the work' and Addison says, "Then let's get to work."

They get a white board and start piecing together clues. Ben discovers in his planner that a couple days ago on October 4th, his host met with a lawyer naked Lloyd Kaplan. Ben begins looking through news reels on a film projector.
"Can't Ziggy do this part for us?" She says Ziggy is getting spotty info. Ben asks her why he never knew she wanted to be a journalist. Addison answers, "I'm allowed to have secrets." Ben smiles, "You still surprise me." They find a few more connections and Addison leave to get more coffee. She and Ben are connecting again and there are a couple of moments where we can tell they enjoy it.

As she exits the Imaging Chamber, Addison sees Ian pass by and attempts to ask if they are okay. Ian walks away without answering. From behind her in the Control Room she hears, "They can't talk to you." It's Tom, who advises her that he is the DOD representative that has been sent to handle Gideon Rydge's complaint. "I got a call at three in the morning asking me to burn Quantum Leap to the ground." She pleads, "Tom you have to help us." Ziggy starts chiming and she says, "Sorry, Ben needs me." Tom gets a perturbed expression on his face hearing this. As she walks back towards the IC, she asks Tom to go easy on Ian.

Addison returns to find Ben asleep. Ben has discovered that a man whose name kept coming up in the files, Chet Barlowe, is the CEO of a company called Herbicore but Ben can't find anything else on him. Addison digs into th name and discovers that Herbicore changes their name in a few years and produces a weed killer that sickens and kills thousands of people in the future. He goes to Connie with this information and watch a promotional video featuring Chet Barlowe with the tag line, "At Herbicore, we HerbiCARE!"

Ben wonders if Chet knows his product kills people. Connie asks how Ben knows all those people are going to get sick. He responds that his source claims that over the next several decades, the product could cause thousands of cancer cases. Connie runs a trace on the pay phone Ben used at the beginning of the leap to find out who the mysterious caller is. They discover that the source is the CEO's brother, Robbie Barlowe! Connie says that Robbie must be a whistle blower and is too scared to talk, so has reached out to a news station. She suggests they go find Robbie and Addison helps locate all the likely lunch places around the Herbicore offices. Davidson stops by and asks Ben, "How's the head?" Connie once again speaks up for Ben and says he is okay. Davidson asks, "Does he speak?" She says he likes to stay behind the camera. He folds his arms and asks what they are up to. Connie says "Nothing." He shakes his head and walks off. Connie says they should keep the story between them for now.

Connie and Ben find Robbie Barlowe outside at lunchtime. He asks how they found out the caller was him. Robbie says he will speak with them off the record. Their product produced lung tumors on lab rats but they tested it on farmers anyway. "There is a memo that did the math. Apparently pulling product is expensive. It's cheaper to settle with any potential victims." Robbie is very nervous to be seen with Ben, especially since his brother Chet now knows what Ben's host looks like from his meeting with the Kaplan lawyer recently. Robbie says he's seen people disappear and that they need a smoking gun, otherwise Herbicrop gets EPA gets approval and they will go to market at the first of the month. Robbie gets in his car and drives away with a license plate reading, "HRB1CORE." Connie says he was right, they need evidence. Ben notes that Robbie called their product Herbicrop and remembers the name from the pumpkin farmers report. "I know where we can get our evidence."

Ben warns Steve that the Herbicrop is dangerous and poisonous but the farmer becomes defensive. Connie comes in with an understanding voice and suggests the best doctor to check Nancy for issues. They agree to do it. Ben gathers soil samples and Connie is optimistic this will help their case. Connie gets a call about a big accident downtown and Davidson wants her to cover it. They get to the scene and discover that a car explosion has happened and all they found was the remains of a wallet and watch. Ben notes the car has Robbie's license plate,
"HRB1CORE." Connie is on camera and freezes, walking away from the scene during the live broadcast. "I'm sorry. I can't do this again.

At the station, Connie tells Davidson she's done. She reveals that this isn't the first time a source has died because of her. In tears, she explains that in New York, she forced a guy to talk before he was ready and he killed himself.

