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3x12   "8 1/2 Months"


Leap Date:
November 15, 1955

Episode adopted by: Sherdran <aka> Eleiece & M.J. Cogburn
Additional info provided by: Brian Greene


Being strapped in stirrups is something Sam has done many times. But the kind of stirrups he is in this time are not what he had in mind! As a very pregnant teenage girl, Sam has to find a way for Billie Jean (the leapee) to keep her baby instead of giving it up for adoption. To make matters worse, Sam begins to have hot flashes, cravings, and finally... contractions.

Audio from this episode:

Sam: No! Wait, you don't understand!

Episode Menu
TV Guide Synopsis
Leap Date

Name of the Person Leaped Into
Broadcast Date
Synopsis & Review

Kiss With History
Project Trivia
Sam Trivia
Al Trivia

Al's Outfits Worn in the Episode
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Guest Stars
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Say What?
Quotable Quotes
Best Scene
Production Credits

Production # 66421

TV Guide Synopsis (

Sam must labor to make things right when he becomes an unwed pregnant teen, and he must find a way for her to keep the baby. Dotty: Lana Schwab. Bob: James Whitmore Jr. Keeter: Hunter von Leer. Effy: Tasha Scott. Mrs. Thailer: Anne Haney. Sam: Scott Bakula.

TV Guide Synopsis (Original):

Sam (Scott Bakula) really must labor to make things right when he leaps into the body of Billie Jean, an unwed pregnant teenager who’s expecting at
any minute. She plans to her put her baby up for adoption, but Al (Dean Stockwell) says that’s a decision she would deeply regret for the rest of her life. Sam must find a way for her to keep the baby. The kicker: Sam’s having labor pains.


Commercial (Back to Wednesday):


Claremore, Oklahoma

Leap Date:

November 15, 1955

Name of the Person Leaped Into:

Billie Jean Crockett

Broadcast Date:

March 6, 1991 - Wednesday

Synopsis & Review:

When he leaps in, Sam is being rolled on a gurney down a hall. He is dressed in a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and brown loafers. The viewer sees two people behind Sam: an orderly (played by Harold Frizzell) and a woman with blonde hair and blue eye makeup, wearing a white coat, an orange scarf, an orange and black dress, and red flowery earrings.

We hear someone say, “Be calm.  This happens all the time.”

Sam is pushed through double doors, and it throws him back on the gurney.

“Oh, Lord. Hang on, Billie.  It’ll be alright!” the blonde says.

An older balding man, Dr. Rogers (played by Parley Baer), shows up on the other side of Sam, racing with the gurney.  He is wearing a stethoscope and a white coat – a doctor.  He says, “Get me all the vital signs and get a blood sample.”

Sam frowns as he listens to what is going on around him.  

“Effy called right after you left,” Dr. Rogers says.  “Billie, now you hang on.”

“Be careful!” the blonde calls out as they roll into a room set up for giving birth – not an operating room.  She calls out again, “Oh, heaven, be careful!”

“Close the door,” Dr. Rogers calls out.

Nurse Denton, in the blue cardigan (played by Peggy Walton-Walker), closes the door on the blonde, and Sam turns around on the gurney to look back. She says to the blonde, “Stay out there, honey,” and rushes off to help the doctor with what’s about to happen. Two other nurses, all dressed in white, are in the room preparing the room, and Sam is waiting for the procedure.

Sam turns around to see the leg stirrups at the other end of a prep bed and grabs the side of the gurney, confused about what will happen.  Dr. Rogers grabs Sam’s shoulder and upper arm and says, “We need to get her clothes off.”

The nurse then tries to grab a hold of clothing that’s on Sam as she says, “Get her pants; let’s do the prep.”

Sam gets jumpy, moves onto the table with the leg stirrups, and says, “What? Uh, no. No.”  Sam slowly exits the bed, saying, “No, no.”

One of the nurses says, “Just stay calm,” as she approaches his side.

Sam says, “No, I’m okay.  I’m okay,” and fends off the hands of the two nurses trying to help him.

One of the nurses says, “Now, now…”

Sam sees a mirror to the side of him and sees that he is a young, blonde-haired girl.

The viewer hears both nurses talking to each other as Sam puts his hand on his stomach and sees a pregnant girl in the mirror.  

“What’s wrong with her?”

“What is she doing?”

Dr. Rogers stands behind Sam as he surprisingly says, “Oh boy.”


As Sam is looking in the mirror, he says, “No.  No.”

“Now, just relax, honey,” one of the nurses says.

“Hang in there, little lady; it was just a contraction,” Dr. Rogers says as he and all three nurses help Sam back up on the bed with the stirrups.  

“No.  It can’t be happening,” Sam says plainly.

“Help her into the saddle,” Dr. Rogers tells the nurses.  As they begin to put Sam’s feet into the stirrups, Dr. Rogers continues, “We got ourselves a baby to pull out.”

Hearing this news, Sam yells out, “No!” He once again exits the bed and moves away from everyone. “Wait, wait, wait! You don’t understand,” Sam says quickly. Sam maneuvers the gurney he had previously been on and places it between the people trying to help him and the door.

“Hey!” another nurse calls out.

“Now, come on, honey,” Dr. Rogers says as he approaches Sam.  “This little tyke is coming whether you cooperate or not.”

Sam shakes his head.  “No.  No, it’s not.  I feel better.  Really. I’m fine.  I’m… I’m… I’m fine.”

Dr. Roger says, “Suppose I take a look and see.”

Sam straightens up fast.  “No!  I mean, it’s not necessary.  I mean, there’s no way that this baby is coming right now.  Trust me on that.”

The doctor and nurses look at each other, and the nurses move away as the doctor says, “All right.”  He pats Sam’s hand. “All right.  Come on,” he says as he moves the gurney out of the way.  “That’s it.  Now, nobody is going to hurt you.”

Sam clears his voice as Dr. Rogers takes him to a chair.  “Just… just sit down.”  As Sam sits, Dr. Rogers says, “That’s right. Now.  Suppose you tell me how far apart those contractions are.”

“Contractions? Oh no,” Sam says with a shake of his head.  “I mean, yes.  But I… they’ve stopped.”

“Well, that’s good.”

“Hmm-mmm,” Sam mutters.

“That’s very good.”

“Hmm-mmm,” Sam repeats.     

“How about your water?” Dr. Rogers asks.

“Hmm?” Sam’s eyebrows raise slightly as he looks up at the doctor.  

“Your water break?”

Sam looks down at his lap.  “I don’t think so.”

Dr. Rogers begins to laugh softly. “I reckon you’d have noticed if you’d sprung a leak.”

Sam also laughs slightly as he looks toward the mirror of the young girl he has leaped into

“You know, little lady… having a baby is about as simple as it gets.”  We see the doctor in the mirror caressing the young woman’s hair and touching her upper arm.  “Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time. And if you may not know what to do, your body does.”

Looking at the mirror, Sam says, “I don’t think so.” Dr. Rogers laughs again, saying, “You’d be surprised.”

Sam looks back at him and says, “So would you.”


The viewer sees a blue and white car driving on a dirt road, passing pump jacks in a field.  Country music is being played as the car drives.   The license plate on the car reads 08-5963.  

We then hear Sam narrating: “From the dates on the calendar at the hospital, I knew it was 1955.  November 14, 1955.  I also knew that I was in Claremore, Oklahoma. Uh, correction, leaving Claremore, Oklahoma.  Heading for God knows where to do… Ok, I won’t deal with that just now.” He thinks as he looks down at his stomach.  I’ll deal with who.  From the paperwork Dotty filled out, I knew my name was Billie Jean Crockett.  I was sixteen years old, and Dotty Dorothy Louise Billings was not my mother.  She’d signed ‘Friend.’ From everything I could tell, Billie Jean could use every friend she could get.”  The sun visor falls open, and Sam sees Billie Jean in the mirror.  He puts the visor back, and Dotty (played by Lana Schwab), driving the car, pulls up to her shop and home.

“Oh Lord, I hope Effy pulled them perm rods out of Leola’s hair!  Otherwise, she’ll look like the star poodle at the dog and pony show,” she says as she quickly exits the car and runs up to the door.

Sam opens the car door, gets out of the car, and walks up to the gate of Dotty’s saloon/home. 

“Effy!  Effy!  Did you take Leola down?”

As he starts to take the steps, he somewhat loses his balance. He places his hand on the small of his back and continues. 

We hear Effy say, “I didn’t do nothing to her.”

“It’s about time you got back,” someone says.

“I’m here. I’m here,” Dotty says.  “Now let’s see what…”

“AAAH!” There’s an older woman who has pink-purple hair up in permanent rods. “My hair!!”  She’s holding pink-purple hair, which is still on the rod. “My hair!”  Leola is dressed in a white flowery dress with a yellow sweater over the top of it.  She also has a flowery pearl necklace on.  

Two other ladies in the salon under blow dryers look up in shock.

The woman looks at Sam, who has just entered the door.  “This is all your fault!”  She throws her hair and the rods at Sam, making him duck, and he almost falls into the wall.  “You little two-bit hussy!”

“Leola!” Dotty calls out as she grabs Leola and sits her back down in the chair before going to help Effy with Sam.

“Oh!” Leola (played by Ann Walker) says with a sigh. She removes the pink salon wrap and complains loudly, “You should have never taken that trash in!”

A young black girl, Effy (played by Tasha Scott), is helping Sam off the wall.

“Oh, stuff it,” Dotty says.

“You stuff it!” 

“And I told you we shouldn’t do the color and perm at the same time!”

Effy and Dotty have helped Sam sit down on a nearby couch. “Are you all right, honey?” Dotty asks Sam.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” Sam says as Leola continues to rant about her hair.

“Well, we did it, and now just look at me. Look at my hair!”

“I’m sorry,” Sam says plainly.

“I’ll fix it,” Dottie says.
    “You can’t fix it!  It’s purple, for heaven’s sake!” Leola rants.

“Looks kind of punk,” Sam says.

All the women in the shop look at him, a bit confused, and Leola puts her hands on her hips in frustration.

“It’ll be very big in the eighties,” he says with a smile.

“Well, I don’t know what Aidees is,” Leola growls, “but here in Oklahoma, we don’t like looking like electrified cotton candy!

Effy begins, “Maybe you can borrow Miss Parker’s Wig until it grows out.”

“I do not want that cootie nest.  I want my hair.  And I will tell you another thing.  I will never step another foot into this two-bit snake pit of a beauty shop.” 

“Oh, Leola, you don’t mean that,” Dotty says as she gets up from the couch.  “Now, just calm down.  We’ve been friends for too many years.”

“Well, we ain’t friends no more thanks to that harlot.”

