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5x21 "Mirror Image"
Original Series Finale

Mirror Image
Alternate Ending

Discovered in an Ebay auction in February, 2018
(25 years after Mirror Image aired)

Thanks to Allison Pregler over at Movie Nights for these images!
(They open in high-res .tif format) Photographer: Fred Sabine




Leap Dates:

August 8, 1953
April 3, 1969

Episode Adopted by: TVNewsCam
Additional info provided by: Carly Lappini and Brian Greene, & Matt Dale


In the final episode of Quantum Leap, Sam leaps into a bar in Cokeburg, Pennsylvania on the date of his birth at the exact time he was born. He drinks a beer and looks in the mirror. He sees his own reflection. This begins a rollercoaster ride of strange occurrences as people from the past appear to him, but with different names. Al the Bartender seems to know everything and may be able to offer some insight to the reason Sam has been leaping in time for the past five years. Back at Project Quantum Leap, Al and Gooshie are troubled to discover that there is no one in the waiting room. While they feverishly search for the lost Dr. Beckett, Sam tries to unravel the mysteries of his own life's work, save a pair of miners from a collapsed mine shaft, and finally takes the opportunity to right a major wrong in Al's life.

Audio from this episode:

Sam: I want to go home.

Episode Menu

TV Guide Synopsis
Leap Dates

Name of the Person Leaped Into
Broadcast Date
Synopsis & Review

Project Trivia
Sam Trivia
Al Trivia

Al's Outfits Worn in the Episode
Miscellaneous Trivia
Kiss with History
Guest Stars
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Say What?
Quotable Quotes
Best Scenes
Alternate Endings
Fan Fiction, Novel, Essays, & More
Production Credits

Mirror Imaging (Supplemental Page)

Production # 68126

TV Guide Teaser:
Sam leaps into himself in a mining-town tavern that has a bartender who might serve up some answers about Sam's life as a leaper. Al the Bartender: Bruce McGill. Al: Dean Stockwell. Tonchi: John DiAquino.

Commercial for this episode:

Cokeburg, Pennsylvania
San Diego, California

Leap Dates:
August 8, 1953

April 3, 196

Dr. Samuel Beckett has Leaped as Himself!

Broadcast Date:
May 5, 1993 - Wednesday

Synopsis & Review by TVNewsCam:

Brief Summary:

Sam finds himself in the strangest Leap yet, with a mystery that seems worthy of Sherlock Holmes! Not only does he Leap into himself, it happens right at the exact moment of his birth, and the people that he encounters bear familiar faces from his previous Leaps. To make matters worse, the Project has lost contact with Sam and are forced to search for him in time. Who exactly is the bartender, who seems to know everything about Dr. Beckett? What clue does he hold to Quantum Leaping? Can Sam figure it out, without Al’s help?

Detailed Synopsis:

Golden light spills through the windows as the blue Quantum light fades from Sam. A floor fan oscellates, blowing cooler air on Sam, who removes his hat and wipes his face and brow from the sweat. It apparently is a very hot and humid day. A old song can be heard playing over a radio.

Sam looks over and notices a man standing behind the bar, wiping a glass in his hand with a towel. His hair is slicked back and he has a mustache. He has a white apron on over his portly belly, and is looking right at Sam.

Sam walks over and puts his hat on the bar counter. He asks the bartender what he has on tap. The bartender tells him "Schlitz". Sam repeats the name, almost as if inquiring if he heard right. The bartender tells him that he has Iron City, Duquesne or Fort Pitt in bottles.

Sam tells the bartender that Schlitz will be fine, and the bartender asks if Sam wants regular or schooner, holding up the glass that he is wiping first, and then a bigger glass. Sam answers schooner, and the bartender goes over to the tap and fills up the taller glass.

The bartender brings the glass over as Sam digs through his pockets and asks how much he owes. The bartender informs him that it’s 15 cents. He seems kind of surprised, but hands the bartender the change. The bartender takes the money and rings it into a cash register. He deposits the coins into the cash drawer, and then gives the drawer a thrust closed with his belly.

Sam picks up the glass and begins to walk around the bar counter, and notices that the bartender is looking at him as well. As he gets to the center of the bar, he looks over to a mirror which is just behind where all of the bottles are stored, most with spouts commonly used by bartenders when mixing drinks. As Sam gazes into the mirror, he looks absolutely stunned.

The reflection looking back at him, for the first time in five years, is his own!


Sam looks in awe at his reflection while the bartender asks if something's wrong. Sam, still dumbfounded, manages to mutter that it's him in the mirror.

Sam reaches up and touches his hair, noting that he's got a touch of white hair. The bartender tells him that he's just got a little, and suggests that he should look into the mirror more often.

Still examining himself, Sam then realizes that he's got crow's feet around his eyes. The bartender asks when the last time was that he took a really good look at himself. Sam replies that it's been a while, and the bartender replies that if he lets too much time go by, he can lose touch with reality.

The bartender then tells Sam that he's looked into the mirror for years and still thought of himself as skinny, and that it took a picture to wake him up. They walk over and the bartender shows Sam an old photograph. Sam remarks that he just pushed his stomach out to make him look fat. The bartender tells Sam that he didn't, and after a moment of silence, he begins to laugh.

Sam asks if those pictures were all from World War II. The bartender replies that they're all pictures of everyone who served in the war from Cokeburg. Sam then asks about one picture in particular, and the bartender tells him that it's a picture of his brother, Joe, who he visited at Edwards before he shipped out, and Joe is a teacher now.

Sam tells the bartender that's great, and then notes that the bartender doesn't look like he's changed much. The bartender tells Sam that his hair has gone grey. Sam mentions that it isn't so bad since it's been a few years, and then begins to stumble... partly with not knowing the year, and partly to try and see if he can learn what year he has Leaped into.

Sam then asks if he has today's paper. The bartender tells him that he's already tossed the Post Gazette, but the press gets there at 6. He suddenly remembered that he may have saved the sports page.

Walking around behind the bar, he pulled out the newspaper, and handed it to Sam, commenting that the Pirates lost... again, and should never have traded a player to the Cubs. Sam guesses not, and then looks at the newspaper.

The date is August 8, 1953, and then mentions to the bartender that it was the day he was born. The bartender wishes him a happy birthday. Sam looks over to the clock, which says 12:47pm. He then notes that he was born at 12:30 in Indiana, and it would be 43 minutes from that point, considering for the time zones. The bartender corrects him and explains that it would have been 17 minutes ago, and that time is a little funny there. The town decided not to follow Daylight Savings Time, so they would be on the same time as the midwest.

Sam turned around as he began to realize that he was born roughly the same time that he came through the door.

A person comes through the door that Sam's looking at. He has a long beard, and is wearing a hat. He ignores Sam and walks over to the bar. The bartender pours him a drink, which he promptly guzzles down. He lets out a breath and leaves, and Sam has to fan himself.