Ian gives Tom their official statement. Wright tells Tom that they are really sorry. Tom asks Ian why they didn't tell him when he asked about the energy spikes. The programmer explains that Quantum Leap was shut down once before and they were afraid of losing Ben again. Tom says he understands why Ian did it, but it doesn't change what he has to do now. He doesn't have the authority to fire Ian, but Gideon wants his "pound of flesh." Ian becomes upset and says they are tired of being ashamed for doing the right thing. "When they shut this program down, everyone quit on Ben except for me."

Addison arrives to find Ben having a swig of whiskey. Addison tells Ben that she and Tom got engaged... and unengaged. She says it didn't have anything to do with Ben. "I've been in reaction mode for a long time. First you leaped and I had to become your hologram. Then you died and I had to deal with that. Then it turned out that you were still alive. And I just lost all sense of purpose. I didn't know who I was anymore. It was obvious I came to Quantum Leap to help people. That's who I am. That's my purpose. " Ben says, "Yeah I thought that was my purpose too. But in the end I couldn't help Josh, and I got Robbie killed." Addison says Robbie died in the original timeline as well in the same way before Ben arrived. Ben realizes something is off. In a flashback sequence, we see Robbie take off his watch and wallet and throw them into his car window just before the car explodes. He made himself disappear. Robbie is still alive!

Ben goes to Connie and tells her that Robbie faked his death... they still have a story! Connie says it doesn't matter anymore. Ben convinces her, "I know you want to give up on yourself, but I can't let you do that, because this is your purpose. Sometimes things don't go the way we want them to. People leave us. People die. But that doesn't mean you stop trying to do the right thing. The story's worth it, Connie. You're worth it."

Magic meets with Tom and asks, "So, is this the end of Quantum Leap?" Tom says no, that he convinced Rydge the program is worth saving, but someone still has to go. Tom says it should be Ian, but it can't be Ian because they need them at Quantum Leap to work on the DARPA code. Magic asks, "Are you asking me to fire Jenn?" Tom responds that he wants Magic to do whatever he thinks is right. "Ian and Jenn... they stood by me through my darkest days. They're family to me, Tom. There's no Quantum Leap without them."

At a motel, Ben and Connie locate Robbie with Addison and Ziggy's help. "Oh crap," says Robbie as he realizes he has been discovered alive. Robbie talks with the pair and says they have a shot at stopping the product from going to market with the soil samples, but they really need hard evidence that Chet Barlowe knew it was dangerous. Ben says, "We need a smoking gun," and asks Robbie if he has it. Robbie acknowledges that yes, there is a memo stating they knew about the dangers. However, it has Robbie's signature on it as well, which would destroy him. Connie says she isn't going to push Robbie to do anything he doesn't want to do, but,
"No matter how far you run, you're never going to be able to run away from yourself." Robbie tells her the memo is in a safe in Chet's office.

Connie meets with Chet Barlowe and gives condolences on the loss of his brother, Robbie. She also tells them that her producer, Brian, suddenly quit and that something must have spooked him. Davidson acts as producer/cameraman for their interview.

Meanwhile, Ben uses Robbie's access card to enter Chet's office. They locate the safe and Addison uses the handlink to get a close-up view of it to Jenn, who is helping from the Control Room. She says, "Nice. I just need a serial number." Addison reads it to her. "37AZ432." Jenn looks up the model and she says there is a design flaw and they just need to leverage the door by hitting it really hard above the dial. Ben grabs an award trophy off the desk nearby and strikes the safe a few times, resulting in the door popping open. Ben gets the document out of the safe and says it's just like Robbie said. A voice behind him and Addison asks, "I thought Robbie was dead?" Security guard
Wyatt Lee Smith holds a gun to Ben from across the room. Ben says, "I almost didn't recognize you without your ski mask. But I recognize your voice and your gun." Wyatt says, "This time... (click of the hammer) it's loaded." He tells Ben to hand it over, but Ben refuses and bluffs that their encounter in the parking garage was recorded. He tells Smith that he knows a lot about him and Connie will run the story if he doesn't walk out of the room alive. Addison assists him to get info like Wyatt's name and that his mother likes to play Backgammon. "Unless you want your mom seeing your face on the news after her Backgammon game tonight, I suggest you lower your gun." Wyatt lowers it, and Ben knocks him cold.