Sam, who has gotten off the couch, puts his hands on his hips and looks at her, a bit shocked.

“Oh, that’s enough!” Dotty says.

“Her own people tossed her out,” Leola says.  “I tell you, she ain’t your worry, Dotty!” Leola puts a black and white scarf over her head. “All she is going to do is just ruin everything you’ve spent your entire life working for.” She grabs a six-pack of beer and starts out of the salon.  “Oh… Ooh!”

A man meets her at the door wearing a brown hat, a plaid blue and white shirt, jeans, and a coat.

“Tell her, Keeter, to send that hussy home,” Leola says as she starts out the door.

“What the hell happened to your head?” Keeter (played by Unter von Leer) questions.

“OH!” Leola slaps him on the arm, and she leaves angrily.  “Oooh, I can’t believe that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with this hair!” She rants as she leaves.

“I never did like that old biddy, no way,” Effy says as she puts one hand on her hip.  Effy is wearing a brown crisscrossed dress with a white collar.  She also has on a brown sweater.  Her hair is braided into two ponytails on either side of her head.

“Will someone tell me what happened to Leola’s hair?” Keeter asks as he opens a beer and takes a long drink from the bottle.  

Sam opens his arms wide and says, “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, it ain’t your fault, darlin’,” Dotty says softly.

“Did Billy Jean do that to her?” Keeter demands.  When no one answers him, he says sternly, “Did you do that to her hair? Huh?”

“Uh…well, uh… uh, Dottie had to take me to the hospital and uh….”
    Keeter turns around to Dottie.  “Dottie?  Dottie?”

“Well, what was I supposed to do? Just let her have her baby right here in the middle of the beauty parlor?”

Keeter turns to Sam and points at him.  “Well, now she didn’t drop it,” Keeter says with a slight grin before he turns back to Dottie.  “Did she?”
    “No, she didn’t.   That’s cuz she ain’t a cow, and it was a false alarm.  And if you,” she points to Effy, “had taken Leola down…”

Effy puts her hands on her hips.  “That witch wouldn’t let me lay one brown finger on her if her life depended on it.”

One of the ladies in the shop says, “That’s the God’s truth.   Effy offered to take Leola’s hair down, and Leola flat refused.  She said she was waiting for you,” Mrs. Suffy (played by Molly McClure) says.

“That’s right, and I heard every word of it,” the other answered.

Sam offers, “There must be something I can do.”

Keeter looks at one of the pieces of hair that used to be on Leola’s hair.  “I think you’ve already done it,” he offers as he tosses the hair at Sam.  

“Don’t start, Keeter,” Dottie says as she looks at the hair in her hands. 

“Huh? Start what? Start what, Dottie? Start what?  One of your best customers just walked out the door like she could tune in Mars, but you're telling me not to start.”

“I can handle Leola.”

“Maybe I should talk to her,” Sam offers.

“Oh, you wouldn’t get a word in edgewise.  Besides, she’ll be back,” Dottie says with a flip of her arms, waving her hair in the air.  She grabs a nail file from the inside of her shirt and says, “Hell, we’ve been through more messes than a fly on a manure pile.”  She laughs and then begins to file her nails.  “But you, young lady, you had just better get yourself right into that parlor and get those feet up now; they're starting to swell.”

The Imaging Chamber opens, and Al steps out.  “Yeah, why don’t you do that, Sam and then we can have a little talk.”

“Okay,” Sam says to Leola.

Keeter lowers his beer down and points it toward Sam.  Unbeknownst to him, he has his arm through Al’s body.  “Hey, if I was you, I’d drop that kid.”  Al turns slightly to look back at Keeter with a disgusted look. “I’d get rid of it before it causes any more trouble.”

Before he retracts his hand, Al lightly taps his cigar over the bottle opening.  Al pushes his tongue against his cheek before starting toward the parlor.

Sam, who has been watching Al, begins to put his hand on the small of his back and looks like he is in pain.

“Billy Jean was in full labor when you leaped in, Sam,” Al says as he begins to pace. “It took every doctor on the staff to stop her.  Not to mention the shock she went into when she caught a glimpse of your reflection in those,” Al makes a motion with his hands toward the ceiling, “OR lamps.”  He then rubs his eye tiredly.

“Al, what if she has her baby in the future?”  Sam grimaces again as he starts toward the couch to sit down, his hand still firmly on his back.

“Well, Ziggy is very worried about that.  He says that there is an 86% chance,” he touches the handlink, and it makes a few squawks, “that when you leap out, and Billy Jean leaps back, the baby could stay in the future.”

Sitting on the couch, his arm on the back, Sam turns to Al.  “She loses her baby?”

“Well, she loses it anyway…” Al pauses as he looks at the handlink.  “In the original history, Billy Jean put her baby up for adoption.  Then she regretted it. Then she spent the rest of her life trying to find her.”
    “So, I’m here to change that.”

Al puts his cigar in his mouth.  “Apparently, yes.”  He taps the handlink again.

“How long until she has her baby?” Sam questions.

“Uh, according to Ziggy, uh, about thirty-six hours un… un… unless,”

“Unless?” Sam questions again.

Al begins to shake the handlink, confused at what it just read on the screen, then pops it on its side.  “Unless you have it first.”

Sam begins to laugh.  “What… what are you talking about?”

Al laughs slightly but falls quiet and looks at Sam, who is still laughing.

“I…”  Sam’s face falls as he looks at Al.  “I can’t have a baby.”

Al looks at Sam warily as Sam stands up from the couch, his fingers affixed to his stomach.  

“I know that,” Al says as he puts the cigar to his mouth again, “but Ziggy’s not so sure.”

“I’m sure,” Sam says as he begins to pace in front of the couch.  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.  There’s no way I can possibly have a baby!”

“Okay, okay,” Al says placatingly.  “Okay.  Okay!  Calm down. You’ll find yourself going back into labor.”

Sam looks back toward the beauty parlor and then back to Al.  “I wasn’t in labor.”

“Well, Billy Jean was!”

“Oohh,” Sam sounds like he is not feeling well.

“Ziggy says that your brain waves are linked into her emotions and they’re cross-channeling into the baby.”

“The baby is not here.”

“Well, never mind if the baby is not here. The baby is… is connecting with your mood swings.  Ziggy says, you’re bonding.”

Sam hits the side of the coffee table, knocking something over.  He gets down on his knees to pick something up from the floor. “Bonding?”

“Yes, bonding, and that’s a good thing in case you deliver before Billy Jean leaps back.”

Sam is still on the floor, on his knees, looking at Al standing behind the couch.  “I’m a man.”


“I can’t have a baby.”


“Men cannot have babies!” Sam says exasperatedly. 

“Yeah, I can’t,” Al replies as he continues looking at the handlink with his cigar in his hand.

“Woah…Ohhh,” Sam exclaims, beginning to feel ill.  He starts to get up off the couch.

“You don’t look so good, Sam.”

“Just feel a little nauseous.”

“You look a little green,” Al starts.

“Ooh,” Sam moans as he looks around for a trashcan or a bathroom.  

“Around the nostrils there,” Al finishes.

Sam stumbles into the bathroom, turns on the light, and we promptly hear him throwing up.     

Al walks up to the slightly ajar bathroom door, puts his hand (which is holding the cigar) over his mouth, and clears his throat.  We hear the toilet flush.  “I told you not to upset yourself,” Al begins.  

“I’m not upset.  I’m just sick.”

As Sam begins to wash up, Al says, “I can hear that.  Oh, you probably got the stomach flu. Everybody’s got it; it’s going around.”

On the radio, the announcer says, “And now, for the weather. Looks like it’s going to rain out there. So, you better get your umbrella.”

Sam opens the door to see Al with the handlink.  “I don’t have the flu.”  Sam hesitates, coming out the door, but wipes his mouth with a hand towel.  “Listen, are you sure that there’s no way… no way, that Ziggy could be right about this, right?”

“Oh, there’s no way that Ziggy could be right about this.  There’s no way… physically that you could carry a baby in there, right?

Sam begins to shake his head back and forth negatively.  “Right!”

“Right,” Al repeats.  

“So, then, we’re just saying that Billie Jean is back in the Waiting Room, and I’m here in 1955, Right?”

“Uh, yeah.  She’s there, you’re here.  Yeah.”

“And it’s just the illusion of her physical aura that everybody’s seeing.”

“That’s right, they see the illusion of her physical aura.  That’s right.”

“Not her body.”

“No, not her body,” Al agrees.

“Okay.  Then why do I feel so nauseous?”

Al takes a breath to try to give Sam an answer, but Sam is so tired that he lies on the couch.  “Uh… oh, uh… it could be psychosomatic.  Yeah, a lot of fathers have that.”

Hearing Al say that, Sam blinks and asks, “Who is the father, Al?”

“We don’t know.”

“And Dr. Beeks says Billie Jean’s too traumatized to push for an answer.”  Al frowns as he looks at Sam, who is getting comfortable on the couch.

“Oooh,” Sam moans.
    “You feeling a little better?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m just a little bit tired, is all.”

“Tired?!  See, you got the flu; like I said, you have the flu.”

“I don’t have the flu,” Sam complains.

“Yeah, well, you’re not pregnant either, because when you’re pregnant, the… the… the nausea and the pukeys and the fatigue come in the first three months and Billie Jean is full term.”

Sam has already nestled his head on a pillow and is now getting more comfortable.

“Anyway, you can’t be tired because you got to figure out some way for the girl to keep her baby.”

“I’m just gonna rest a little bit, Al, and then, I’ll get up, and then I’ll figure out how to patch up her and her family.”
    “That’s a good idea, Sam.  Yeah.”  Al begins to fiddle with the handlink. “You could ask her mother… that’s a bad idea, Sam. Her mother’s dead.”

Sam opens his eyes and looks up at Al.

“Died when she was 12, and her father even refuses to see her.”
    “Who?”  Sam asks as he closes his eyes once more.

“Her – Billie Jean’s father.” The handlink squawks.  “Bob Crockett is his name. He’s a foreman at Kip Petroleum. Lives at 243 Prairie Lane Drive in Claremore.”
    “243 Fairy Lane Dri…”

“No, not Fai- Prairie with a ‘P.’  Puh puh puh Prairie Lane Drive in…”

Al looks down, and Sam has fallen asleep and is snoring.  The handlink continues to squawk until Al brings his hand up to his forehead.  “Something tells me we’re in big trouble here… big.”


The viewer sees Sam and Dotty driving down a dirt road, and we hear Sam narrating: “I’d spent a sleepless night drinking water and making 900 trips to the bathroom.  The whole time, I wondered what to say to a man I’d never met about his daughter and her unborn child.  Yes, as I lived another day in Billie Jean’s shoes, I couldn’t help but feel that somehow this baby truly belonged with Billie.”