The bartender laughs and tells Sam that he should have warned him that Gooshie has the worst breath in Cokesburg. Sam is stunned to hear that name and asks, just to be sure, if that guy's name is really Gooshie. The bartender nods, and Sam tells him that he'll be right back.

Sam walks outside of the bar and looks around at the town. Two kids are nearby, working on their bikes. Sam looks at them, and they stop and look at Sam for a moment. Sam then turns around and looks at the window which says "Al's Place".

Sam goes back inside and walks up to the bar, again asking the bartender if he calls the guy Gooshie. The bartender nods, and then Sam asks if the bartender's name is Al. The bartender then replies, telling him Albert. Sam then wonders if his last name is Calavicci. Al tells him no.

Sam notes that it's kind of funny because he knows a Gooshie, and Gooshie is not a common household name. He also mentions that he notes an Al, but the bartender points out that Al is a pretty common name. Sam sticks with the point, again bringing up the fact that Gooshie isn't, and the Gooshie that he knows has bad breath just like the guy who had left. Al clarifies that halitosis isn't rare, especially among old timers.

Sam conceeds the point, and then notes that the boys outside look familiar. Al mentions that all boys look alike. Sam continues, saying that there's something coincidental about the whole thing, especially with who he is. Al cocks his head and looks at him. Sam asks if it sounds a little strange, to which Al replies just a little.

The door opens and Al points to a new individual entering through the door, who is kind of hunched over and wears a hat. Al asks if he knows anyone named Stawpah, to which Sam says no.

Stawpah points out that Sam is not a miner, and Sam introduces himself saying that he's passing through. Al sets a beer in a bottle down in front of Stawpah. Stawpah mentioned that he was a miner, and the best one in Mariana. He loaded 24 tons a shift. Today, 16 tons seems like a big deal. He mentioned that is bubba could load 16 tons. Al clarifies that bubba means grandmother.

Sam laughs in surprise, but Stawpah asks if Sam thinks that he's lying. Al intervenes, telling Stawpah to let Sam enjoy his beer. He then mentions what might be on Sam's mind... wondering how a cripple could load that much coal. Stawpah mentions that he was bigger, and strong like a bull. Sam mentions that he's sure that Stawpah was like that, but Stawpah continues on about how being in the mines soaked and rusted his bones.

Stawpah notes that he's lucky if he'll see 50. Al mentions that he thought it was 40, to which Stawpah replies that he was 40 in March. Al laughs

Another person walks through the door. He walks over to the bar and asks Al for a double shot of whisky and a can of snuff. Sam looks at him in awe and stumbles backward, a memory coming to his mind of Frank LaMotta, speaking Sam when he Leaped into Jimmy LaMotta.

Sam walks over to him and hugs him, calling him Frank. The guy mentions that his name is not Frank, and asks Sam who he is. Sam instinctively spurts out Jimmy, to which Stawpah mentions that his name is Sam. The miner then asks whether his name is Jimmy or Sam, and Sam introduces himself as Sam Beckett. He then asks if the guy's name is Frank, but he replies Tonchi.

Sam asks if he has a younger brother, and Tonchi begins to get defensive. Sam asks if he was born with Downs Syndrome. Tonchi asks what that is, and Sam clarifies. Tonchi accuses Sam of calling his brother stupid. Sam quickly covers, just saying that he was asking if Tonchi had a brother with a mental disability. Stawpah jumps in, remarking that it meant born stupid. Tonchi, still defensive, points out that Pete may be a bit slow, but he isn't stupid.

A whistle interrupts them and Tonchi turns back to the bar, saying he has to go to work. He turns back to Sam and warns him not to talk about his brother. He then turns to Al and asks him to put the drink on his tab. Stawpah then points out that they don't know if he might be with the state liquor control board.

Sam is not sure what Stawpah means, but Al clarifies that it's illegal to run a tab at a bar in Pennsylvania. If the state were to find out, he could lose his liquor license. Stawpah suggests that they check his wallet.

Sam digs through his pockets and eventually pulls out a nylon wallet, ripping open the velcro. Stawpah asks what it is, and Sam explains that it's a new kind of zipper. Tonchi is still looking at Sam, but Sam opens the wallet and looks inside, only to see his New Mexico driver's license with a holographic image of him on there.

Sam then points out that who they are is really none of their business. Stawpah urges Tonchi to take the wallet, and Tonchi steps forward, asking for it sternly. Al tells Tonchi that he's going to be late for work, and he can't have that. Tonchi turns back to the bar, drinks the whisky with one gulp, and then leaves.

Sam pulls out the wallet yet again and looks at the driver's license more closely.


At Project Quantum Leap, Gooshie points out the obvious to Al... that there is nobody in the Waiting Room. Al mentions that it's impossible, unless Sam had to Leap into himself. Gooshie informs Al that there is a 99.2% probability. Al is stunned, realizing that Sam is somewhere in time as himself, and asks how Ziggy is going to find him. Gooshie informs Al that they aren't sure that they can.


Al's place is now filled customers, miners who were relaxing and having fun after a long day of work. Sam muses to himself about how it was the day he was born, and instead of nursing as his mother's breast, he was nursing a beer, trying to make sense of the strange Leap. What was even stranger was that the reflection in the mirror was his own, and those at the bar had names and faces familiar to him. He wondered what wrong he was there to put right, and where Al was. He was so desperate for answers that he was looking for them on TV.

Sam looked up at an old fashioned black and white television set, watching an alien landscape as a graphic appeared with the title of the program... "Captain Z-Ro". An announcer explained that he was an explorer in time and space.

Another miner also started to watch the program, mentioning that it would be great to travel in time. Sam was startled as he looked at him, another memory flooding into his mind... of Captain Galaxy. The person looked just like Mo Stein, who Sam had encountered when he had Leaped into his television sidekick.

Sam asked about Captain Galaxy, but the miner clarified that it was Captain Z-Ro. He then asks if there’s a Captain Galaxy, too. Sam tells him yes, and the miner then rambles that he must be on channel 8, and he doesn’t get it too good when the iodine bounces the signal. Sam asks about this, and he says that the iodine bounces the TV signals. Sam clarifies that it’s the ionosphere which reflects the signals, to which the miner replies "That too."

Sam then asks him if his name is Mo Stein, but he replies that it’s Ziggy. At first, Sam smiles, but then his expression changes as he realizes what the response was. He then asks if his name was Ziggy, to which Ziggy asks if he’s heard of him. Sam notes that he has a friend named Ziggy. Ziggy says that he never knew anyone else with that name and asked what she does. Sam replies that she figures things out. Ziggy seems kind of surprised and asks if she’s a girl, to which Sam tells him yes. Ziggy then remarks that she’s probably not much of a looker, and Sam adds that he’d better not let her hear him say that.