Connie's interview with Chet is in full swing as Ben arrives with the signed document from the safe. Addison reports that the EPA gets the soil sample and evidence and Herbicrop never goes to market. Robbie starts working for the EPA. Ben asks about Connie and Addison tells him to see for himself. Connie asks Chet on camera about Herbicrop. She asks him if he has met the farmer, and Chet says not yet, "but as we like to say around here, when it comes to farmers, we HerbiCare." Connie responds, smiling, "Do you HerbiCare that your product likely gave his wife lung cancer?" Ben hands the document to Connie. She reads the memo aloud, incriminating Chet. Ben Leaps.

Addison watches on the hand held tablet, a recording of Connie's report on Herbicore. Tom rounds the corner of the hallways and says, "Sounds like a happy ending." She asks him how it went with his investigation. Tom advises that, "Magic has a choice to make. So do you." Addison says she is sorry, acknowledging the end of their relationship. Tom calmly and sadly says he is sorry too and adds, "You know what's funny? Working with time-travel had made me believe in fate. We started dating because you lost Ben. Then Ian found Ben, and I ended up here. I think we were meant to be together. And I think we were meant to break up." He heads for the elevator and Addison follows him, giving him a goodbye embrace. "You take care of yourself. And you bring Ben home."

Jenn enters Magic's office. Magic reports, "Gideon Rydge has agreed to drop all charges. He's letting Quantum Leap use his chip provisionally." Jenn is surprised and says that's great! He says someone has to take the fall for what happened. Jenn asks if he is firing Ian. Magic says, "I can't fire Ian. We need them to bring Ben home." Jenn realizes it must be her getting fired. Magic explains, "I know your heart was in the right place. I'm sorry I have to do this, but Gideon Rydge wants a head on a platter. So I'm giving him mine. Effective immediately, I'm resigning from Quantum Leap." Jenn is shocked as we fade to black.

This episode features a dedication card just before the credits reading:
dedicated to our friend
Matt Dale

The credits flash in a moment of silence as a tribute to Matt Dale, who passed away at Christmas, 2023. He was the author of the Beyond the Mirror Image book series and host of The Quantum Leap Podcast. He was our friend, too, and will be dearly missed. This website is dedicated to his memory.

Personal review by Brian Greene:

I enjoyed this episode! The similarities to the classic series episode, "Roberto!" were nostalgic, but it didn't ruin the story for me. Deborah Pratt directed this beautifully. It was a fun leap story with a couple of twists and turns. Finding out Robbie faked his death was a surprise, and I liked the news station scenario and all the characters. I was a little confused why the security guard, Wyatt, was so involved with this conspiracy. The backstory of this wasn't explained and we just had to accept that this one guard was in on it. I loved the character of Davidson and wanted to see more of him. Robbie's wig was distracting and made the character a bit ridiculous for me though.

Using Tom as the DOD representative was a nice addition to give the character closure and an amicable end to the relationship with Addison. Will we see more of him? I wanted to see more of Gideon Rydge, and I am sure we will in the next two episodes as things heat up even more. I'm sure Gideon will be back with more demands. Magic's reaction to the revelation that Ian and Jenn had deceived him about the Quantum Chip was believeable and surprising! I do hope this isn't the end to his character as I love Ernie Hudson in this role. His character's connection to the original series needs to continue. What happened to Rachel after Gideon arrived at PQL?

Eliza Taylor (Hannah) made a voice appearance on the answering machine message, and we find out that Josh still died. What will this mean for their next meeting? We know from the synopsis for the next episode that she and Jeffrey have a troubled relationship, so this will be interesting to unravel.

We got one SFX shot of Addison fading in, so still lacking in the effects department. We need and want more hologram effects in these episodes!