While Sam is narrating, the car drives up to Kip Petroleum.  Dottie gets out of the car and walks over to Sam, who exits the vehicle.  Sam is in a flowery two-piece dress with a two-toned brown coat.  Dottie is wearing a purple top and a black, pink, and purple floral skirt.  She also has a white coat on.

“Are you sure you want to do this, honey? I mean, some things are better worked out after the fact,” Dottie says as she puts her right hand on her hip.

Resting his hand on the car's windowsill, Sam says, “I don’t think I’d be here if I had a choice.”

“Well, then just wait until the baby comes.  I bet you a two-dollar hog that little tyke will just melt his heart, and everything will turn out right as pie,” Dottie says with a flight of her hands as she smiles at Sam.

“Let’s just say the history books are telling me that’s not gonna happen.”

We see a man dressed in a brown shirt, blue jeans, a black coat, and a black hat. He’s drinking coffee.  

“There’s your dad.  Bob!”  Dottie calls out, and he turns to look back at them.

He puts the coffee cup down at his side and looks at them.  He turns to look back at work and then starts over toward them.  

“What are you doing here, Billie?” Bob (played by James Whitmore, Jr.) says sternly.

“Oh, Bob,” Dottie says softly, “Say hello to the child.”

“Between me and my daughter, Dottie.”

“Oh well, I’m just glad there’s something between you two.”

“I didn’t realize you two knew each other.”

“Well, you’re daddy, and I were…”
    “Went to high school together,” he breaks in over Dottie.

“Oh, well, we were a little more than classmates,” Dottie says.

“What do you want, Billie?” Bob demands.

“I just wanted to talk.”

We hear a murmur from behind, and Bob turns back to a small group of gathered men.  

“This is not a freak show!  Why don’t ya’ll get back to work!”

The men disperse.

Bob turns back to Dottie and Sam.  “Got nothing to talk about.”

“Talk to her, Bobby,” Dottie says.  “Can’t hurt nothing.”

He looks at them for a long moment.  “Better get out of sight.  Folks around here got enough to gossip about already.”

Bob begins to walk off.  Sam turns up his lip as he watches him walk away.  

“Go on, I’ll wait right here for you,” Dottie says softly as she puts her hand on Sam’s back.  “Go on.  Go ahead.”

Sam walks off and walks to the shed that Bob has gone into.  Bob turns around to look at Sam.  He sighs and takes off his hat.  “Miss Thailer called to uh…  tell me you’d decided to give up the baby.”

“Miss Thailer?”
    “The woman from the adoption agency?”

“Yeah, right, right.  Yeah, Miss Thailer.  Right.  That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. You see, I’ve, uh… I’ve decided to keep the baby, and I can’t do that without your help.”

“Yeah, well, you can get help from whoever the hell it was who knocked you up.”

“No, I can’t,” Sam says softly.  

“You can’t, or you won’t. The only way you’re gonna be able to keep that baby is for him to do the right thing by you and marry you.  That is, is he’s not married already.”

“Well, I don’t know,” Sam says.

“You don’t know,” Bob questions a little harshly.

“I mean, I don’t know if I should get married.  If marriage is the right thing to do.”
    “Little girl, you’re pregnant.”
    “Being pregnant isn’t a reason to get married. It’s just an option.”

Bob turns slightly on Sam.  

Sam licks his lips. “And so is bringing this baby up in a home and a family with you.”

Before Bob turns back, he says, “I’m not gonna spend the rest of my life paying for your mistake.”

“This mistake will be your grandchild.”

“I don’t have a grandchild, I don’t want a grandchild!” Bob yells.  Now, if you want to come home, we can work that out, but not until you have this baby… and get rid of it.”

As Bob turns away from Sam, Sam leaves the small office and returns to the car.  Bob sees Dottie standing outside the car and then heads off.


“Talking to Billie Jean's dad left me feeling sad and angry, and frustrated. But mostly, it left me feeling lucky.  I was lucky to grow up in a family with parents who listened to me, guided me when I was lost or confused, and always seemed to be there when I needed them.  I wanted to give Billie Jean the chance to be that kind of parent.”  As Sam is narrating, we see Billie Jean in the mirror eating a radish that has been dipped in ranch dressing.

“There’s a Cassy Thailer here to see you, Billie Jean.”

“Hi,” an older woman comes into the room (played by Anne Haney).  Her hair is covered with a scarf.  She’s wearing a dark gray suit with a dark gray coat.  She has a black purse on her arm and is carrying a folder in her arms.

“Hi,” Sam says.

“Do you mind?” Cassy asks.

Sam shakes his head.  “No.”
    Dottie says, “I have some stuff to finish up in there.  Are you gonna be all right, honey?” Dottie is shaping her fingernails nervously with an emery board.

“Sure,” Sam says.

Dottie begins to leave, and Cassy comes to sit down on the couch by Sam.  “Effy!  Effy! You get in here this minute.”

Cassy takes off her scarf and says, “I brought those papers for you to sign.”
    “Yeah. The Adoption papers.  You’re due this week, aren’t you?”

“Well, yeah.  Yeah, I guess I am.”

Cassy pulls out a pin from her binder and adjusts the papers in front of Sam.  “Ok.  Now you just sign all five copies.”

“Can I read them first?” Sam asks as he straightens himself up on the couch that he’s been lounging on.

“Of course, you can, but they’re… they’re just legal talk that says that the agency has your approval to put your baby up for adoption.”

Sam sighed as he picked up the papers and began to read them.   He nods, then clicks his lips together.  “Mrs. Thailer, if, um… if I sign these papers and, and then I change my mind… can I ever get my baby back?”

“Well, no,” Cassy says softly.  

“Can I ever see her again?”

Sam frowns.  “So, then, I’ll never know where my baby goes.”

“Billie Jean, honey, where your baby goes is not important.”

Sam shakes his head slightly.  “It’s very important.”

“What’s important is that your baby will be with a good family, and it will have a wonderful life.”

Sam begins to eat on another radish.  “I can’t ever know that if I can’t see her.”

“Well, I can.”

“It’s not your baby.  It’s my baby.”

“Billie Jean, no one in the world will think you’re a bad person because you wanted a better life for your child.”
    “Mrs. Thailer, I believe in adoption. I… I really do.”

“Good.  Then let me help your baby, find the kid of life you can’t provide it, not - not because you don’t want to, but because you need to take care of yourself.”

“You don’t understand,” Sam tries to explain.  

“You need to finish growing up, honey, to find out what it is you want to do.”

Sam rubs his lips with his fist.  “I know what I want to do.”  He’s starting to get emotional and half-sighs.  “I want to keep my baby.”

“Billie Jean, honey, what has brought on this sudden change of heart?”

“Uh… you know that expression, ‘God works in mysterious ways’?”

“It’s one of my favorites.”

“Well, I think this is one of them.  I think that my change of heart is God’s way of telling me… that he doesn’t want me to… to make another mistake.”

“Effy!” We hear Dottie from the other room calling out.

“You’re not going to sign those papers, are you?”
    “No, ma’am.”

“Oh, honey, I hope it works out for you.”  Cassy begins to gather the papers and pen as Sam sighs.  “I truly, truly do.”

Mrs. Thailer leaves, and we see Dottie working on straightening up the beauty parlor. Sam walks into the room where she is, and country music plays in the background.

“Oh, honey, you just look like you lost the war,” Dottie says as she sees Sam standing in the doorway, leaning against the wall.

“Just a few major battles.”

“Your daddy will come around.  Honey, he’s still hurting from losing your mom.”
    “You and he were more than classmates, weren’t you?” Sam says as he crosses his arms over his belly.
    “Well, well,” Dottie smiles and laughs slightly, “That’s just old water under the bridge, you know.” She crosses her arms over her chest.

“What happened?” Sam asks.

“Oh, well.  Oh, now, come on, you got more important things to worry about than what your daddy and I…” she begins as she puts her hands on Sam’s belly.  She laughs again, “That was one hell of a kick!” 

Sam is in complete shock.  “I…I felt that.”

“Well, of course, you did,” Dottie says, “That little baby of yours has a kick like a mule in heat!”

Sam is looking down at his stomach, still in surprise.  “Oh boy!”

“You know what?”

“I think so, too!”


The viewer sees the outside of the beauty parlor, and then we hear:

“Sam, that is disgusting!” 

“How can you eat that?” Effy asks as she walks to the counter. They are in the kitchen. Sam has a bowl in front of him. He looks down into the bowl and begins to stir what’s inside.

“Actually, it’s pretty good.”

“I know folks get hungry for funny stuff when they’re having babies, but…” Effy says as she straightens up, “

“Jello and onions?” Al questions as he screws up his face.

“I mean, don’t you kinda wonder what you’re hatching down there?” Effy finishes up.

“What, you got cravings or something?” Al questions. “You’re craving?”
    “I just wanted Jell-O and onions.”
    Effy turns around and throws her hands up in the air.  “Okay, okay!  Don’t come crawling to me at night when you have stomach pains.  Oh, Miss Dottie said to come into the shop when you’re feeling better.”

“Hm-mmm.  Thank you.”

Effy quickly leaves the room, and Sam straightens up in the chair to put the bowl of Jello and onions down and look at Al.  “Al?”


“I felt the baby kick.”


“I felt Billie Jean’s kick inside of me, right there!” He says as he points to his stomach.  

“Gas,” Al says with exasperation.

    “You probably are feeling gas from eating this junk.”

“No, no, no, no,” Sam says quickly.  “Dottie felt it, too.”

“Well, that’d be a neat trick since the baby’s inside Billie Jean forty years in the future!”

“All I know is that Dottie had her hand on my stomach, and we both felt the baby kick.”

“That’s impossible.”
    “Maybe it isn’t.  I mean, maybe, maybe… maybe when I came in and Billie Jean leaped, the baby stayed,” Sam is waving circularly in the air as he explains.


“Huh?” Sam asks, looking up at Al with a smile.

“Read my lips.  It’s impossible, Sam.”  Al begins to pace.  “So, just forget about being the first male mother and concentrate on finding a way for Billie Jean to get to keep her baby.”  Sam begins to giggle at what Al just said.  “Oh, what happened when you talked to the father?”

“Oh well, nothing good.  It’d take a miracle for him to accept Billie Jean and her baby.”  He takes another bite of Jello and onions.

“Well, you better work a miracle because, according to Ziggy, that baby’s due in less than five hours.”

Sam blows out a breath of air.  “God...”  Sam puts the bowl of Jello and onions down on the table.
    “What? What’s wrong now?”

