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The B**gieman.

Every TV Series has one, an infamous Halloween special. Well, that is unless you are in charge of the Simpsons, they have lots of em.

This instalment of Rodvision will attempt to have a look into what happened with Season 3, Episode 35.

During the original airing of this show, numerous technical hitches dogged it, both at viewers homes and at some TV stations.

What follows are the so called happenings during the airing of this episode and by mentioning its name:



1. Power failures nationwide disrupted viewers.

2. Power Substations went down.

3. 2 websites (That The Rod knows about) experienced trouble after posting messages regarding this episode.

4. The Bartender at Al's Place had lots of problems whilst writing up an episode synopsis.

5. A lot of people claim to have rotten luck after mentioning the name.


The Rod's Explanations

1. Perhaps these people forgot to pay their electricty bills.

2. The Rod says 2 words: Worker Incompetance?

3. The Rodternet is teeming with viruses. Perhaps these sites caught viruses?

4. The Rod works with Windows 2000, has used Windows 95/98. They are very temperamental to use. This could explain these problems.

5. The Rod has a lot of bad luck, He never blames it on TV show.

The Rod has never had any problems regarding this episode, although He does admit that perhaps there could be a superstitious reason, given that the Devil is meant to be in this episode.

The Rod HAD toyed with the idea of having this weeks RodVision consist of about a hundred lines or so of the following:

The Rod Fears nothing, The B*******n holds NO superstitious power over The Rod.

It had been suggested that printing this would be tempting fate. The Rod wouldn't want to be doing THAT now would He!!

Quantum Leap: The End.

Quantum Leap may be revived very soon. However, all things MUST come to an end, and Quantum Leap is no exception. How will they approach this?

If you think about it, the only logical conclusion would be to have Sam come home. After all, having Sam NOT get home is what brought about this whole situation in the first place. As the possibility of Scott Bakula appearingin the QL film is remote (at time of writing), Sam may not come home. In which case, the whole Quantum Leap saga would be right back where it is now.

Well, fear not Leapers. For The Rod has a solution which may suffice.

Picture this:

Sarah Michelle Gellar and Jennifer Love Hewitt in a 90 minute Bikini contest. The winner then tells the viewers what happened to Sam Beckett.

Now isnt that a much more exciting Quantum Leap movie finale?

In all seriousness, Perhaps the answer would be for the new leaper to discover that Sam actually died during his leaps. The Rod has discussed this scenario on the boards of The Sci Fi Channel's Quantum Leap Bulletin Board and with an early RodVision. The recent GuestVision also theorised this scenario in greater detail.

Only problem with this idea is that if Sam died during the leaping process, then ultimately the new leaper would have to die as well, prompting Project Quantum Leap to dispatch ANOTHER leaper.

Another idea could be to continue the Quantum Leap saga in a neverending series of motion pictures. Well, this works for Mr Bond!

There could be a new Quantum Leap film every couple of years. As there is the Evil Leapers, they could appear every time with a new and more sinister plot than the last.

Just The Rod's 2 cents..... 

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.