Overall, I liked this leap very much and am looking forward to the final two episodes next week!

Project Trivia:

Addison tells Ben that Hannah did get the letter he sent in "The Family Treasure", and they did fix Josh's heart. But he still died a year later in a car accident.

Magic loses his temper with Jenn and Ian for the first time we have seen.

The handlink can be used as a camera to show closer details on-screen at Project Quantum Leap.

Ben Trivia:

Hannah's phone number in 1982 is (415)174-5683. (This is a non-working number with a real San Francisco area code.)

Ben never knew that Addison wanted to be a journalist until this leap.

Addison Trivia:

Addison wanted to become a journalist at some point in time before she met Ben.

Addison decides to end the relationship with Tom permanently.

Ian's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

From previous episode: black pant-suit with black tank top underneath the jacket. Silver chain necklace. No glasses.

Interview with Tom: Black ankle-length skirt. Black button-up long-sleeved dress shirt with matching tank top underneath. Gold chainlink necklace.

Kiss With History:


Miscellaneous Trivia:

Ben and Addison mention Woodward and Bernstein after Ben says this could be another Watergate. While a young reporter for The Washington Post in 1972, Carl Bernstein was teamed up with Bob Woodward, and the two did much of the original news reporting on the Watergate scandal.

This episode has similarities to the classic series episode "Roberto!" and they both take place in 1982.

From the Quantum Leap Writers' Room:

Jackie Rogers posted on Twitter: @JaclynRogers Feb 13, 2024: Happy Quantum Leap day! My last of the season. 🥲 It’s a big one that sets up the final two episodes and is so reminiscent of the original Quantum Leap. It’s extra special because my editor graciously let me cut a few scenes. It’s emotional and heartfelt. Hope everyone enjoys! 🩵

DID YOU KNOW? Millennials will recognize
aka Connie’s boss Davidson from one of our favorite childhood shows…Smart Guy!

In this episode, Ben is using a real working microfilm reader. Propmaster Erik Grasteit and the entire props department work overtime to get period-accurate tech for the show.

The outtakes from our very 80s Herbicore commercial deserve their own extended cut. Shoutout to @charliebodin as Robbie and Matthew Pohlkamp as Chet.

The writers' room sends their love on this Valentine's Day Eve <3

Does that motel look familiar? We’ll give you a clue, it rhymes with Yates Motel… That’s right! We shot part of “The Outsider” on the world-famous Universal Studios backlot at the iconic setting of Hitchcock’s “Psycho.” Notice the manager in the office? That’s Ben Stobber, who will chase you with a knife as Norman Bates on the Universal Studio Tour.


Dr. Ben Song
(Portrayed by Raymond Lee)
– Ben is a first-generation American, a world-renowned physicist, and a man of faith. He’s also working on Quantum Leap, a time travel project. But when he uses the project on himself, he’s transported back in time, setting things right that once went wrong, and hoping he will return to the place and people he calls home.

Addison Augustine (Portrayed by Caitlin Bassett) – Addison is a smart, witty, fearless ex-military operative who now serves as Project Observer at Quantum Leap HQ. She’s in charge of the technology they use to communicate with the past, and tries to rescue Ben from his time-flung existence.

Ian Wright (Portrayed by Mason Alexander Park) – Quantum Leap’s nonbinary chief architect of the AI program.

Herbert “Magic” Williams (Portrayed by Ernie Hudson) – A Vietnam vet and current lead of the Quantum Leap time travel project. Herbert “Magic” Williams tries to keep the Pentagon at bay while the team tries to rescue Ben. Doctor Sam Beckett leaped into Magic during his Vietnam tour.

Jenn Chu (Portrayed by Nanrisa Lee) – Head of security at Quantum Leap HQ.

Tom Westfall (Portrayed by Peter Gadiot) a former special forces soldier and a high-ranking US Army Officer in the realm of Army Intelligence. Thoughtful, centered, a spiritual kind of warrior who both men and women admire, but whose humility keeps him from ever being arrogant. Tom takes on a crucial role overseeing the project.