“It’s so hot in here.”  Sam sighed and began to pull at the top of the shirt that he was in.  “Hot flashes.”


“I’m having hot flashes.”

“You’re not having hot flashes!”  Al takes a few steps behind him, shaking his head.
    “Yeah, right, and I’m not having cravings, but I’m sitting here eating jello and onions.  Al…” He chuckles.  “Read my lips.”  He points back to himself. “I’m pregnant.”  Sam begins to laugh, but he’s tickled with himself, so he picks the bowl back up.

“You are not pregnant, Sam, but you are running out of time.”

“Who’s the father?” Sam asks through laughter.  “I mean… did Billie Jean tell you who the father is?”  Sam is so tickled with himself that he places the bowl back on the table.”

“No. Dr. Beeks wouldn’t let me get near Billie Jean.”

Sam is still laughing.  “I’ve got to find a way to buy Billie Jean some time. I got to find a way.”     

“You got to get real, Sam.”


“Billie Jean doesn’t even have a high school education. She doesn’t have the slightest prospect of finding a job to support herself and even if she found a job, who’ll stay with the baby while she’s doing whatever job it is she finds?”  Al asks as he throws his hands around in the air.

Sam sighs with his hands over his stomach.  We hear Keeter in the other room talking.

“Dottie… Dottie…” Sam says as he turns his head to look back at Al with a slight giggle.  “Dottie’s been right under our noses all this time.”  Sam starts laughing again as he gets up from the chair.

“Dot… What’s so funny?” Al asks.  “Oh, Dottie – hang on, Sam.  No no.  If Dottie had wanted Billie to stay with her, it would’ve happened forty years ago!”  Al calls out as Sam leaves the kitchen.  “You wouldn’t even be here!” Al says with a wave of his arm.

“Uh, well, maybe nobody thought of it back then,” Sam says as he steps into the doorway of the beauty parlor.

“You know if you keep talking to yourself like that, little men in white coats will come in here and take you out the door,” Keeter says as he waves the beer.

Al reappears in the parlor in a blink.

Dottie laughs as she looks back at Keeter before turning to Sam with her hands folded.  “Thought of what?”

“Sam, you want to be very careful how you handle this.”

Sam comes walking into the parlor.  “A way to help me keep this baby.”

“Oh, that’s subtle,” Al says with a smirk.

“Oh, honey, I thought you were giving that baby up for adoption,” Dottie says as she approaches Sam.

“Well, I was, but I’m not now. I’m… I’m not sure that that’s the best thing to do.”

“For who? You or that little baby?” Dottie questions.

“Both,” Sam says.

“The best thing was to not have gotten knocked up in the first place,” Keeter says as he leans to get a look around Dottie.

“Ehh… this is bad timing, Sam,” Al says.

“Drink your beer, Keeter,” Dottie says, then returns to Sam.  “Billie Jean, you’re a young girl with your whole life in front of you.  Now, you don’t want to have it ruined by a baby.”

“What if it’s not ruined, though?” Sam asks. “See, I mean, what if I’m supposed to have this baby in my life?”

“Well, that might be true if you had a husband and a home…”

“But you don’t,” Keeter interrupts.  “You don’t have a soul that’s gonna help you with that baby.” 

“Not now, Sam.  Not now.”

“Dottie will help me, won’t you, Dottie?” Sam questions as Al rolls his eyes behind him.

“That’s it!” Keeter says as he gets up and puts his empty beer on the table.  “I’m out of here.” He puts his hat on and then says, “I’m going down to have myself another beer.”

“I’ll have supper in a jiffy, Keeter,” Dottie says as she heads over to him.

Keeter looks between the two of them before he says, “Feed it to momma.”  He grabs his coat and leaves.

Dottie sighs and takes a few steps after Keeter but stops as he closes the door. She then turns to Sam.  “Look at what you did.” She says as she takes off her earrings and puts them in her pocket before heading to the chair to pick up the pink wrap.
    “Sorry, Dottie,” Sam says, “You’re the only one left who can help me.”

“Well, I can’t have a baby in here!”

Sam approaches her as she shakes the wrap out. “It won’t take up much room.”

“Oh, Keeter would just be outta here quicker than I could spit.”

“Uh, he’s out of here anyway, Sam.”  Al looks at the handlink that squeaks.  “He never does marry her.”

“I promised him that you’d be gone as soon as that baby comes.”

“And I don’t want you to go back on your word, but also I…  I don’t want to lose this baby, either.”

“Well, you do not have a choice.  Now look, you can work here part-time if you’d want to, but you have got to give that baby away.”
    “Look, if I do that, I’m gonna lose her forever.”

“And if you don’t, I’ll lose Keeter.”

“Well, you might lose him anyway…”

“Shut your mouth! Now, look here, Billie Jean.  I have given you a home, a job, and the food on your plate… now, don’t you go asking me to give up my life for you because I won’t!  I just won’t.”  With a gasp, Dottie throws down her hands and leaves the room.
    Sam doesn’t know what to say and moves to the chair and sits.

“Yeah… she’s right, Sam.  You can’t ask her to take on all of Billie’s problems.”

“Well, maybe they are opportunities.  May… maybe this is a chance for her to love someone.  If Keeter’s going to leave her anyway…”

“She doesn’t know that, and obviously, you can’t tell her.”

“There’s got to be somebody who can help me, Al.”

“Well, you’ve tried her father.  You’ve tried Dottie.  There’s who?  There’s nobody else.”

“Nobody except the father of this baby,” Sam says as Effy walks in with towels folded in her hands.  “And God knows where he is.”

“Willis is probably walking home from work right about now,” Effy says as she puts the towels down and approaches Sam.

“Out of the mouth of babes,” Al says.

    “It’s after 5:00.  He be quitting about now.”
    “Effy, I really need to talk to him.”
    “I thought you two swore never to see each other again.”

“Well, we did, but I, I… I kinda changed my mind.  Yeah, he’s probably quitting right about now and going to be driving home to…”

“That baby must be sucking your brain dry,” Effy says as she shakes her head.  “Willis ain’t got no car.”

Sam laughs slightly.  “No, of course not.  What am I thinking of? No.  He’s probably just walking down old, uh… uh….”
    “Water tower road.”

“Water tower road.  That’s where I’ll find him.”

“Water tower road,” Al repeats as he puts that into the handlink. “Ok, got it, Sam.  It’s about a mile west of here.”  Al blinks out of the room.

“You’re not really going to talk to him, are you?” Effy asks.

“He’s my last chance.”

“I know you really don’t love Willis.  So, you’d be making a big mistake if you made him marry you just to hold on to your baby.”  Effy shakes her head, and Sam slowly shuffles out the door.

    The viewer sees Sam walking down the road.

Al shows up on the road and says, “Sam, you should be taking it easy! What are you doing walking along the road? This is crazy.”

“I can’t take it easy, Al.  If I take it easy, I’ll never find a home for Billie and her baby! And if I don’t find her a home, I’m not gonna leap.  How much longer till the baby comes?”
    “Two hours, twenty-seven minutes,”  Al says as he looks at the handlink.

“Oooh,” Sam says, putting his hand to his side.

    “Oh, yeah…” 

“What’s wrong?”

“Ahhh, I think just too much jello and onions,” Sam says as he gasps in pain.

“Now, listen, don’t get your hopes up, because this Willis guy is probably just some yahoo who could care less about Billie Jean.”
    “He doesn’t have to care about Billie, as long as he accepts financial responsibility and helps with this baby.”

“Come on!  This is the 50’s. What high school kid will be able to pay for a baby?” Al asks.

“If you think I’m going about this the wrong way, you come up with a better idea.  Or better yet – ask Billie Jean – but not the terrified 16-year old kid in the Waiting Room, find Billie Jean the woman.  The woman who spent a lifetime looking for her only child and ask her what she wants me to do!”

“Well, don’t bite my head off,” Al says defiantly. 

“Willis is just as responsible for this baby as I am!”

“You mean Billie Jean is.”

“He’ll have to face his responsibilities like a man.”

“Or like a boy,” Al says as he spots Willis walking down the road.

Willis (played by Philip Linton) walks down the road in dirty pants and a shirt. He is wearing a jacket. He is wearing a hat and swinging a lunch box.

“That’s Willis?” Sam questions.  “No wonder she never told her father who got her pregnant.  He works for him.”

Willis now sees Billie Jean.

“He doesn’t look like what I pictured,” Al remarks.

“Me, either.  He’s just a boy.”

“Well, you’re just a girl.  Well, I’m going to leave the two of you alone,”  Al opens the Imaging Chamber door, looks at Sam, then closes the door.

Sam continues up to Willis.

“Hey, Billie Jean.”

“Hey, Willis.”

“So, I guess you’re due pretty soon, huh, Billie?”

“Sooner than you think.”

“Yeah.  Well, at least now it’ll all be over.”

“No, it won’t.” 

“You should’ve let Mama Elliot fix things.”
    “It would’ve made things a lot easier on everybody.”

Sam slightly nods.  “Well, that’s uh… that’s no longer an option.  The point is, what do we do now?”

“I told you, I can’t do nothing, Billie. I got my scholarship, Billie, I start school in January.  I’ll be the first Taylor ever to go to college.”

“Well, that’s fine for you, but what about me and the baby?”

“You told me you were going to give it up.”

“Well, I… I can’t.”

“You have to.  What the hell are you going to do? You ain’t even finished high school.”

“Maybe it’s time I did.”

“Oh, with a baby.”
    “And your help.”

“I told you.  I can’t help you, Billie Jean. My scholarship only pays for my tuition.  I have to work to earn my room and board.  I can’t be sending enough to keep a baby.”

“You should’ve thought about that before you made one.”

“Well, I didn’t make it alone.”  Willis moves past Sam, brushing Sam’s shoulder as he moves, and Sam screws up his mouth.  “I liked you, Billie.  I liked you a lot. I liked how we talked about books and traveling, and you’re the only person in this dumb little town who understood me.  I really wish there was some way I could help you, but there just ain’t.”
    Sam nods.  “I’m sorry, too.”

“Oh, dammit, Billie! You’re the one who told me to go to college – to make something out of myself.  Now, you want to trap me here in this stupid little town.  I gotta get out of here, and if you had a lick of sense, you’d give up that baby, and you’d get out of here, too.”

Willis turns and runs down the road, his hat coming off. As Sam stands there watching him run away, a contraction comes over him, and he drops to his knees, saying, “Ohh!”  He leans over on his elbow, his hand on the small of his back, gasping in pain before falling over on his side.


We see Sam panting and gasping for air as he gets up from the road.  He’s holding onto his back and his stomach.  The view then goes to Effy and Dottie standing outside the car, trying to change a tire.

