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July 21, 2003



Quantum Leap Story Idea

As MANY of you Hip Cats and Kittens can attest to, The Rod is not a very good story teller.

However, He recently had an idea for a possible storyline for this Quantum Leap TV Movie to use. (See this Bellisario, The Rod is LINING em up here for you dude! Get your ASS in gear!!)

The Rod would like to credit the inspiration for this to one Dermot Devlin, more commonly known as Ziggy the ego and webmaster over at (Aww crap, should The Rod be plugging the competition??)

The new movie could be set in the not so distant future, set in Dr Sam Beckett’s post-leaping life. For those of you who watch QL avidly, you will have noticed that at the beginning of every episode, and in most cases during the episode as well, Sam narrates to the viewer.

Could it be that Sam is narrating in either a:

  1. Seminar of eminent scientists
  2. Acceptance speech for yet another Nobel prize
  3. Lecturing to college students

What could happen is that one of these students (a Hot Rodette, obsessed with changing the past) took Sams lectures as inspiration, and either:

  1. Commandeered the Quantum Accelerator (Now in a museum)
  2. Designed her own, improved Accelerator.

Then leapt.

AL would be the experienced observer who comes out of retirement to help this girl, or is forced into it by Sam, unwilling to use any QL technologies for obvious reasons.

If any of you budding QL scriptwriters out there have already thought of this, accept The Rod’s humblest apology.


Quantum Farce

Ok, lets face it. Perhaps there aint gonna be NO Quantum Leap film. Could it be that the chances of seeing a QL film are about as remote as either:

  1. The Rod hearing The "NEW" Guns N Roses Album "Chinese Democracy".
  2. The Rod learning to fly
  3. The Rod unmasking and revealing that He is actually The KING of Rock n Roll, King Elvis the 1st

Now out of these 3, The Rod rates the QL film as above 2 & 3 but level with option 1.

Hey Yo Nozokies at Universal/Vivendi/Sci Fi……… What the hell does it matter what you Jamokies call yourselves.

If you are merely suggesting QL to rile up the world for your BattleStar Galactica remake, admit it now. Perhaps you may, in time be forgiven.

It has become blatantly obvious though, that a QL film may not be on the cards. A year has gone past with no updates, news, cast listings even what color the directors chair is gonna be.

If it’s another year before you announce that it aint gonna happen, the fans will not be pleased. More importantly, The Rod will not be pleased.

He knows where you live dudes!!!

Rod Out!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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