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Dr. Irving Gushman
Computer Programmer


May Contain Spoilers








  • Gooshie's Age Information

    1984: age 34
    1985: age 35
    1986: age 36
    1987: age 37
    1988: age 38
    1989: age 39
    1990: age 40


  • Vital Statistics

    -Born: August 29th, 1950

    -Diagnosed with severe sinusitis in 1970. With antibiotics and corticosteroids, he was able to suppress all of the symptoms except for halitosis, also known as bad breath.

    -Went to M.I.T. majoring in computer science and architecture from 1970 to 1974 where he met Sam Beckett and Professor Sebastian LoNigro and was introduced to the new concept of quantum computing.

    -After college, Irving (Gooshie) Gushman went to work for the government as a private computer contractor. He was brought in for the Starbright Project in 1982 by Assistant Director Albert Calavicci. He did the main programming on the quantum computing mainframe which he named SID (System Interface Database). He also chose that name from the cat in the comic strip Ziggy.

    -Gooshie is currently unmarried.

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