Effy says, “You’re going to break every nail on your hand.”  She’s standing there with the tire iron in her hands.

“If you have a better way to do this, I’m all ears.”

“No, but I can’t do your nails again cuz my mama’s turning fifty today, and I gotta get home for her party.”

“Get the other tire,” Dottie announces.

Effy drops the tire iron and starts to back away from Dottie as she moves the tire.  “Okay, okay, but I’ll get dirty though.”

“Just get the damn tire,” Dottie says.

Effy moves alongside the car, looking at Dottie, and tries to grab the tire.  Effy struggles to get the tire out of the vehicle's back end.  

“I told you to get the tire, Effy, not manufacture it,” Dottie says as she comes up to Effy’s side as Effy is brushing off her hands.  Dottie sees Sam/Billie Jean walking up the road, dirty and messy.  “Oh, Lord!”

Sam is walking up the road, his hand on his back and his stomach.  “Hospital,” he pants out.  “You gotta get me to the hospital.”

“Oh, Lord, honey, my car has a flat!”

“You look horrible,” Effy says.

“You look just fine.  Call the doctor.”  

Effy runs off toward the house to call.

“And my father,” Sam says.

“The numbers are on the wall there by the phone.”

“Call my father,” Sam says, panting.

“You’ll be all right, honey; you’ll be okay.”

Dottie gets Sam into the beauty salon, and we hear thunder rumbling in the background.  “You just sit right there.”

“Ohh… here it comes…”
    “Oh, no.  It’ll be all right.”

“Oh my god!  Ohhhh!” Sam scrunches his face up in pain. “Mmmm…” he moans as if he’s pushing.

“Don’t you push, or you’ll have the baby right here!”  Dottie exclaims.

“Okay,” Sam says as Dottie rushes over to the drawer and pulls out a timer.  “Ooooooh!” Sam breathes out.

Dottie hands him the timer.  “Here take this.”

Sam looks at it quizzically.  

We see lightning and lots of thunder.

“Effy!” Dottie calls out. 

Effy comes back into the room.  “There was an accident on the Knoll Farm and Dr. Rogers is in surgery fixing the oldest boy’s leg.  The nurse says to get her to Claremore or deliver the baby yourself.”

Dottie looks at her.  “Don’t look at me, I can’t help you!”
    “Well, you’re gonna!”

“What about my father?” Sam asks.

“I tried both numbers – work and home – no answer.”

“Find him; I’ve got to get ahold of him.”

“Don’t worry, honey, we’ll find him.”

“Now you run on down to the field; her daddy’s probably working outside.”

“That’s all the way over in—”  Dottie stares at Effy.  “Okay.  I’m going! I’m going!”

Dottie puts a washcloth on Sam’s forehead, and an idea sparks.  “Keeter!  I forgot about Keeter! He’s been out on the rig so long, I plumb forgot about him.”  She walks over to the rotary phone and calls a number.  “Hello, Tom?  It’s Dottie.  You got Keeter down there?  Keeter?  Oh, Keeter.  I need you to come home.”

“What the hell for, Dot?”

“Well, Billie is having her baby, and I’ve got to get her to the hospital.”

“So?  Drive her.”
    “I got a flat tire.”

“Fix it, Dot.”

“Keeter, she doesn’t have much time.”

“It’s probably another false alarm.”

“Keeter, we need her help here.”

“No, Dot.  The Knocked-up trash needs my help.  Well, she can need my help until hell freezes over, and she ain’t gonna get it.”

As she talks, Keeter raises the glass to get another from the bartender.

“Keeter Slade, you selfish son of a bitch, if you don’t bring your butt over here right now, don’t bother bringing it back at all.”

He slams the phone down on her, and she’s taken aback by it.  She rolls her eyes and then slams down the phone.  She runs back over to Sam.

“Ohhhhh,” Sam breathes out loud as another contraction begins.  Dottie’s wiping at his face.  “Ohh no, I can’t have this baby!” 

“Honey, you’re too far along to turn back now.”

“How far apart are they?”

“Five minutes.”
    “Oh, Lord.  All right.  Come on, darling, we got to change a tire.”

Sam is confused and exhausted as Dottie pulls him up from the couch.



The viewer then sees Effy standing in the rain on the side of the road, jumping and waving her arms as she yells, “Stop, stop! Will you stop!?”  A car pulls along side of her and she opens the door.  “She’s gonna have a baby!  Hurry! Hurry!”


We flashback to Sam and Dottie standing out in the rain under an umbrella.  “Okay.  Okay,” Sam says as he’s finished with the tire.”
    “Okay, honey, take this and get in the car,” Dottie motions with the umbrella. She then lowers the jack to the ground, throws it to the side of the car, and rushes back to Sam. “Okay. Take it easy,” she says as she grabs the umbrella. It’ll be all right.”  

“Oooh!” Sam exclaims as he gets in the car.

Dottie closes the door and goes to the driver's side to get inside. She then realizes that the trunk is still open. She hurries to it, throws the umbrella in the trunk, closes it, and returns to the driver’s side as Sam is hit with another contraction.

“How you doing?” Dottie asks.

“Well, I’ve been better,” Sam says as Dottie begins to back up.  She backs up into her beauty parlor sign.  “Ohh!” Dottie says.

“Why don’t you let me drive,” Sam says, then cries, “Oohh!”

“Because you're busy!” Dottie says exasperatedly.


The scene switches to Effy standing in the rain, pounding on a door at Kit Petroleum.  “Come on, Mr. Crockett, be here!”  She starts beating again.

He comes around the corner with a large pipe slung over his shoulder.  “Can I help you, girl?”
    Effy runs over to him.  “Mr. Crocket, Billie Jean’s having her baby.”

“It was bound to happen,” Bob says as he takes a pipe out of his mouth.

“She’s asking for you.”

“She don’t need me to have no baby.”

“But Dottie’s car broke down and she has no way to get her to the hospital.”

“She can have the baby at home just like her mama had her.”

“Billie’s hurting real bad. I – I think she might die.”

“She’s sixteen years old; she won’t die from having no baby.”

“My sister was seventeen.  She bled to death in my momma’s arms.”

Bob Crockett blinks as he looks at Effy.


We switch back to Sam and Dottie again.  They are now at the Claremore Hospital.  They come through the double doors, and Sam says, “Ooooh, here it comes again.  Here it comes again!”  

“Okay, just sit down here,” Dottie says as they see a chair in the middle of the hallway.

“Let me down here,” Sam says.  “Oooooooh!”

Dottie rushes down the hallway to get him some water.

A nurse emerges from a room, sees what is happening, and tells them, “Ya’ll wait right there.”

The Imaging Chamber door opens, and Al steps out.

“Where have hell have you been?” Sam exclaims.

“I’m right here, honey,” Dottie exclaims as she approaches Sam.

“I’ve been in the Waiting Room with Billie Jean.  The poor kid is terrified.  She thinks she’s having her baby in an alien spaceship.”

“I’m having this baby,” Sam says.

“No, you’re not, Sam,” Al exclaims. 

Dottie says, “Honey, they can tell that.”
    “Billie Jean’s having the baby forty years in the future.”

“I’m in labor, and I’m having this baby!”  Sam exclaims loudly.

“Who’s she trying to convince?  Us or herself?” the nurse comes up with a wheelchair. Dottie and the nurse put Sam in the wheelchair.

“Honey, how far apart are your contractions?”

“Contractions?  Sam, you’re not having any contractions!”

“Well, we lost count,” Dottie tells the nurse as they wheel Sam into the delivery room.

“It’s – it’s physically impossible.”

“Impossible?” Sam questions.
    “I’m sorry, darling, I’ve been a little busy to watch the clock,” Dottie says.

“Let’s get these clothes off,” the nurse says, going behind Sam and beginning to help him out of the top.

“Sam, this is all happening in your imagination.”

“Go to hell!” Sam exclaims.

“All right, young lady, you just watch your language,” the nurse exclaims as he moves between the wheelchair and the table.

“Yeah. Take it easy, Sam,” Al says as he looks at his friend doubled over in pain.

“Oooh --- ooo ooo ooo … hee hee hee…” Sam begins.

“What are you doing, honey?” the nurse asks.

“He’s breathing,” Al explains.

“Breathing,” Sam says, panting.

“Why is she doing that?” Dottie asks.

“I don’t know,” the nurse states.

“It makes the contractions easy – why am I telling you you can’t hear me,” Al flaps his arms exasperatedly.

“Honey, you are going to hyperventilate if you keep this up,” the nurse tells Sam as he continues to pant.

“It’s not working,” Sam exclaims.

“What’s not working?” Dottie asks.

“Of course, it’s not working.  You’re not really in labor!” Al says emphatically.

“Yes, I am!” Sam yells as they move closer to the bed.

“Take your clothes off,” the nurse says.  “Here, let me help you.”

As the nurse helps Sam take the top off, Sam looks at Billie Jean in the mirror in her slip.  

“All right.  You’re going to have a baby. It happens every day.  Okay.”

At this point, Doctor Rogers enters the room, all dressed in white from surgery. “How far is she dilated?”

“I’ve been fighting to just get her clothes off,” the nurse states.  “I haven’t even timed the contractions.”

“All right, Billie Jean, let’s have a look,” Dr. Rogers says.

“No,” Sam says.  “Al, you gotta help me.”

“Who?” Dr. Rogers asks.

“Gooshie, what’s happening?” Al shakes his hand up in the air as he looks up toward the ceiling.

“Get her to the delivery room,” Dr. Roger says.

“The baby’s head is crowning,” Al says.

“The head is crowning?” Sam asks as he gets up on the gurney.

“I don’t know, cuz you won’t let me look,” Dr. Rogers says as he opens the door.

“Gooshie says that wherever the baby is coming – it’s coming in four minutes,” Al says as he looks at the handlink.
    “Where’s my father?” Sam asks as they wheel him into the hall.
    “Effy is looking for him, honey,” Dottie exclaims.

Sam throws out his hands at the door.  “I won’t have this baby until my father gets here.”

“You don’t have a choice,” Dr. Rogers says as he takes Sam’s arm and moves it back to Sam’s side.

Sam begins to double over in pain, saying, “Oooo oooo oooo.”

“Hang on, honey!” Dottie roars.

We hear a Bob call out, “Billie!”

Sam reaches back to the man who is Billie Jean’s father.  “Daddy!”

Bob Crockett comes running up.  “Billie.”

    “Everything is going to be all right, sweetheart,” Bob tells him. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

“The baby… I want…”
    “She wants to keep the baby, Bob.”

“She’s been saying that for days,’’ Effy nods.