Stawpah comes over and laughs, and Ziggy asks if Stawpah wants him to straighten his back for him. He then admits to Sam that Stawpah makes fun of him because Ziggy failed the written tests and didn’t qualify on the machine gun. He then asks Sam if he’s ever fired a machine gun, to which Sam replies that he isn’t sure.

Ziggy explains that he would remember if he did and provided a technical explanation, complete with sound effects. He also indicated that empty cabbages fly around everywhere. Sam again corrects him with the word cartridges, and Ziggy says "Them too."


At the bar, Stawpah tells Al that Sam isn’t who he is pretending to be. Al asks for clarification, and Stawpah replies that when he figures that out, he’ll know why Sam’s there. Al suggests that maybe Sam’s there for the same reason Stawpah is... to have a beer. Stawpah quickly counters that he doesn’t drink beer and Al knows that. Al covers, claiming that he forgot, but Stawpah is quick to point out that Al never forgets anything. Stawpah then asks what would happen around the bar if Al were to forget, to which Al replies that things might go a little... ca-ca.


From where he is sitting, Sam overhears the bartender say those words and looks over in shock. Again, his mind flashes back to a memory of Al... his Al, saying the exact same thing. Ziggy tells Sam not to let Stawpah get his coat, and that Stawpah forgets that he isn’t in Russia where everyone works for the BVD. Sam again corrects Ziggy with KGB, and both Ziggy and Sam say in unison, "Them too."

Sam gets up and walks over to Al, mentioning that he knows another Al who says ca-ca. Al is quick to point out that it’s a common expression, but Sam notes that it’s not where he comes from. Al reminds him that he’s not where he comes from, and Sam asks if it’s just another coincidence. Al points out that it’s a common expression in Cokeburg where nearly everybody is from the old country.

Sam then suggests that Al knows why he’s there. Al asks if Sam’s watched any of the old Bogart movies. The first rule of good bartending is not to give out information for nothing. Al reaches over and grabs a punchboard, asking if Sam wants to take a chance. It would cost him a nickel, but he could hit the jackpot.

Sam asks what the jackpot is, to which Al says that it’s $10 and the answer to his question. Sam asks if Al means that, and Al says yes. Sam hands Al the nickel and takes the punchboard, using the key to punch out a location. He takes the roll of paper and slowly begins to unravel it while asking why he’s here. Al asks if Sam’s hit the jackpot, but Sam looks at the paper and tells him no. Al then tells Sam that he will have to figure it out for himself.


Al asks Gooshie how long the nano-search to find Sam is going to take, and Gooshie tells him one month. Al practically goes ballistic at the thought, to which Gooshie points out that there is a chance that Ziggy could get a lock in as little as 2 and a half weeks, give or take a day or two. Al sighs and then walks up the ramp to the Imaging Chamber, which closes behind him.

Al puts on his hat and punches a button on the handlink, asking Gooshie if he’s ready. Gooshie answers affirmative, and a swirling vortex of images surrounds Al. He looks at the images, and comments that he knows Sam is out there somewhere, urging Sam to lock onto him.


Laughing can be heard throughout the bar. The miners are still there, some sitting at a table and playing cards. Stawpah is reading a paper, commenting on how Russia now has an H-bomb. Another miner doesn’t see the big deal, but Stawpah asks what if they drop it on Pittsburgh?

Sam, who is standing by the table with the card game, jumps into the conversation and says that the Russians won’t drop the bomb. Stawpah asks Sam how he knows, to which Sam jokes that he’s a spy, and spies know everything. Stawpah is very sarcastic as he joins in on the laughter, saying that it was funny.

Ziggy then points out that if the Russians do drop a bomb, they could hide in the mine until the radiator blows away. Yet another miner corrects Ziggy, telling him radiation, and Ziggy says "That too."

Stawpah mocks him, telling Ziggy that he’s so dumb that he doesn’t even know his own name. Ziggy tells him that it’s Simo Servonovich, and then asks if Stawpah wants him to spell it. Stawpah tells him yes in Russian. Ziggy begins to spell it, getting through only two letters before he stops.

Sam sits down next to one of the miners and notes that Ziggy is just a nickname, to which Ziggy tells him yes. Stawpah laughs that Ziggy can’t spell it. Sam asks how he got it, and one of the miners tells Sam that a donkey threw Ziggy into a steam radiator. Everyone laughs, but Sam is confused.

Another miner explains that they were donkey basketball in the school gym to raise money for the town’s widows. Sam asks if that tore up the gym floor, but Ziggy replied that they wore tennis shoes. The one miner explained that after Ziggy got tossed into the radiator, he zigged and zagged for a week. Ziggy then added that Al called him Ziggy ever since.

The miners continue to joke around, but Sam gets up from his chair and looks over at the bartender, asking if Al does all of the nicknaming around there. The miners then begin to rattle off all of the other nicknames that have been given out.

Stawpah then asks why Sam cares what Al calls them, to which Sam replies that he needs it for his BVD report. Another roar of laughter erupts from the table, but Sam continues with his questions, asking if Al nicknamed Gooshie. Ziggy points out that Al must have, since Al nicknames everybody. Stawpah clarifies that Gooshie had his name since the day he was born, and Al only nicknames dummies like Ziggy.

Sam hangs his head in frustration, and then tells Stawpah that he’s getting tired of him calling Ziggy dummy. Stawpah asks why, to which Sam counters with another question, asking Stawpah what he would think if someone called him a cripple. Stawpah tells Sam that he is a cripple, but Sam doesn’t relent. He asks if physically disabled would be a more humane way to describe his condition. Stawpah claims that it won’t change anything, but Sam points out that it might change attitudes towards Stawpah.

Ziggy then jokes that the only way attitudes about Stawpah would change would be if he shut his mouth. Again, laughter erupts from the table, only to be interrupted by the sound of short blasts from the mine work whistle. Sam asks what it is, and Ziggy tells him that it’s trouble in the mine.

Without further questions, everyone rushes out of the bar, including Sam, as Al looks on in concern...


Smoke billows from a pipe in the rolling Pennsylvania countryside. The sound of the whistle seems to echo through the mountains. Men pour out of the elevator shaft leading to the mine, making their way through the smoke and the dust.

A worker falls to his knees in front of another gentleman who has a white shirt on, suspenders, and a hat. The miner says that there was an explosion in Butt 18. The gentleman asks how bad, to which the miner replies that the fire blew itself out, but they lost about 100 feet of tunnel and two men are trapped.

The gentleman asks who they are, and the miner tells him Tonchi and Pete.

Sam is standing nearby and overhears this. As he turns, his face is clearly etched with concern.


As men begin to gather equipment, one of the miners tells the well-dressed gentleman that the bottom of the mine is filling with gas, and they will need to ventilate before sending anyone down for a rescue. One miner suggested that they use air tanks, but the one who collapsed to his knees earlier mentioned that one spark could cause the whole mine to explode.