Hannah Carson (Portrayed by Eliza Taylor) A complex
young woman, who may be more than she appears.

Guest Cast:

James Frain as Gideon Rydge
Nadine Ellis as Connie Davis
Charlie Bodin as Robert "Robbie" Barlowe
Matthew Pohlkamp as
as Chet Barlowe
John Marshall Jones as Davidson Best
Bill Parks as Farmer Steve
Daniel Kaemon
as Wyatt Lee Smith
Taissa Zveiter as Nancy

Guest Cast Notes:

James Frain as Gideon Rydge: James Frain is one of Hollywood's most versatile and respected actors who has a reputation for bold, intelligent performances in a diverse body of work in which he's collaborated with some of the finest actors and directors working today. In television, he most recently completed filming a leading role in the BBC miniseries Showtrial, airing on AMC+ in the US. He is known for his portrayal of real life current and historical figures including; Lord Warwick "The Kingmaker" (The White Queen), Henry VIII's right hand man and godfather of the English Reformation Thomas Cromwell (The Tudors), world famous conductor and classical musician Daniel Barenboim (Hilary and Jackie), LBJ speechwriter Richard Goodwin (Path to War) and Olympic rowing trainer Jack Beresford (Bert and Dickie). James' past film credits include Tron: Legacy opposite Jeff BRydges, Water for Elephants opposite Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattinson, The Count of Monte Cristo with Jim Caviezel and Guy Pearce, Where the Heart Is opposite Natalie Portman, Reindeer Games with Ben Affleck and Charlize Theron, and Elizabeth opposite Cate Blanchett. James has an extensive theatre background having performed in the UK with The Royal Shakespeare Company, The Almeida, and The Royal Court. James co-starred with Ian McShane on Broadway in The Homecoming for which the cast won The Drama Critics Circle Best Ensemble Award. In 2019 James played Lionel Logue in The Chicago Shakespeare Theater's world premiere of The Kings Speech. He earned his degree in Drama and Film at the University of East Anglia and studied acting at London's Central School of Speech and Drama. While studying in London, James was spotted by Sir Richard Attenborough who immediately cast him in his first feature Shadowlands opposite Sir Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger. James was born in Leeds, in the north of England, to an Irish Catholic family and has seven brothers and sisters. He is married to director Marta Cunningham with whom he has two children. They live in Los Angeles.

Nadine Ellis as Connie Davis: Nadine Ellis was born in Queens, New York City, New York, USA. She is an actress, known for Hairspray (2007), Live Free or Die Hard (2007) and Tropic Thunder (2008).

Charlie Bodin as Robbie Barlowe: Charlie Bodin was born on December 11, 1981 in San Antonio, Texas, USA. He is an actor and composer, known for Halt and Catch Fire (2014), Good Trouble (2019) and Hindsight (2015). He is married to Paula Rhodes. They have one child.

Matthew Pohlkamp as Chet Barlowe: Originally from the west side of Cincinnati, OH, Matt at age 10 found passion in BMX bicycle racing and quickly climbed his way to the top of the sport turning professional at age 20. With numerous national and a world title to his credit, he still competes in the Masters Professional division at the international level. Matt found acting as a way to mentally get away from the demanding grind of professional athletics and has now become his new passion. He's looking forward to the ride ahead. He is known for Here and Now (2018), Goosebumps (2023) and Fantasy Island (2023).

John Marshall Jones as Davidson Best: Critically acclaimed television, film and stage actor John Marshall Jones ("JJ") currently stars as Nelson Bradford in the upcoming "For All Mankind" (APPLE TV+), as Uncle Ronny on "Paradise Lost" (PARAMOUNT), as Andy in "50 States of Terror" (QUIBI), as Malcolm Peters on the ABC drama, "Grand Hotel", as 'Special Agent Jay Griffin' on Amazon's hit police procedural series, "Bosch," and as 'Sheriff Brown' on USA TV's original drama series, "Shooter". Jones is also co-executive producer and star (as Smitty) of the Bounce TV hit comedy "In The Cut". Jones also has recurring roles on The Morning Show, starring Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon. "Big Little Lies" starring Laura Dern and Meryl Streep, "9-1-1" starring Angela Bassett , "S.W.A.T." starring Shamar Moore, and "Grace and Frankie" starring Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin.