“Let’s not argue about that now,” Bob says as he reaches Sam’s eye level. Okay, sweetheart.”

“Sam, there’s a little problem in the Waiting Room.”  Sam looks up tiredly at Al.  “The baby has disappeared from Billie Jean’s womb.”  He says with a flourish of his hands.

“I knew it!  I knew it!” Sam exclaims as they roll him into the delivery room. “I’m having this baby!”

They roll Sam into the delivery room and throw a towel over his midsection, then the nurse says, “Off the gurney.”  Several people rush around Sam, and they call out, “1, 2 …” and then pick him off the gurney and onto the delivery table.   Sam is moaning and groaning in the process.

 “Will you get out of here?” Dr. Rogers questions.
    “No. No!”  Sam grabs Bob’s jacket as he comes to Sam’s side.  Sam is still moaning and panting as he says, “You have to help me… keep the baby.”

“Bille.  It ain’t right!” Bob exclaims.

“For God's sake, Bob, she’s your only daughter!” Dottie cries out.

“All right.  All right, Billie.  You get through this thing okay, we’ll do anything you want to do.”     

Sam nods as we hear Dottie say, “Oh, hallelujah.”

Bob leans over and says, “I love you.”

The viewer then sees Effy smile and nod both of their responses.

“Al!” Sam yells.

Al hits the handlink in confusion.

“Get it out! Get it out!” Sam yells.

“Take it easy, Sam.  Everything’s okay. Bob marries Dottie and they help Billie Jean raise the baby! You’ve done it! You’ve done it!”

“I see a head of curls trying to get out, little lady!”  Dr. Rogers says.  “Give a push!”

Sam pushes and leaps.



He leaps into a young man wearing a silver outer space-type outfit, a helmet, and a face mask. Sam raises his hands to feel the helmet's antennae and face mask. He mouths the word, ‘What?’

He turns to hear the older man beside him say, “Activate the time machine.”     

A knob is turned, and we hear a noise wooing in the background.  “Stand by the time accelerator.” 

Sam looks around at the knobs in front of him as he is jostled about.  “Uh… uh… stand… standing b -  by.”

“Activate… now!”

Sam pushes the lever on his left side to the front, and the jostling gets harder.  “Oh boy!” Synopsis by M.J. Cogburn

Personal Review by M.J. Cogburn:

This episode is one of my favorites!  There are so many episodes where Sam and Al just have the best lines.  The one in the parlor of Dottie’s house when the back and forth is so quick – it can be lost on the viewer if you don’t re-watch it several times. You can tell Scott and Dean had an enjoyable time making this one!

Personal Review by Sherdran <aka> Eleiece:

We've all seen shows where a man 'becomes pregnant' or has sympathy pains for his pregnant wife or girlfriend. Some really strive for a touch or sense of realness, but for the most part, it's played for comedy. But though "8 1/2 Months" has its light, even funny moments (like Sam hiding behind Effy when Leola lights into him for his comment about her purple hair looking 'punk'), this episode also has a sense of honesty about an all too real situation that happens to some girls in every generation. And I think that the sympathetic way Scott approached the role of Billie Jean may have endeared Sam to female viewers who might have had, or perhaps knew of someone who had, a similar experience as a teenager.

I've read somewhere (or heard it said) that Scott decided to allow himself to be vulnerable to the emotions that his character's situation - the scandal of being an unwed teenage girl in the 1950s - generated. The scene that shows this best is, of course, the scene between Sam and Bob Crockett in the tool shed when Sam/Billie Jean goes to ask for his help in keeping the baby. The expression on Sam's face (startled, even a bit frightened perhaps) when Bob shouts angrily at him, "I don't have a grandchild! And I don't want a grandchild!" at least to me, showed how Sam (and who knows, maybe even Scott) got a 'bird's eye view' of what a pregnant, unmarried girl, especially a teenager, went through in that generation.


"It Wasn’t God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels" by Patsy Cline
"Honky Tonk Man" by Johnny Horton

Kiss With History:

Sam begins Lamaze breathing, which had not caught on yet in the United States.

Project Trivia:

It took all the doctors on staff at Project Quantum Leap to stop Billie Jean's full labor when she arrived in the Waiting Room when Sam leaped into her life.

This is the first episodes that definitively states that Sam's body leaps, not just his mind.

The baby appears to exist in the same space as Sam somehow without its' mother present. It has disappeared from Billie Jean's womb, but impossible to live in a man's body. Could this be a precursor to the revival series in 2022 where a Waiting Room is no longer needed, and the Leapee and Leaper exist in the same space?

In this episode Al used the gummy bear handlink.

Sam Trivia:

He remembers enough about the effects of leaping to that it is the aura of the person he's surrounding that people see and not their body...especially Billie Jean's in this case. He also remembers (while talking with Mrs. Thailer) that he believes in adoption.

Sam's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

First - Black pants, a man's large, white, long-sleeved shirt and brown penny loafers without socks;

Second - A sort of pale pinkish maternity smock and skirt with a tiny flower print, two-tone (off cream color and dark brown) jacket, and white step-in flats; and last but not least,

Third - A hospital gown over a white slip. (Scott also wore very short white shorts (probably gym shorts) under the hospital gown in the last scene when Sam's taken into the delivery room).

Al Trivia:

Only carries a cigar in his initial appearance when he talks with Sam in the beauty parlor and then in Dotty's parlor.

Al's Outfits Worn in the Episode:

First - Medium gray suit with narrow, vertical stripes of a darker gray, multi-tone (earth tone) shirt. The jacket of the suit either had dark stripes just above the cuffs or the cuffs were turned back one turn; and,

Second -- (Red jacket of shiny material (possibly satin), white shirt with narrow, vertical decorative stripes on shirt front, narrow brown tie, black pants and belt, red shoes and a lapel pin; cigar.

Miscellaneous Trivia:

The road sign Sam sees as he and Dotty are driving back to the beauty parlor says: 'Claremore, Oklahoma -- Home of Will Rogers -- Population 422'

'Pregnant' foods/food combinations Sam indulged in:
Radishes and mayonnaise
Jell-O and onions (This was actually Jell-O with Jicama.)

Al told Sam..."Billie Jean's having her baby 40 years in the future." Judging by that, the Project's 'real' time/year would be 1995. However, he's probably just rounding down... it's likely 1996 or 1997.

Pregnancy symptoms Sam experienced:
Swelling ankles
His balance was off
Food cravings
Frequent urination ( "...and making 900 trips to the bathroom...")
Felt the baby kick
Hot flashes
Labor, and then
Coming *this* close to "doing what no man has ever done before" ... giving birth. (Doctor Rogers: "I see a head of curls, little lady. Give her a push!")

In the (leap-in) delivery room scene, the orderly standing by door was Scott's stand-in, Harold.

To work on the character, Scott wore a 33 pound 'pregnancy suit' that simulates the weight distribution of a pregnant woman. Deborah Pratt purchased this for him. He also researched with his wife and friends. Scott talks to Jay Leno about it on The Tonight Show in the interview below:

Also, in the book "The Making of Quantum Leap" (the unauthorized book about Q.L. by Hal Schuster), Scott stated that the one little transition scene of Dotty helping him into the hospital took over 12 hours to shoot! Talk about a long labor!

This episode marked the return of Quantum Leap after NBC pulled the plug two months earlier. "Runaway," followed by a repeat of "Another Mother," aired in January. Fans wrote over 50,000 letters begging NBC to bring back the series. It worked! A humorous commercial aired promoting Quantum Leap's return to NBC, and on it's original night - Wednesdays!

Scott Bakula appeared on an interview of A Closer Look, where he talks in-depth about his role in this episode:


Regular Cast:

Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett
Dean Stockwell as Al Calavicci

Guest Stars:

Lana Schwab as Dorothy Louise Billings
James Whitmore, Jr. as Bob Crockett
Hunter von Leer as Keeter Slade
Tasha Scott as Effy
Ann Haney as Cassy Thailer
Parley Baer as Dr. Rogers
Anna Walker as Leola
Philip Linton as Willis Taylor
Peggy Walton-Walker as Nurse Denton
Molly McClure as Mrs.Suffy
Priscilla Weems as Billy Jean Crockett (Mirror image)
Harold Frizzell as Orderly

Guest Cast Notes:

Lana Schwab as Dorothy Louise Billings: Lana Schwab is known for Repossessed (1990), The Bridges of Madison County (1995) and Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983).

James Whitmore, Jr. as Bob Crockett
: James Whitmore Jr. was born on October 24, 1948 in New York City, New York, USA. He is a director and actor, known for Black Sheep Squadron (1976), Hunter (1984) and Tequila and Bonetti (1992). He has been married to Salesha Ali since March 28, 1972. They have four children. Played Capt. Jim Gutterman in Black Sheep Squadron for the first season but was not in the Second Season (no explanation given as to why or what happened to his character). Has directed Scott Bakula in episodes of four different series: Quantum Leap (1989), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1996), Star Trek: Enterprise (2001), and NCIS: New Orleans (2014).He directed his father James Whitmore in Home for Christmas (1985).

James Whitmore, Jr. has directed 15 episodes (counting the multi-part episodes) of Quantum Leap:

Leap of Faith
The Great Spontini
Rebel Without A Clue
8 1/2 Months
Piano Man
Nuclear Family
A Leap For Lisa
Lee Harvey Oswald, Parts 1 & 2
Trilogy, Parts 1, 2 & 3
Memphis Melody
Mirror Image

Hunter von Leer as Keeter Slade: Hunter von Leer was born on April 3, 1944 in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA. He is an actor, known for Halloween II (1981), History of the World: Part I (1981) and Under the Boardwalk (1988).