Ziggy asks about Tonchi and Pete, to which the well-dressed gentleman says that they will have to wait. Sam then jumps into the situation, asking what if they can’t wait, or if they’re injured. The gentleman asks Sam who he is, and Stawpah quickly replies that Sam is the state safety inspector.

The gentleman turns to face Sam and almost looks pale. He asks if Sam is from the Bureau of Mines. Sam ignores his question and asks how long it will take to ventilate the mine. The gentleman exchanges glances with a miner, who answers that it would take 48 hours. One of the miners from the bar is animate, saying that in 48 hours Tonchi and Pete would be dead. The miner who answered the gentleman suggests that Tonchi and Pete could already be dead.

Stawpah points out that they are alive, and when a miner asks, he eerily says that he knows. The gentleman asks if there's a chance if they are alive, and the one miner tells Mr. Collins that there is always a chance, but they would have survived the blast, a cave in, and been lucky enough to have good air in the area where they're trapped.

Another miner points out that good air isn't going to last 48 hours, to which the miner asks Mr. Collins to let the miners dig Tonchi and Pete out. They are willing to risk their lives, but Mr. Collins hedges, saying he is responsible for those lives, and then tries to get Sam to agree with him. The one miner from the bar yells at Mr. Collins, saying that he would relieve him of his responsibility, and Ziggy also chimes in as well.

The miner from the bar then asks who's with him, causing an uproar until Mr. Collins tells Mutta that nobody is going down that shaft until he says so, reminding Mutta that he owns the mine and he isn't about to risk any more lives. Stawpah jumps in and comments that Mr. Collins isn't worried about lives, but catching fire.

Mr. Collins complains that Stawpah has a big mouth, especially when it isn't his neck on the line. Stawpah points out that he's risked his life plenty of times, working in the mines since he was 12. Stawpah then asked Mr. Collins how many times he worked the bottom of the mine.

Without hesitating, Mr. Collins orders that the mine is closed, the cage to be locked, and guards put on the shaft. The one miner who seemed to support Mr. Collins walks away to carry out his orders. Mr. Collins then turns to Sam and assumes that he will be investigating the incident, and offers the use of his office, although he doesn't seem too happy.

Stawpah walks toward the cage as the one miner closes the gate, and then walks past it. Sam watches this and follows him, asking Stawpah why he told Mr. Collins why he said that Sam was the Safety Inspector. Stawpah tells him that people like Collins made him a cripple, so he likes to see them sweat.

Sam tries to reason that Stawpah has a lot to be bitter about, but wonders how making Collins sweat is going to help rescue Tonchi and Pete. Stawpah tells Sam that he's right, and then says that he needs to find a way to get Tonchi and Pete out.

Both of them look down cage shaft, which descends to the bottom of the mine. Eerily, Stawpah describes the conditions far below them. The two men are cold, wet and scared, with Pete really scared because he can't see his brother.

Sam points out that they have lamps, but Stawpah tells him that Tonchi put the lamps out because the carbide lamps burn air. Water is already up to Tonchi's belt and rising, and if they don't get them out soon, they won't come out alive. Sam asked Stawpah how he knows all of that, but Stawpah explains that he had been there too many times before.

Sam watches as Stawpah walks away, a new realization coming over him along with a newfound respect. He thought Stawpah was blind to anyone's plight but his own, but Stawpah needed to save Tonchi and Pete just as much as he did.


Sam is looking out the window as Al tells Sam that he's not here to save Tonchi and Pete. Sam turns around and asks how Al knew what he was thinking, but Al tells him that a good bartender has to be part philosopher, part psychiatrist, and part psychic.

Sam follows Al back to the bar and asks to speak to the philosopher part. Al tells him that he will stick to the basics, at which point Sam rattles off "to be or not to be," "I think therefore I am," and that sort of thing. Al answers affirmatively, and Sam asks why he's there.

Al asks Sam why he thinks that he's there, but Sam balks at asking a question with another question, which is psychiatry, and wants to stick with the philosophy. Al tells him that it's good, but Sam again asks why he's there. Al tells him that he's beginning to think that he's there to save Pete and Tonchi, but Sam theorizes that it isn't the reason.

Al confirms this by telling him that it isn't the direct reason why he's there, but Sam asks about indirectly. Al counters this by commenting "Who knows what Don Quixote can accomplish."

Sam shakes his head slightly and again asks Al who he is. Al shrugs and tells him a bartender. Sam quickly points out that he knows everything, but Al counters that only God knows everything.

Sam just looks at Al and his expression changes, but Al laughs, asking Sam if he really thinks that Al is God. Sam notes that Al is not just a bartender. Al admits that, but follows up by saying that he owns the place to. Al then turns to walk behind the bar to serve customers.

Stawpah, at a nearby table, calls Sam over and asks if he wants to help Tonchi and Pete. Sam walks over and notes that it's what he thinks that he's there to do. Stawpah tells Sam that he's there for the same reason, but Sam is somewhat surprised by this. Sam leans on the table, asking what he can do, and Stawpah tells him to be the Safety Inspector.


Miners are gathered in the mine by the shaft, with Sam at the forefront. A guard stands by the cage, reminding everyone that Mr. Collins said taht the mine was closed until it's ventilated. Sam tells the guard that Mr. Collins changed his mind, but the guard points out that Mr. Collins doesn't change his mind.

Sam quickly tells the guard that Mr. Collins does when the head of the Bureau of Mines talks to him. Sam holds up a paper in his hand as he tells the guard that he called his boss in Pittsburgh, and he spoke with Mr. Collins and convinced him to rescind his order.

The guard reaches for the paper and it flies out of Sam's hand and down the shaft. Sam accuses the guard of purposely letting the paper go, although the guard tries to argue otherwise. The miners seem to back Sam, and the guard offers to call Mr. Collins to get everything straightened out. Sam tells him to do just that, and says that the miners will load up while he makes the call.

Other guards gather around and all look at the head guard for guidance. He waves, allowing them to open the gate for the miners to load up. Sam tries to get on, but Stawpah pulls him back telling Sam that he's already done his part. The miners agree, telling Sam that he doesn't need to risk his life. Sam points out that he's a doctor and could help.

Ziggy tells Sam that he couldn't come because they don't have enough resurrectors, while another miner corrects him by saying resuscitators. The car then begins to descend out of view...


The swirling vortex of images still surrounds Al, who isn't looking too good. He tells Gooshie that he's getting dizzy, but Gooshie tells him that they've hardly begun and wonders if they could narrow the search.

Al then mutters Sam's birthday, but Gooshie asks about it. Al continues by stating that where ever Sam is, it's his birthday. Gooshie again asks how Al knows this, and Al tells him that it's just a feeling and wants Ziggy to start searching Sam's birthdays.

Gooshie asks which one to start with, and Al tells him his first birthday. Gooshie rattles off the date August 8, 1954, and presses some of the glowing buttons on the control console. Gooshie then advises Al to hang on, but Al asks him what to hang on to.