Bill Parks as Farmer Steve: Bill Parks is known for The Orange Years: The Nickelodeon Story (2018), American Horror Story (2011) and Community (2009).

Daniel Kaemon
as Wyatt Lee Smith: Daniel Kaemon was born in Chicago, Illinois, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Hawaii Five-0 (2017-2018), Scorpion (2018), The Orville (2022), The Rookie: Feds (2022), Torn: A Wicked Trilogy (2022), NCIS: Los Angeles (2023), and Beverly Hills Cop: Axel Foley (2023). He is married to Executive Producer Amy Kaemon. They have two children.

Taissa Zveiter as Nancy: Taissa Zveiter is a vibrant and versatile Latinx-American actor. Born in Arizona to Jewish-Brazilian parents and raised in Brazil, Taissa embodies a unique blend of cultural influences. Her dynamic performances are infused with depth and authenticity, setting her apart in the entertainment industry. Her journey in the arts began with a strong foundation in dance, which she pursued for over a decade in Brazil. This background in dance undoubtedly contributed to her discipline, expressiveness and physicality as a performer. As a dancer, she has worked for Arizona Opera's production of Aida for their 2012 season. After intensive training in the Meisner technique and theater studies at Mesa College, in Arizona, her stage presence blossomed. Her performance in the musical production "Curtains" garnered regional attention and she was described "visually captivating" on a review by the Phoenix New Times. Then her portrayal of Mary Warren in "The Crucible" showcased her exceptional range, earning her the Theater Outback's award for Best Supporting Actress. Transitioning seamlessly to the screen, Taissa continues demonstrating her adaptability and talent in diverse characters. Her noteworthy performances include the role of Daisy Rodriguez opposite Greta Lee in AppleTV's highest rated drama "The Morning Show," Maureen in Hulu's acclaimed mini-series "Pam & Tommy," Kerry in ABC's prime-time drama "9-1-1." Taissa's talents are also timeless with her portrayal of roles in the period feature film "First Oscar" opposite veteran-actor Michael Lerner and in "The Offer," a series about the making of 'The Godfather' movies, alongside well-known actors Giovanni Ribisi and Miles Teller, showcases her growing cinematic repertoire and further indicates her rising prominence in the industry. Her on-screen charisma is further evidenced by her work in commercials and promotions for leading brands such as Toyota, Apple, Alaska Airlines, Amazon, and Google, proving her appeal in both artistic and commercial spheres. Taissa is represented by Momentum Talent Agency and Citizen Skull Management.

Guests Who Appeared in Other Quantum Leap Episodes:

James Frain retrurns as Gideon Rydge (Rachel's boss), from the conclusion of the previous episode, "The Family Treasure."

Eliza Taylor as Hannah Carson Nally (voice only) and Peter Gadiot as Tom Westfall return as season regulars.

Characters who appeared (or were mentioned) in Classic Series episodes:


Songs & Music:

"White House Calling" from White House Plumbers Soundtrack by Jeff Cardoni plays as Ben and Addison pour over news archives.

Say What?

When Ben calls Hannah, the phone rings only twice before going to voicemail. Under normal conditions, it would ring at least four to eight times before a machine picks up to allow the person at home to get the call.

While Ben reads through newspaper archives, he quips,
"Can't Ziggy do this part for us?" Yes, it makes no sense at all that Ziggy can't bring up those same newspaper archives.

The time frame doesn't add up between meeting Robbie at lunch time, visiting the farm shortly thereafter, and back to the car explosion site which is after dark. When Robbie blows up his car, it's still very much daylight. It's unlikely the vehicle would be sitting on the street with a fire truck still on-site several hours after exploding.

When Connie and Ben discover that it is Robbie's car that has exploded, Ben says on the live broadcast, "That's Robbie's car." However, when the recording is played back at the station for Davidson, you can't hear Ben say the line.