Tasha Scott as Effy: Singer and Actress Tasha Scott is ready to return to fame, with the official launch of her music career. Born and raised in Louisville, KY - Tasha Scott knew at the tender age of eight, that she wanted to sing after winning a talent show. She began performing in more local talent shows and other events to craft her singing and performing skills. Tasha's mother was a single parent who worked two jobs with five kids, Tasha is the only girl. While her brothers became heavily involved in sports, she knew it would only be a matter of time before she got her big break in entertainment. At the age of ten, the family moved from Louisville, to Hollywood, CA. "I had performed all over Louisville meeting a lot of big and famous people and winning a lot of talent shows, there was nowhere else to go but to a major city such as Hollywood to fulfill my dreams," Tasha shares. Now being in the city of dreams, Tasha caught the acting bug and began auditioning for television roles. The first one she landed allowed her to do what she loves best, sing. She appeared on two episodes of the NBC sitcom "Amen" which starred the late Sherman Hemsley, where she was a choir member. Tasha followed that by performing on Star Search and with guest spots on television shows "227" and "Throb," which starred a young Paul Walker of "Fast and Furious" fame. After appearing on television it was only a matter of time before the young star got her first movie role. That role would be in the 1989 blockbuster film "Troop Beverly Hills" starring Shelley Long. That was followed up with a TV movie entitled "Kiss Shot," in which Tasha's character played the daughter of Oscar winning actress & comedian Whoopi Goldberg. More television roles would follow; including appearances on "Full House," "Quantum Leap" and "Under One Roof," a sitcom starring James Earl Jones and Vanessa Bell Calloway. However it would be her role in the 1994 Fox TV sitcom "South Central" that would make her a household name. Tasha played the sassy little sister of Andre, played by actor Larenz Tate. The sitcom also included early acting roles by Maia Campbell, Star Jackson, the late Lamont Bentley and a young and fresh Jennifer Lopez. The series was canceled after one season. That same year, Tasha shot a memorable commercial for the Coca-Cola brand. In 1996 Tasha had a recurring role on the WB's "The Parent' Hood" starring Robert Townsend and Reagan Gomez-Preston. Later that year and the following year Tasha played her biggest role yet, touring the US in the classic "The Wiz" as Dorothy. The stage play also included Grace Jones, Peabo Bryson, CeCe Peniston and Tony Terry. Tasha received rave reviews by reviewers and critics. "That was actually my first big stage play. I had never really done theater. I was just like wow this is different from sitcoms, where we can call cut. With stage, you have to keep going," Tasha shares of that experience. "I loved traveling from city to city and all of the interviews and press. Knowing I did something that Diana Ross and Stephanie Mills did; and they loved me in this." While Tasha had conquered TV, Film and now stage; music still was her main goal. She signed a deal with Michael Jackson's now defunct label MJJ, an imprint of Sony Music. The only release from the label that included Tasha was the Men of Vizion single "Joyride" released in May of 1996. Although an album was never released, over the years Tasha released various songs online to keep her fans happy. "Music has been very important to me, it's gotten me through a lot of things. Whether it's R&B, Pop, Rock, Country, Gospel or Jazz; music has been the best blueprint of my life," states Tasha. A voice like Tasha's doesn't come along too often in a lifetime. In 2011 Tasha made her official return to music with the incredible ballad "Gone," from the soundtrack of the VH1 hit reality show "Brandy & Ray J: A Family Business." Although the song was never released as a single, the buzz from it helped bring Tasha's name and voice back into the limelight. 2014 will indeed be a very special year for Tasha, as she prepares for her long awaited debut album. The album is scheduled for release in the second quarter via Zania Music Group (ZMG). The first offering is the mid-tempo, sexy and sultry "Touch Me" featuring Berto. "With this song I wanted to express my grown and sexy side to my fans. And show that love can still be very classy and sexy all at the same time, while having fun with the one you love," Tasha says of the single she co-wrote with Anthony Saunders. Tasha's list of musical influences include Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, SWV, Charlie Wilson, Anita Baker, Luther Vandross, Mariah Carey, Mary J. Blige, Celine Dion, Adele, Chris Brown, Beyoncé, Joe, Ne-Yo, LL Cool J, Tupac, Busta Rhymes, Aaliyah, Fantasia, Jennifer Hudson and the list goes on. Tasha says of her album, "I would describe my sound as very Urban Pop; with a lot of soul, with a twist of Hip Hop. My music is straight forward and to the point." With this being her first album release Tasha has many goals for this project, "One goal is to have my music heard all over the world and to have a #1 single on the radio [and album] that people can relate to and love -- I want to tour and headline my own show. I would love to work with a lot of other great producers and writers for this album as well." Music may be Tasha's priority right now, but acting isn't necessary on the back burner, "I would love to play in an action packed movie as well as have my own television show that could run for at least ten years or more," states Tasha. Another goal for Tasha has been to work with Tyler Perry and to star in a touring stage play about her life, focusing on how she got started in the business.

Anne Haney as Cassy Thailer: Anne Haney held prominent roles acting on stage, on the screen, and on TV. All these achievements came in her mid-40s, after she had raised a daughter and buried a husband. It wasn't until after she had packed her daughter off to college and "the maid quit", as she said, that she decided to try her hand at acting. She was born in Memphis, Tennessee and studied drama, radio and TV at the University of North Carolina, where she met her husband, John Haney. She did apply her schooling briefly at a Memphis television station, but soon settled down with her husband and devoted herself to family life. "I was a lovely faculty wife. We made ambrosia salad. We did good works. We played a lot of bridge", she said of those times. By the 1970s, however, Haney began seeking work in local theatre productions and television commercials. Soon, she was traveling with a touring company performing as the maid in Noël Coward's "Fallen Angels". She toured for two years. Eventually, she joined the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of T.V. and Radio Artists. She and her husband had, in fact, planned to move to Southern California after his retirement. She was eager to experience and, she hoped, benefit from the variety and prestige available only in Hollywood. Those plans changed when Mr. Haney died of kidney disease in 1980; Anne Haney made the trek to California, alone. Not long after arriving, she had an agent and a part in the Walter Matthau vehicle Hopscotch (1980). As her career took off, she also secured roles on stage, notably the role of Margaret Fielding in the Theatre West production of "Verdigris". When asked whether she ever dwelled on the prospect that had she begun her career too late, she replied that "this is gravy to me. It's a wonderful way to spend the last third of my life". She died on May 26, 2001 in Studio City, California, USA.

Parley Baer as Dr. Rogers: Parley Baer was born on August 5, 1914 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. He was an actor, known for License to Drive (1988), A Fever in the Blood (1961) and Dave (1993). He was married to Ernestine Clark. The voice of Ernie Keebler on the Keebler cookies commercials. Served in the Army Air Corps in the Pacific theater in WWII, earning seven battle stars and a presidential citation. Attained rank of captain. During his struggling years, he served as a ringmaster for Circus Vargas and Barnum & Bailey. He would later serve on the board of the community L.A. Circus, and as a docent at the Los Angeles Zoo. Wrote publicity for Al. G. Barnes Circus, in winters. Announcer at Salt Lake City radio station, KSL. In addition to the role of Chester on the Gunsmoke radio series which ran from 1952 to 1961 (the part was played by Dennis Weaver in the long-running television series), Baer was frequently heard on the Lux Radio Theater, Escape and Suspense radio programs, among others. He died on November 22, 2002 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Ann Walker as Leola: Ann Walker was born on February 12, 1944 in Houston, Texas, USA. She is an actress, known for Jagged Edge (1985), Sordid Lives: The Series (2008) and Sordid Lives (2000).

Philip Linton as Willis Taylor: Philip James Linton was born on November 23, 1963 in Oakland, California to Walter and Lillian Linton. He came from a large Catholic family with three brothers (John, Mike, Brian) and three sisters (Debbie, Kathy, Susan) . His family had moved to Reno, Nevada where he graduated from Our Lady of the Snows Catholic School. Then, he attended Bishop Manogue High School in Reno, when he moved back to California to graduate from Providence High School. While still a teenager, he became a member of the Screen Actors Guild and embarked on an acting career landing guest-starring parts on most of the popular shows of the 1980s, such as "The Waltons", "Facts of Life", "Who's the Boss", "21 Jump Street", etc. Even when he had just one scene, as he did on "Quantum Leap" in 1991, he showed an impressive range of guilt and determination when he played a teenager who leaves his pregnant ex-girlfriend for college. He had also acted on the big screen, such as the Jim Carrey film Once Bitten (1985). He would act with Carrey again, this time on the small screen in Doing Time on Maple Drive (1992). It was a prestigious project that earned Emmy nominations in major categories, such as Best Movie. It is one of the first movies on television that deals compassionately about coming out as gay. William McNamara played the gay protagonist, while Carrey, in a rare dramatic turn, played his older alcoholic brother. But it was Linton who made an impression as McNamara's accepting best friend. He also looked young, handsome, and healthy. So it was a shock to find him dead of AIDS on February 16, 1992 at the tender age of 28. A month later, Doing Time on Maple Drive (1992) aired and made its mark on television. Linton's grieving family brought his body from his home in North Hollywood, California to Sparks, Nevada where they had a Mass for him at Holy Cross Catholic Church. Then, he was buried at Our Mothers of Sorrows Cemetery. His school Bishop Manogue High School had a memorial for him. His church in North Hollywood, California called St. Charles Borromeo Church also held a funeral service for him. His family requested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the AIDS Project Los Angeles. (APLA).

Peggy Walton-Walker as Nurse Denton: Peggy Walton-Walker was born on September 1, 1948 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA. She is an actress, known for Pumpkinhead (1988), The Out-Laws (2023) and Hateship Loveship (2013). She was previously married to Keith Walker. Was crowned Miss Birmingham-Southern College 1965.

Molly McClure as Mrs.Suffy: Molly Hill McClure was born on January 19, 1919 to Neva Hill and William Eanest Karnes in Watsonville, California. Her mother died soon after her birth and Molly was raised in Paducah, Kentucky by her aunt and uncle, Blanche and Frank P. Hill. Always attracted to acting and the stage and co-founded a theater company in Paducah. She married Rush Delbert McClure in 1939, with whom she had three daughters. The couple later divorced. After her youngest daughter graduated from high school and went away to college, Molly moved to Los Angeles to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming an actress on the stage and screen. She retired from the acting business and moved to Texas to live with her eldest daughter. Molly McClure died peacefully on August 15, 2008, aged 89, in Plano, Texas, following a brief illness, survived by her three daughters, five grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.

Priscilla Weems as Billy Jean Crockett (Mirror image): Priscilla Weems was born on January 18, 1972 in Eugene, Oregon, USA. She is an actress, known for Five Mile Creek (1983), Scene of the Crime (1984) and Quantum Leap (1989). She was previously married to Terry Sexton. Priscilla filmed Five Mile Creek (1983) in Australia in 1983 & 1984 at age 11. She had a starring role and was one of only 3 Americans in the series. Disney owned the series, but filmed outside the country and in other states to avoid paying residuals to the actors. Much of Priscilla's money was kept in Australia by Henry Crawford & Disney. She purchased a horse, Willow, in French's Forest, Australia, and flew him home. He was a 6-year-old Arab/Quarter Golden Palomino. Willow is still alive & well in West Hills, California on her parent's ranch. She also fought to bring home her "budgie" (parakeet). At that time in 1984, no birds were allowed out of Australia. She called the Prime Minister when she knew she was leaving and asked for special permission to take him home. "Bunyip" was flown home a month after she left and spent 30 days in quarantine. He lived 14 years and is now stuffed under glass.