Stawpah is sitting at a table by the window, drinking a soda out of a bottle. Sam is sitting at the bar, mentioning how if he is Don Quixote, then Al is his Sancho, and there isn't anything Al wouldn't do for Sam. The bartender jumps in and muses that there probably isn't anything that Sam wouldn't do for Al.

Sam agrees with that, but then remembers that there's something that isn't true. There was a time when Al had asked Sam to do something, and he didn't... not because he didn't try, but because he wasn't there to save Al's marriage. Sam was there to save the life of an undercover cop.

Tears begin to stream out of Sam's eyes as the bartender summarized that Beth thought Al was dead and married someone else, trying to find a cause. Sam notes that it was because he always played by the rules.

Before Al can say anything, the sound of jubilation can be heard from outside the bar. Stawpah is still sitting at his table and smiles, and Sam also smiles, blinking away the tears. Sam says that they found them.

The miners come into the bar and Sam rushes over, hugging a shorter miner and calling him Jimmy. The miner clarifies that his name is Pete. Tonchi tells Al that the drinks are on him. Ziggy tells Sam that it was a good idea to flake out the mine police, and then drinks a shot of whiskey. Sam tells him that it was actually Stawpah's idea, and turns around to look at Stawpah.

At the table, Stawpah raises his bottle and a broad smile appears upon his face. Suddenly, Stawpah is surrounded by a blue aura of electrical energy and vanishes!


Sam is stunned at what he had witnessed, but the miners in the bar seem to be oblivious as to what just happened. Sam asked where he went, and the miners ask who Sam was talking about. He tells them that it was Stawpah, but Ziggy asks if he means someone named Steve. Sam again clarifies that the name was Stawpah, but Ziggy tells him that Stawpah means Steve in Russian.

Sam points out that he was sitting at a table a moment ago, and again asked where Stawpah went. Sam begins to walk over to the table, and some of the miners follow him as Sam goes on about how Stawpah was right there, turned blue, electricity ran through him, and he disappeared.

Thinking that it’s a joke, Mutta comments that whatever Sam is drinking, he’ll have one. A couple of miners echo that sentiment as they turn back toward the bar. Sam, however, remains transfixed on the table as he begins to figure it out, realizing that what happened to Stawpah was probably what it looked like to Leap. He then exclaims that Stawpah was a Leaper!

A voice interrupts, correcting Sam by telling him that Stawpah was a Ukranian. Standing in the doorway is Gooshie, who enters the bar and walks over to the counter, grabbing a drink and quickly downing it. He tells Sam that he came over on the boat with Stawpah. Sam asks again, just to be sure, if he knew Stawpah. Gooshie explains that he worked the Mariana mine with Stawpah until Gooshie moved to Cokeburg.

Gooshie indicates to Sam that Stawpah was the best loader he had ever seen. Sam reiterates what he had heard earlier – that Stawpah told him that he could load 24 tons in a day. Gooshie quickly points out that nobody could load 24 tons, not even Stawpah, but he came close. He continues by telling Sam that the Mariana mine blew up and Stawpah was the only miner who came out alive, and everyone started looking funny at Stawpah after that because slate stooped him over.

Sam agrees that Stawpah was all stooped over, and then medically clarifies that it wasn’t slate that caused that, but arthritis from loading coal in water. Gooshie is bewildered and asks Sam how he knows Stawpah, and Sam tells him that he had just met him there that very day. Gooshie tells him that Stawpah died in 1933, twenty years prior.

The miners turn back to their drinks and their conversations, leaving Sam to stand there, wondering what is really going on.


The swirling vortex of images continues to surround Al, who doesn’t look that good. He tells Gooshie that he is going to ralph. Gooshie parrots him, turning it into a question, and Al replies with a bunch of slang and colorful euphamisms for vomiting. Gooshie retorts with a technical phrase, and Al replies affirmatively, telling Gooshie that he’s out of there.

Dizzy and off balance, Al stumbles out of the Imaging Chamber and over to the control console. He leans down upon the colorful cubes, using them as a support. Gooshie tells Al that he was about to suggest a break anyways, and then notes that he had scanned all of Sam’s birthdays from 1954 to the end of the 21st century, and wherever Sam was, it wasn’t his birthday. Before he could continue, Gooshie asks if Al had literally meant Sam’s first birthday.

Al looks at Gooshie and asks what he means by that. Almost sheepishly, Gooshie points out that the search was started with Sam’s first birthday, not the actual day that he was born. Al looks dumbfounded , sighs "Oh my God," and turns back to the Imaging Chamber.


Sam is again at the bar, staring at himself in the mirror as Al goes about his business of cleaning glasses. Sam’s voice can be heard as he thinks to himself about how this Leap had taken a quantum twist, and he no longer knew what was real and what was imagined, or if what he imagined was from his mind or someone else’s.

Sam asks Al if he created all of this, but Al shrugs it off and turns to Sam, telling him that he built it, if that is what Sam means. Sam persists, telling Al that it is more than just a bar. Al looks around and tells Sam that there is something special about the place, but Sam doesn’t let up. He continues on about how dead men save miners and then vanish in an aura of blue light, noting that there would be something special about the place.

Al tells Sam that books are full of stories of the dead saving the living, but Sam presses on, asking if Stawpah really was there. Al replies that he remembers Stawpah. Sam asks why the other miners don’t, but Al cryptically responds that it’s the way it is. Sam doesn’t believe that, asking how Stawpah could be with them one moment, gone the next, the miners have no memory of Stawpah, and how he can accept "that’s the way it is" as an explanation. Al retorts, telling Sam that it is sometimes the best explanation.

Sam looks frustrated, and tells Al that it isn’t enough for him. Al counters, telling Sam that he doesn’t think that Sam is ready for more. Sam dares him to try. As Al walks away, the reflection in the mirror shows a person with a clean face. It’s Gooshie, the bearded man sitting beside him. Also, reflected images of Ziggy, Tonchi and Pete cannot be seen.

After Gooshie finishes his shot of liquor, he walks away and Al moves back over, asking Sam if he can accept what he sees as reality. Sam asks him which reality he should accept, and then indicates the miners behind him, and then to the mirror. Al asks him if he’s accepted both, looking at all of those mirrors.

Sam realizes that Al is the one who has been Leaping Sam around through time, but Al denies it. Sam asks what he means, and Al points to Sam’s reflection in the mirror, telling Sam that Sam is the one who has been Leaping himself through time. Sam is in utter denial, telling Al that there is no way he will buy that explanation.

Al moves back over to Sam and asks him why he created Project Quantum Leap. Sam replies that he wanted to travel in time, to which Al asks Sam why he wanted to do so. Sam begins, but stumbles over his words. Al asks if Sam wanted to make the world a better place, to which Sam replies of course. Al continues, asking if Sam wanted to put right what once went wrong, but Sam clarifies that he never intended it to happen one life at a time.