Robbie stands unusually close to a vehicle that is about to explode and doesn't flinch as the blast lights up his face. Also, why don't the police know the body is missing? A car fire would not incinerate bones that quickly and they would have, at minimum, found dental remains.

Gideon agrees to let Quantum Leap keep the chip on a provisional basis. He still is unable to capture data from it, which was the entire reason Rydge created it for Ian. This part of the story was completely left out of the narrative in this episode.

When Connie calls Davidson after they talk with Robbie at the motel, Davidson answers within 3 seconds of her last button push on the phone. She must be able to get people on the phone as fast as Tom did in "Ben & Teller."

The safe diagram Jenn pulls up is not the same dimensions as the safe on the wall in Chet's office.

A safe door would not pop open by striking it hard. You'd still have to turn the handle to release the latch no matter what.

Addison says there isn't much on the internet about Wyatt. Why does Ziggy not have detailed info about someone from 1982? Why are they seemingly using the internet instead of a supercomputer?

While admirable, saving thousands of lives at one time in 1982 would cause a major time ripple 40+ years later that should have been felt by Ziggy, if not erasing some people from existence.

Jenn seems the most expendible of the two choices to be dismissed from Quantum Leap. Why would Magic, a person who has actually been leaped into twice, remove himself from the project with all his extensive knowledge of the project?

We get no information on the backstory of Ben's host (Brian) unusually. The focus is mainly on Connie.

Quotable Quotes:

Connie: I’m here at Rustic Root Farms with the winner of this year’s Denver County Fair Pumpkin Contestant. Steve, exactly how big is your pumpkin?
Steve: Almost 1000 pounds.
Connie: Good gourd. That’s big.
Nancy: You could make two hundred pumpkin pies.
Connie: Sounds like you two are going to have a lot of leftovers this Thanksgiving.

Ben: OK- so, all I’ve got to do is put Connie's career back on track – shouldn’t be too hard.
Connie: A plumpkin – you’re killing me!

"You're the best leaper I know."
-Addison to Ben

Connie: He thinks he might have a concussion, Davidson. He hit his head on a pumpkin.
Davidson: How the hell do you hit your head on a pumpkin?
Connie: He tripped. Mm-hmm. He needs to be careful or next time, it could be worse.

"Can't Ziggy do this part for us?"

Addison: "I'm allowed to have secrets."
Ben: "You still surprise me."

"I came to Quantum Leap to help people. That's who I am. That's my purpose."
-Addison to Ben

Connie: Rule No. 1 of journalism: Do the work.
Connie: Rule No. 2: No such thing as a dead-end.
Ben: What’s rule no. 3?
Know when to quit.
Ben: Any last-minute advice? Connie: Rule No. 4 – Ge the hell out of there alive.

Ben: We have you. What happened in New York was a terrible thing.
Connie: No, you don’t understand.
Ben: I understand. I know you want to give up on yourself, but I can’t let you do that because this is your purpose. Sometimes things don’t go the way we want them to, people leave us, people die, but that doesn’t mean you stop trying to do the right thing. The story is worth it, Connie – you’re worth it.

Connie: No matter how far you run, you're never going to be able to run away from yourself.

Ian: You know I did leave something out. The part I don’t regret anything that I did.
Tom: I don’t think that is wise.
Ian: I don’t care. Ok? I don’t care what Gideon Ridge thinks. I am so so tired of feeling ashamed for doing the right thing. When they shut this program down, everyone quit on Ben. Everyone. Except me because I kept thinking what if that were me out there? What if it were you? How would you feel if everyone you love just quit on you? Make sure you include all of that in my statement.

Magic: I know your heart was in the right place. I’m sorry I have to do this, but Gideon Ridge wants a head on a platter, so I’m giving him mine.
Jenn: What?
Magic: Effective immediately. I’m resigning from Quantum Leap.

