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Dr. Donna Elesee
Quantum Physicist


May Contain Spoilers








  • Donna Elesee's Age Information

    1984: age 30
    1985: age 31
    1986: age 32
    1987: age 33
    1988: age 34
    1989: age 35
    1990: age 36


  • Vital Statistics

    -Born March 7th, 1954

    -In May of 1962 when Donna was eight years-old, her father named Marshall Wojohowitz walked out on the family, causing psychological damage to the young girl. He later died in Vietnam.

    -As a result of this, Donna poured herself into her studies, quickly learning everything she would need to know to become a skilled quantum physicist. She became interested in quantum physics in June of 1972 when one of her professors introduced her to the concept of time-travel.

    -She graduated Cal-State University in 1976 after leaving Lawrence College in 1973. She earned degrees in quantum physics and mathematics.

    -Over the next six years, Donna worked in several major institutes of technology including Caltech, I.I.T., and R.I.T.

    -In 1978 she got engaged to Roger Jenkins, but left him at the altar.

    -She was recruited by the Starbright Project in 1983 but after only one year, she had decided to leave for personal reasons.

    -Donna met Sam Beckett in January of 1984 just as she was leaving the Starbright Project. He convinced her to stay on and use her talents to the fullest with the government funding they had available.

    -Donna got engaged to Sam but also left him at the altar on June 5th, 1986. She tendered a one-month notice of resignation and moved to San Francisco, California to further her career in nuclear physics.

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