Al comments that Sam is "Mother Teresa", and then asks him if he believes that all he has done is change a few lives. Sam tells him yes, and Al points out, at the risk of over inflating Sam’s ego, that Sam has done much more. Al goes on to explain how the lives he has touched, touched others, and those lives others.

Al notes that Sam has done a lot of good, and could do a lot more. Sam counters, telling Al that he doesn’t want continue, only to go home. Al asks why he hasn’t, but Sam still claims that he doesn’t control his own future, but the bartender does.

Al looks at Sam and tells him that he will only do this for as long as he wants to, and Sam asks if he can Leap home anytime that he wants. Al replies technically yes, and Sam asks him what the catch is. Al explains that Sam has to accept that Sam is the one controlling his own destiny.


The swirling vortex of images surrounds Al as Gooshie’s voice informs him that they’re getting a lock. As the hologram stabilizes, Al looks around and spots Sam Beckett, calling out to him. Sam immediately turns when he hears the familiar voice call his name and calls out Al’s name. Sam gets up and follows Al outside, although Al walks through the window and Sam opens the door.

Al tells Sam that it’s good to see him, and Sam mentions that he thought that Al would never get there. Al asks Sam where they are, and Sam points to the window of the bar, pointing out the name. Al laughs, saying that he had always wanted his own bar.

Sam continues, telling Al that the place is more than a bar, and then mentions that the place is where it all started. Al asks him where what started, and Sam tells him Quantum Leap. Al looks around and tells Sam that they aren’t in New Mexico, but Sam persists, reminding Al about the theory that something or someone grabbed Sam when he had first Leaped. Al is cautious as to where this is leading, and Sam points back into the bar, telling Al that someone inside has been responsible for Leaping Sam around in time.

Al looks through the window and spots the bartender, asking Sam if that is who he had meant, and Sam tells him yes. Sam points out that the bartender wants Sam to believe that he’s the one who has been Leaping himself around through time, but Sam thinks that it’s the bartender. As Sam is revealing this, Al looks to Sam with a look on his face that suggests that he thinks Sam has gone crazy.

Sam continues to explain how the miners all have different names in this Leap, but look like people Sam has encountered before... Moe Stein, Frank and Jimmy LaMotta... plus other coincidences like the same bad breath between the Gooshie there and the Gooshie at Quantum Leap. Sam is getting worked up over all of this, and Al looks more convinced than ever that Sam is losing it.

Al suggests that they had better get Sam out of there, but Sam tells Al that everything he’s said is the truth. Al is still disbelieving that Sam hasn’t been Leaped around by God, but by some bartender. Sam insists that the guy is more than just a bartender... that he could be God, or Fate, or Time, or something else that they hadn’t even thought of.

At this point, Al’s expression suggests that he really thinks that Sam has lost his marbles, and he calls out to Gooshie. Not letting up, Sam asks Al if he turns blue and tingles with electrical energy when he Leaps. Al tells him that he doesn’t know since he goes back into the Imaging Chamber. Sam insists that the same probably happens to him as he had seen it happen to another person, although nobody Leaped back in probably because the guy was dead.

Just hearing the word dead makes Al turn pale, and he tries to get out of the conversation, but Sam still rambles on. He reminds Al about all of the stores of the souls of the dead who have come back to warn the living, wondering if they are all Leapers like Stawpah. Al looks confused, but Sam explains that Stawpah was the name of the guy he was referring to, telling Al that Stawpah means Steve in Russian.

Al tells Sam that he knows what the name means, since he has an uncle named Stawpah. Sam sits down on a bench as he asks if Al’s uncle suffers from rheumatoid arthritis. Al responds, telling Sam that it’s got him twisted up like a pretzel. Sam begins to laugh as the irony of everything has just sunk in, but Al tells Sam that it’s not funny. Sam tells him that it is, but Al asks why. Sam tells Al that he doesn’t know.

Al looks heartbroken and tells Sam to take it easy until he can figure things out with Ziggy. As Al presses a button on the handlink, opening the Imaging Chamber door, he tells Sam that he is going to get Sam out of this, whatever it takes.

The Imaging Chamber door closes just as bartender Al walks through the front door of the bar. Sam looks up at him and chuckles, saying Al’s uncle. Al laughs himself, admitting that he’s always found coincidences to be amusing. He sits down on the bench next to Sam, even though Sam still asks if Al wants him to believe that Sam is Leaping himself.

Al sighs and points out that if he had been a priest, but Sam interrupts indicating that he had been one. Al corrects himself and states that if the priesthood had been Sam’s chosen life, even though the Church would move him from parish to parish, wouldn’t he still have to accept responsibility for the life that he leads. Sam notes that even priests can quit.

Al points out that’s true, but then notes that priests can take sabbaticals, especially before embarking on a difficult new assignment. Sam asks if the Leaps are going to get tougher. Al asks where Sam would like to go, to which Sam tells him that he wants to go home, but he can’t because he’s got a wrong to put right for Al.

Sam turns to Al and asks if he knew. Al smiles and puts his arm around the Leaper, saying "God bless, Sam."

With that, the aura of blue electrical energy surrounds Dr. Beckett and he Leaps.


When the light fades, Sam is standing in a darkened room. In the background, "Georgia" by Ray Charles can be heard, although very softly. Sam’s gaze rests upon a young woman with dark hair, dancing with an invisible partner to the music. He whispers out her name... Beth.

Beth turns and faces him, startled by the appearance of a stranger in her house. She asks who he is and how he got in. Sam tells Beth that she isn’t going to harm her, but is there to help her and Al. She asks if he’s a friend of Al’s, and he tells her yes, asking if they could sit down.

She seems somewhat hesitant, but agrees to Sam’s request. They move over to the living room, where the light is brighter. As they both sit down, Sam looks at Beth and tells her that he is going to tell her a story. It will have a happy ending, but only if she believes him.

Beth asks about if she doesn’t believe him, but Sam gently swears that she will. Sam explains that, instead of starting at the beginning of the story, he’ll go right to the happy ending. He smiles at her and reveals that Al is alive and is coming home.

Sam smiles as she breaks into tears of joy. The music swells as a black and white picture of a youthful Al can be seen... but then his image is suddenly surrounded by the blue aura of electrical energy, just as Sam’s was! Instead of a new Leap, there is nothing but an ominous darkness...

As a result of Sam’s revelation, Beth never remarried. She and Al have four daughters, and will celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary in June. Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home.

Personal Review by TVNewsCam:

Mirror Image is an incredibly powerful episode, where Sam has to face the toughest question of all... who is really Leaping him around in time. He is so set in his way of thinking that he refuses to see the truth that is in front of his face the entire time, or rather looking back at him from the mirror.

The holes in Sam’s swiss-cheese memory doesn’t seem to be as prominent as in certain episodes, as Sam seems to easily recall names, faces, and events that he has encountered during his various Leaps. Also, like any regular Leap, there are lives to save, and it seems to pain Sam that he cannot play a direct part in the rescue. All he can do is settle for an indirect role and pray for the best.