Production Photos:

From Ana M. Amortegui on Instagram:
Quantum Leap S2 Ep 211

“The Outsider” directed by @deborahmpratt and written by Rammy Park and Margarita Matthews

This was such a special episode to work on, it was great to finally collaborate with Deborah, creator of the original Quantum Leap, her passion for story telling, for emotion and for this episode to be QL in essence was fascinating.

Thanks to Margarita M and @theadtraylor it was for sure one of the episodes we worked the most as a team it couldn’t have been done without them.

Thanks to the cast and crew, as always the most grateful to the Camera department and the G&E crew, each episode is its own, and for this one I tried to do something very different and it was possible thanks to them and their support. Color by @chrisboyer.colorist

Production Videos:

Coming Soon

Production Credits:

Edited by: Christina Castro
Production Designer: Mayling Chen
Director of Photography: Ana M. Amortegul, ADFC
Producer: Meg Fister
Supervising Producer: Tim Scanlan
Supervising Producer: Kristy Lowrey
Co-Executive Producers: Benjamin Raab & Deric A. Hughes
Co-Executive Producer: Drew Lindo
Co-Executive Producer: Aadrita Mukerji
Co-Executive Producer: Dylan K. Massin
Executive Producers: Steven Lilien & Bryan Wyndrandt
Executive Producer: Alex Berger
Executive Producer: Chris Grismer
Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Executive Producer: Dean Georgaris
Executive Producer:
Martin Gero
Developed by:
Steven Lilien & Bryan Wyndrandt
Created by: Donald P. Bellisario
Teleplay (Written) by: Rammy Park and Margarita Matthews
Story by: Rammy Park

Directed by: Deborah M. Pratt

Margarita Matthews
Co-Producer: Rammy Park
Associate Producer: Ethan Henderson
Executive Story Editor: Shakina

Casting by:
Jennifer Cooper, CSA
Original Casting By: Kamala A. Thomas

Music by: Daniel James Chan
Unit Production Manager:
Francesco M. Tignini
Unit Production Manager: Dylan K. Massin
First Assistant Director: M. Ryan Traylor
Second Assistant Director: Athena Alexander
Costume Designer:
Genevieve Tyrrell

A Camera Operator: Nick Davidoff
B Camera/Steadycam Operator: Rocker Meadows
Production Sound Mixer: John Lakin
Chief Lighting Technician: Donna Vega
Key Grip: Peter Chrimes
Location Manager: Dan Milner

Art Directors: Phil Toolin and Jann Engel
Set Director: Tim Stepeck and Brent Mannon
Costume Supervisor: Heidi Higginbotham
Property Master: Erik Grasteit
Construction Coordinator: Matt Sazzman

Department Head Hair: Amy Marie Wilson
Department Head Makeup: Julia Lallas
Leadman: David Napoli
Coordinator: Jeff Barnett
Coordinator: Jay Smith
Production Controller: Natalie Chiengkul
Production Supervisor: Matt Sagona
Production Office Coordinator: Nicole Orefice
Assistant Production Office
Coordinator: Stephanie Barnes
Script Supervisor:
Heather Pollock

Coordinator: Sue Palmer
Casting Associates: Lindsay Jameyson & Mia Cascio
Post Production Supervisor: Gabriella Scudieri
Music Supervisors: Season Kent and Leah Harrison
Music Editor: Zed Starkovich

Assistant Editor: Jackie Rogers
Online Editor: Richard Wells
Colorist: Chris Boyer
Visual Effects Supervisor: Trent Smith
Visual Effects Editor: Mengle Han
Supervising Sound Editors: Kelly Cabral and
Kevin Zimmerman
Re-Recording Mixer: Yuri Reese & Sean Madsen
Video Playback Supervisor: Todd A. Marks
Video Playback Engineers: Andrew Miller, Ian Kadis, and Lary Markart
Video: Byron Echeverria
Visual Effects Artist: Matt Collarface

The State of California and the California Film Commision, California Soundstage Filming Tax Credit Program

Copyright 2024 Universal Television LLC All Right Reserved

Dean Georgaris Entertainment
Quinn's House
Universal Content Productions
Universal Television

Special thanks to M.J. Cogburn for assisting with this episode guide page!


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