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Rodettevision...The Visions of M.J. Cogburn!

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July 22, 2003
Rodette Vision


Heard it before…

It doesn’t matter where you are sometimes – it just happens. Words come out of your mouth that you’ve heard before and it sounds so good that you’ve just got to repeat it. Words like, "Oh boy," no matter how you say it can have different meanings – anywhere from sarcastic to hatred to sexual in nature.

Something happened the other day and I was more than surprised and shocked at what I heard coming from the tube.

"Call me Al. No one can see or hear me but you. You asked for us and we came. We come and go as needed for the situation. Ooops, fat boy’s back. Keep your mind clean and your heart open."

That was straight from the movie that was on and I heard it and had to rewind the movie and hear it again. "Call me Al. No one can see or hear me but you."

Being a HUGE Quantum Leap fanatic, I heard that and did a definite double take!

Do you know the movie that this came from? Hmmmmm?

Amazingly, it was sent out on the big screen in 1994, which leads to another coincidence here. Quantum Leap led up to Sam’s ultimate ‘demise’ when in 1995 he "never returned home." Hmmm. Did someone lend a bit of help from this wonderful show?

Have you guessed it yet?

Yes? No? Well, let me give you another hint: Sam and Al weren’t the only angels around to help us.

The answer will be revealed shortly. It could happen!



Other Quantum Leap Writing

I know that we have seen other Quantum Leap writers show up here and there. We have our own little bunch here that are writing on their own stories here at Al’s Place and keep everyone very entertained with them. Some of the stories are round robins while others are just plain stories that amuse, scare and enthuse the reader.

If you want the same type of amusement, scary, thrilling and wild entertainment, I suggest that you check out one site for sure! It’s the very own site that has been given notice on Al’s Place (imagine that).

If you are curious… go check it out:

The Leap Continues.

This is a site where you have it all…








Suffering and

Turbulent Plots


Also, this Rodette Vision is going to mention to all, the new series that is going to be revealed soon to the public… a preemie to the writing world and one that should be read.

Please when it comes online, go check it out:

The Starbright Project

The neat thing about the Starbright Project is that it’s the story of the characters before Quantum Leap! So, we will get to see how everyone became a part of this masterful plan. That’s the neat thing about it.

And… just fresh off the presses… Phoenix Virtual Television, the same website that airs The Virtual Seasons has stated that they are going to air the writing! That’s awesome news and this Rodette wants to say for sure congratulations to the bartender for his good luck!

Raises a Rod-beer and salutes him! Keep writing!


Mystery Conclusions…

Okay, so you want to know the answer to the movie that came on and gave the quote:


"Call me Al. No one can see or hear me but you. You asked for us and we came. We come and go as needed for the situation. Ooops, fat boy’s back. Keep your mind clean and your heart open."

Well, the answer is most definitely:

Angels In The Outfield

Starring Danny Glover and Christopher Lloyd


Hmmm… things just keep coming at ya and then the next thing you know, you’re found in amidst the best actors around. Scott Bakula, Dean Stockwell, Danny Glover and Christopher Lloyd. Ohhhhh boy!

Until next time… keep the Leap and keep dreaming and writing and loving!

Reaching that unreachable star…


If you’d like to e-mail MJ about any Quantum Leap information regarding QL: The Virtual Seasons or any Rodette-Vision Column, please do so at

In my soul, this hope burns free – oh, please let there be one final leap!

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