The scenes at Project Quantum Leap were immensely enjoyable, especially the first images of the interior of the Imaging Chamber, as well as the banter between Al and Gooshie. It’s just a shame that more of the Project and it’s staff could not be shown.

The episode hits a few snags in the road when it starts to get into the heavy-duty coincidences and tries to explain what is going on. For the casual viewer, they will probably become easily confused and lose interest. Die-hard Quantum Leap fans, however, will easily pick up on the underlying message.

Deborah Pratt knew that there was a chance that the show could be canceled or renewed for another season. That final call was up to the networks, and Don wanted to leap Sam home, but she cleverly hid some hope into the show itself by convincing Don to leave Sam out there.

The message was, no matter what happened, Sam would always be out there, Leaping and putting right what once went wrong.

"Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive" by Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters

Some swing music in the episode waas used before in "The Leap Back" and "Ghost Ship."

"Georgia On My Mind" by Ray Charles

Project Trivia:
Control Room images are very limited, as is the Waiting Room, plus we do not get to see Ziggy. We also do not get to see any other members of the Project staff, outside of Gooshie.

The interior of the Imaging Chamber, and what Al sees/experiences when they are attempting to get a lock, is shown for the first time. The last time the Imaging Chamber was shown, it was in The Leap Back. That view was from the ramp leading to the control room, and after a lock had already been established and the Observer (in that case Sam) was in contact with the Leaper (Al).

The fact that alarms Al and Gooshie is the fact that there is nobody in the Waiting Room. In the past, there had always been someone in there when Sam had Leaped into someone.

Sam Trivia:
Sam's initial Leap must have caused the white streak in his hair, as he seems very surprised by it when he sees himself in the mirror.

Future elements Sam introduced into the past: Terms – Downs Syndrome, mental disability, physically disabled, Captain Galaxy

Outfits worn: White shirt, brown slacks, and (occasionally) a hat

Sam Leaps into the bar at the exact moment of his birth.

Sam's New Mexico drivers licence number is 5738457 and was issued August 2, 1995, so he Leaped at some point after this date.

Sam is 6 feet tall and weights 175 pounds.

He lives in Stallions Springs, New Mexico with a P.O. Box #555. 

At the end of the episode, Sam's last name is spelled incorrectly with only one "T" as in Sam Becket instead of the correct spelling Sam Beckett.

Al Trivia:
Al has an uncle named Stawpah, otherwise known as Steve.

Al's Outfits:
White Naval 2-star Rear Admiral uniform

Miscellaneous Trivia:
The episode aired in it's original timeslot where it had thrived on Wednesday.

There was no saga sell to introduce the episode - it went straight into the Leap-in.

The original theme song from seasons one through four was used instead of the updated "rock version" at the vote of fans at Leap Con 1993. The clips during the theme song are the ones from season four. Donald Bellasario called this "a gift to the fans", as the revamped 5th season theme was not universally loved.

Along with Scott Bakula (Sam), Dean Stockwell (Al), and Dennis Wolfberg (Gooshie), Bruce McGill is the only actor to appear in both the pilot and finale, though as a different character.

Nearly all the supporting guest stars in this episode appeared in previous episodes.

When the Bartender states “Who knows what Don Quixote can accomplish?”, this likely refers to Sam's time as the title character in "Man of La Mancha" from the episode "Catch a Falling Star."

The bar was created to exact detail by the set builders under direct supervision of Don Bellisario. It was his fathers bar down to every detail. The photo of the Bartender sticking out his belly is Don's father. Don remembers, “I recreated, as perfectly as possible, the bar that my dad owned in a coalmining town called Cokeburg Pennsylvania in 1953 where I was a young man. I recreated people from the town, I had actors portray them, I told them how their accents were, how they spoke, what they did, and they were portraying the people that I remember. The actor that I picked to play my dad looks so much like my dad.”

The pinball machine in the front corner of the bar is a Gottlieb 'Baseball' which was first released in June 1970, 17 years after the episode takes place. The pinball machine was previously seen in "Memphis Melody".

See the real town of Cokeburg!

See the real town of Cokeburg! 2005 photos courtesy of our friend Dave.

During the credits, a photo of Donald P. Bellisario's father holding him as a young boy in front of an airplace is shown.

Two alternate endings for this episode are known to have been scripted in case the series was renewed for another season, both of which included a present-day scene between Al and Beth, having remained married in the new timeline, discussing needing to find Sam again. Production stills were found in February 2018 and film footage was found in May 2019 showing that at least one of these endings was filmed. A third, simpler alternate ending was also produced, showing a family photo of Al and Beth with their four daughters instead of the ending title cards. Source

Kiss With History:
The bar is based on one in Cokesburg, Pennsylvania, owned by Donald Bellsario’s father when the future Quantum Leap creator was growing up. The pictures used on the set were the same from that actual bar.

Sam introduces Velcro. It was invented in 1948 but not commercially available until the late 1950's.

Regular Cast:
Scott Bakula – Dr. Samuel Beckett
Dean Stockwell – Rear Admiral Albert Calavicci

Guest Stars:
Bruce McGill as Al the Bartender
John D’Aquino as Tonchi Palermo
Richard Herd as Simo "Ziggy" Ziganovich (also Servanovich)
William Morgan Sheppard as Gooshie, the miner
Stephen McHattie as Stawpah
Michael Genovese as Mr. Collins
Susan Diol as Beth Calavicci
Dan Butler as Mutta
Dennis Wolfberg as Gooshie (Project Quantum Leap)
Kevin McDermott as Kruger
Ferdinand Carangelo as Ghee
Brad Silverman as Pete Palermo
J.D. Daniels as Kid # 1
Michael Bellisario as Kid # 2
Donald P. Bellisario as Miner (at bar ordering drink)
Christopher J. Marcinko as Miner
James Whitmore Jr. as
Police Captain

Guest Cast Notes:

Bruce McGill as Al the Bartender: Bruce McGill grew up in San Antonio, Texas. His mother, Adriel Rose (Jacobs) is an artist, and his father, Woodrow Wilson McGill, is a real estate and insurance agent. He graduated from Douglas MacArthur High School San Antonio, where he acted in the department of theatre, and from The University of Texas at Austin with a degree in drama. His love for acting stems back to elementary school. He is related to former Texas State Senator A.R. Schwartz. McGill has starred in many films. His role as "D-Day" in National Lampoon's Animal House (1978), taken out of desperation as a young unemployed actor, ended up being his most well known. His long acting career also includes films, Wildcats, The Last Boy Scout, My Cousin Vinny, Cliffhanger, Timecop, The Legend of Bagger Vance, The Sum of All Fears, along with many others. McGill starred in many television roles, including portraying the Boston Police Homicide Detective Vince Korsak on the TNT television crime drama, Rizzoli & Isles. The character of Korsak is the mentor and friend of Detective Jane Rizzoli, portrayed by Angie Harmon. Director Michael Mann,considers McGill a favorite, having worked with him on The Insider, Ali and Collateral. He has also appeared in four HBO TV films, CIA Director George Tenet in Oliver Stone's film W and, also, Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton in Steven Spielberg's Lincoln. McGill has been married to his wife Gloria since 1994.

