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October 26th, 2003



Movie Leaps

The past weeks & months have seen a lot of movie developments, unfortunately none of them are in any way shape or form related to Quantum Leap.

Being that this is RodVision, and as this is YOUR friendly Neighborhood Hot Rod, He has decided to do His best to make these movie updates QL related, just for you.

First and Most importantly, a new Batman has been named. Months of speculation and namedropping have ended. Names such as Guy Pearce, The Rod, Jude law and even Michael Keaton (again) were all tipped to don the coolest mask of ALL time. American Psycho crazy dude Christian Bale has stepped up and will be the next Dark Knight.

Why not Scott Bakula? After all, Scott may well have the physique to be a Batman, and he could certainly carry off a good Bruce Wayne. Al could probably pass for Alfred, imagine the laughs those 2 would have on set. The Bat Computer could even be replaced by Ziggy, can you even imagine the wise cracks she would have:

"Attention Dr Beck…I mean Batman…. You look cute in that suit Brucey…."

Of course this is merely a fantastical theory of The Rod’s, Ziggy could never be a Bat Computer, lets face it, she DID lose Sam Beckett after all!!

So perhaps Scott Bakula would prefer not to be Batman/Bruce Wayne, after all, Bruce doesn’t sing very often, plus Bats is a mean ole hero, beating lots of bad dudes up.

In other movie news, a new James Bond has been named (Although not officially confirmed) as Clive Owen. Perhaps Sam would make a cooler Bond? Although he would be slightly squeamish around those pesky Bond Girls!!

Once again, Al could portray a member of the Bond crew, ‘Q’ perhaps, hell even ‘M’:

"007, your mission is to seduce this young lady, she holds a master key to unlo…. Would you LOOK at the chest on her!!!! Ahh to hell with it, I’ll do it!! Bond, you deal with this paperwork!!"

Ok, ok, so maybe Al couldn’t be an ‘M’, Miss Moneypenny WOULDN’T stand a chance!!


Quantum Leap Update

Further information has been unleashed regarding the upcoming Quantum Leap TV Movie. According to the movie will be entitled "Quantum Leap: A Bold Leap Forward"

The Synopsis is as follows:

"Twenty years after the original series left Dr. Sam Beckett "leaping" into the great unknown, Sam is finally reunited with Al, his old mentor and "partner in time." But when circumstances beyond their control send Sam away once more, Al must recruit his lost friend's daughter to pick up where her father left off and hopefully help find Sam again in the process."

The Rod would of course like to point out that the above information has not been confirmed or denied by DPB or anybody close to Quantum Leap. It still gives a little bit of hope though doesn’t it??

The Rod has contacted various sources, including The Futon Critic and Hollywood, neither can report any confirmation or denial either.

Gonna have to wait for more info, Cats & Kittens!

 He IS The Hot Rod BABY!!!

 Rod Out!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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