Harold Frizzell as Orderly: Harold 'Hal' Frizzell was born on September 11, 1936 in Ashland, Kentucky, USA. He is an actor, known for Emergency! (1972), Quantum Leap (1989) and Knight Rider (1982). He was a regular stand-in for Bakula, and appeared here as the orderly pushing him down the hall into the operating room.

Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes:

Anne Haney also appeared in "A Single Drop of Rain."

James Whitmore, Jr. appeared in two other episodes besides this one: "Trilogy - Part 1", and "Mirror Image", all three of which he directed.

Frequent series stand-in for Bakula, Harold Frizzell, plays the orderly pushing him on the gurney into the birthing room.

Parley Baer also appeared "Trilogy Part III."

Say What?

At the beginning, the mirror image of Billie Jean is holding her belly, but when we turn to see Sam, he is not.

Sam states that it is November 14th, but the caption at the beginning shows November 15th.

Scott Bakula can be seen reflected in the cabinet glass when he barricades himself behind the gurney.

Willis' hat falls off when he runs down the road. After the commercial break, the hat has disappeared.

At the bar, Keeter is on the phone with Dottie and "Honly Tonk Man" is playing in the background. This song would not be released until one year later.

Scott Bakula reflects in the large overhead mirror briefly at the end.

Quotable Quotes:

Something tells me we're in big trouble here - BIG.
-- Al (to himself), "8 1/2 Months"

I don't have the flu!
Yeah, and you're not pregnant either.
-- Sam and Al, "8 1/2 Months"

I tried to sleep last night, drinking water and making 900 trips to the bathroom.
-- Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

Being pregnant isn't a reason to get married.
-- Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

You know the expression "God works in mysterious ways"? ... Well I think this is one of them.
-- Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

Al, I felt the baby kick!
-- Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

Al, read MY lips ... I'm pregnant.
-- Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

I can't have this baby.
Honey, I think you're a bit too far along to stop now.
-- Sam and Dottie, "8 1/2 Months"

Where the hell have you been!
In the waiting room with Billie Jean, the poor thing is terrified, she thinks she's having the baby in an alien space ship.
-- Sam and Al, "8 1/2 Months"

I'm having this baby!
No you're not Sam.
Honey, they can tell that.
-- Sam, Al and Dottie, "8 1/2 Months"

There is no way this baby is going to be coming right now, trust me on that.
-- Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

I can't have a baby!
-- Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

You know, little lady, having a baby is about as simple as it gets.  Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, and even if you may not know what to do about it, your body does.
I don't think so.
You'd be surprised.
So would you.
-- Dr. Rogers and Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

It's gonna be very big in the 80's.
Well, I don't know where "A.D.'s" is...
-- Sam and Leola, about her pink, punk hair, "8 1/2 Months"

Why don't you let me drive? [CONTRACTION HITS!]
Because you're busy!
-- Sam and Dottie, "8 1/2 Months"

Sam, this is all happening in your imagination.
Go to Hell!!
-- Al and Sam, "8 1/2 Months"

Oh boy.
Know what, I think so too.
-- Sam and Dottie after the baby kicked, "8 1/2 Months"

Jello and onions!
-- Al, about Sam's choice of snack food, "8 1/2 Months"

She think's she's having her baby in an alien spaceship.
--Al, "8 1/2 Months"

Best Lines:

Al: "Something tells me we're in BIG trouble here. (pause, sigh). "Big."

Sam: "AL! Get it out!!"

" it comes. Here it comes! Oh...God!" (as he drops down on the couch, he starts pushing, stopping only when Dotty yells for him not to) ... "Ooooh. Okay...okay. I can breathe."

Best Scene:

Al: "Billie Jean was in full labor when you leaped in, Sam. It took
every doctor on the staff to stop her. Not to mention the shock
she went into when she caught a glimpse of your reflection in
those OR lamps."

Sam (supporting his back with both hands): "Al, what if she has her
baby in the future?"

(Sam's discomfort sends him to lower himself on the couch.)

Al: Well, Ziggy's very worried about that. He says there's an eighty-
six percent chance that when you leap out and Billie Jean leaps
back, the baby could stay in the future."

Sam: "She loses her baby?"

Al: "Well, she loses it anyway. In the original history, Billie Jean
put her baby up for adoption. Then she regretted it, and spent
the rest of her life trying to find her."

Sam: "So I'm here to change that?"

Al: "Apparently so."

Sam: "How long until she has her baby?"

Al: "Uh....according to Ziggy about thirty-six hours un...

(Al does a double take at what he sees on the handlink).

Sam: "Unless?"

Al: "Unless... you have it first?"

Sam (laughs): "What? What are you talking about? I ca..."

(Al laughs too, then gives Sam a odd sort of look. The look isn't lost on Sam, and he hauls himself up off the couch, highly agitated. He starts pacing which appears to give him a stitch in his side).

Sam: "I ca...I can't have a baby!"

Al: "I know that. But Ziggy's not so sure."

Sam: "I'm sure! I've never been more sure about anything in my life. There's no way I that I could possibly have a baby!"

Al: "Okay, okay..."

Sam: "How could I carry..."

Al: "Okay...OKAY! Calm down! You're gonna find yourself going back into labor."

Sam: "I wasn't in labor!"

Al: "Well Billie Jean was."

Sam: "Ohhh...."

Al: "And Ziggy says that your brain waves are linked into her emotions, and they're cross channeling into the baby."

Sam: "The baby's not here."

Al: "Well never mind the baby's not here. The baby is connecting with your mood swings. Ziggy says you're bonding."

Sam: "Bonding?"

(He gets carefully down on his knees to pick up something he bumped off a coffee table.)

Al: "Yes, bonding. And that's a good thing in case you deliver before Billie Jean leaps back."

(Sam tosses the 'something' onto the coffee table then looks up at Al)

Sam: "I'm a man. I can't have a baby. Men cannot have babies! Ohhh..ohh..."

(He gets a wide-eyed look, freezing where he is)

Al: "You don't look so good, Sam."

Sam: "Just feelin' a little nauseous."

Al: "Yeah. You look a little green around the nostrils there."

(Sam manages to get to his feet then staggers off in search of the bathroom and finds it just in time. The sounds of him throwing up are heard clearly from behind the almost open door.

Al hurries across the room, reacting uncomfortably to what he hears)

Al: "I told you not to upset yourself."

Sam (still in the bathroom): "I'm not upset. I'm just sick."

Al: "I can hear that." (pauses a moment) "Ah...oh, you've got the stomach flu! Everybody's got it! It's going around."

(From within the bathroom there's the sound of a toilet flushing, then water running before Sam stumbles to the door, his face pale and damp, a towel clutched in one hand.)

Sam: "I don't have the flu.'re sure that there's no way... no way that Ziggy could be right about this. Right?"

Al: "Oh, there's no way Ziggy could be right about this! I mean there's no way that... you could carry a baby in there. Right?"

Sam (desperate to agree with him): "Right! So then, we're just saying that Billie Jean's back in the Waiting Room..."

Al: "Yeah."

Sam: "And I'm here in 1955. Right?"

Al: "Yeah, right. She's there, you're here. Yeah."

Sam: "And it's just the illusion of her physical aura that everybody's seeing.

Al: "That's right. They see the illusion of her physical aura."

Sam: "Not her body."

Al: "No, not her body."

Sam: "Okay. So why do I feel so nauseous?"

(The excitement and all gets to Sam and he gets on the couch again, groaning.)

Al: "Oh...uh...oh it could be psychosomatic! Yeah. A lot of fathers have that."

Sam: "Who is the father, Al?"

Al: "We don't know." (he pauses, watching as Sam lays down, then asks, concerned) "You feeling a little better?"

Sam: "Yeah. Yeah, I'm just a little bit...tired."

Al: "Tired? Well that means you got the flu! That's just like I said. You've got the flu."

Sam: "I...I don't have the flu!"

Al: "Yeah, well you're not pregnant either! Because when you're pregnant, the nausea and the pukies and the fatigue come in the first three months, and Billie Jean full term."

Sam: "I'm just gonna rest here a little bit, Al. And then I'll get up and figure out how to patch up things with her...and her family."

Al: "That's a good idea, Sam. You could talk to her mother..." (He starts pressing buttons on the handlink then...) "That's a bad idea, Sam. Her mother's dead. Died when she was twelve. And her father even refuses to see her."

Sam (asks sleepily, his eyes closed): "Who?"

Al: "Her...Billie Jean's father. Bob Crockett is his name. He's a foreman at Kip Petroleum. Lives at 243 Prairie Lane Drive in Claremore. (He looks thoughtfully at the handlink.)

Sam (nearly asleep, mumbles): "243 Fairy Lane Dr...."

Al: "No, not Fairy....Prairie. With a 'p'. (he sounds out the letter for Sam) "...Drive..."

(He glances down at Sam then does a mild double take at what he sees.)

"Something tells me we're in big trouble here." (He looks down at Sam again and sighs.) "Big."


Production Credits:

Theme by: Mike Post
Music by: Velton Ray Bunch
Co-Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Co-Executive Producer: Michael Zinberg
Supervising Producer: Harker Wade
Co-producers: Paul Brown, Jeff Gourson
Produced by: Chris Ruppenthal
Created by: Donald P. Bellisario
Written by: Deborah Pratt
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.

Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Associate Producer:
James S. Giritlian
Executive Story Editor: Tommy Thompson

Director of Photography: Michael Watkins, A.S.C.
Production Designer: Cameron Birnie
Edited by: Robert E. Pew
Unit Production Manager: Ron Grow
First Assistant Director:
Ryan Gordon
Second Assistant Director: L. Lewis Stout
Casting by: Ellen Lubin Sanitsky
Set Director: Robert L. Zilliox
Costume Designer: Jean-Pierre Dorleac
Costume Supervisors: David Rawley & Donna Roberts-Orme

Sound Mixer: Barry D. Thomas
Stunt Coordinator: Diamond Farnsworth
Sound Editor: Paul Clay
Music Editor: Donald Woods

Panaflex ® Camera and Lenses by: Panavision ®

This motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

Copyright © 1991 by Universal City Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The characters and events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Bellisarius Productions and Universal, an MCA Company


Break out the Jell-O and onions Leapers! It’s the episode you’ve been expecting, 8-1/2 Months! Join guest hosts Allison, Matt, and Chris as they discuss Sam’s mind-bending Leap into pregnant teen Billie Jean Crockett. Sam must fight social stigma and morning sickness in equal measure as he struggles to find some way for the girl keep her baby. We also bring you an interview with Ann Walker, who played Leola in the episode. Ann spoke with Albie about her time on Quantum Leap and her decades-long acting career. Then stay tuned for trivia, feedback, radio sightings, a new edition of Quantum Deep and more!

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