John D’Aquino as Tonchi Palermo: John D'Aquino was born on April 14, 1958 in Brooklyn, New York, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Cory in the House (2007), 3rd Rock from the Sun (1996) and Xena: Warrior Princess (1995). A film and television actor, John is well known for his role as Lieutenant Benjamin Krieg on the NBC-TV series seaQuest DSV. D'Aquino was born John Aquino in Brooklyn, New York. Now living in California, his Young Actors Workshop has turned out several notable young actors and holds weekly classes, casting workshops and summer camps.

Richard Herd as Simo "Ziggy" Ziganovich (also Servanovich): Born on September 26, 1932 in Boston, Massachusetts, he was the son of Katherine (Lydon) and Richard Herd, a railroad engineer and WWII vet, who died when the boy was quite young. The younger Herd suffered from bone marrow cancer which affected the growth of his legs as a child. As a result, he was educated at the Industrial School for Crippled Children during his formative years. Luckily, loving care and several operations saved his legs from deformity. Making a highly inauspicious film debut in the minor role of a coach in the film, Hercules in New York (1970), which was the showcase debut for the massively-muscled Arnold Schwarzenegger, Richard didn't settle in Hollywood, until the mid 1970s, after replacing actor Richard Long (who died before filming began) in the role of Watergate figure James McCord in All the President's Men (1976). Although Richard made a handful of other movies throughout the rest of the decade (I Never Promised You a Rose Garden (1977), F.I.S.T. (1978), The China Syndrome (1979), The Onion Field (1979)), he appeared with much more frequency on TV, playing stern, authoritarian types on episodes of Kojak (1973), The Rockford Files (1974), The Streets of San Francisco (1972) (starring the similar-looking Karl Malden), Rafferty (1977), Eight Is Enough (1977) and Starsky and Hutch (1975), as well as in the TV movies Pueblo (1973), Captains and the Kings (1976), The Hunted Lady (1977), Dr. Scorpion (1978), Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid (1978), Terror Out of the Sky (1978), Marciano (1979) and, most notably, Ike: The War Years (1979), in which he portrayed General Omar Bradley.

Never finding the one support role that might have made him a character star, Richard nevertheless was featured impressively on all three mediums for over four decades. On stage, he appeared in a pre-Broadway tryout of "On the Waterfront" and played, to great applause, in productions of "Other People's Money" and "The Big Knife". His finest hour on stage, however, would come with his portrayal of the epic film producer in the one-man show "Cecil B. DeMille Presents", which he has toured throughout the country. On TV, Richard has guested on most of the popular TV programs of late, including Desperate Housewives (2004) and CSI: Miami (2002) and is probably best remembered for his recurring roles as "Admiral Noyce" on SeaQuest 2032 (1993), as Jason Alexander's boss "Wilhelm" in the sitcom classic, Seinfeld (1989), and as "Admiral Owen Paris" in Star Trek: Voyager (1995). A few of his lightweight cinematic crowd-pleasers include Private Benjamin (1980), Deal of the Century (1983), Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987) and Sgt. Bilko (1996). More recently, he also had a memorable bit in the Oscar-winning horror film Get Out (2017). Married briefly at the age of 19, Richard remarried and had two children (Richard Jr. and Erica) by his second wife. That marriage also ended in divorce, but his third (in 1980), to actress Patricia Herd (Patricia Crowder Ruskin), lasted. Patricia has a daughter from an earlier marriage. Making his final film appearances in the Clint Eastwood vehicle The Mule (2018) and the baseball biopic The Silent Natural (2019), Richard was diagnosed with cancer and died on May 26, 2020, at age 87.

William Morgan Sheppard as Gooshie, the miner: William Sheppard was born and raised in London, England to an Anglo-Irish family. He is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. He was an Associate Artist with the Royal Shakespeare Company for 12 years. He appeared on Broadway in 1966 with "Marat-Sade" and later in 1975 with "Sherlock Holmes". He won the Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle award for "The Homecoming" in 1995, at the Matrix Theatre. He voiced the narrator in the popular computer game Civilization 5. Incisive, deep-voiced stage and screen character actor William Morgan Sheppard has been a specialist in off-beat portrayals, notably in the genres of science fiction and fantasy. A 1958 RADA graduate, he spent twelve years as an associate artist with the Royal Shakespeare Company. Prior to that, he sold building equipment, served in the Merchant Navy and wanted to be a stand-up comedian. Sheppard's screen career began modestly in British television, running the gamut of standard supporting roles in crime series like The Sweeney (1975), Z Cars (1962) and The Professionals (1977). Crossing the Atlantic to gain more 'visibility', he appeared on Broadway in Marat/Sade (reprising an earlier film role) and (a decade later) in Sherlock Holmes (then billed simply as 'Morgan Sheppard'). He made his American screen breakthrough in the role of post-apocalyptic punk outlaw disc jockey Blank Reg in the cult science fiction hit and subsequent series Max Headroom (1985) (for which he adopted a Mohawk haircut). That role, he later said, changed his career. It also defined a type of screen persona he would tend to favour down the track: possibly dangerous, certainly cantankerous, grizzled and perhaps vaguely droll. He preferred played villains and made up for his lack of height by "playing them smart". In a 2008 interview, he remarked that mini-cabbing in South London in the early 70s "got pretty hairy sometimes, but it was great experience because I could use that stuff. I know how to play psychopaths". A recurring player in the Star Trek franchise, Sheppard has appeared as the cyberneticist Dr. Ira Graves; as a revenge-seeking Delta quadrant alien; as a Vulcan dignitary and (in his words) as the smallest ever Klingon. He also played a sinister Soul Hunter in Babylon 5 (1993) (a role he particularly appreciated because J. Michael Straczynski allowed him to 'run with' the character), a holographic professor in SeaQuest 2032 (1993) and the older incarnation of an-ex FBI agent helping to defeat The Silence in the sixth season of the Doctor Who (2005) relaunch. The actor's real-life son, Mark Sheppard (a top character actor in his own right, certainly best known as the snarky demon Crowley in Supernatural (2005)) played the younger version of the same individual. Father and son appeared together on several other occasions, including in an episode of NCIS (2003), and as -- respectively -- the older and younger Captain Nemo in Jules Verne's Mysterious Island (2010). Sheppard senior was one of just two non-American actors to be cast in the historical dramas Gettysburg (1993) and Gods and Generals (2003) (as Confederate General Isaac Trimble). More recent high profile roles have included theatrical impresario Merrit in The Prestige (2006), a senile priest who absolves Dexter (2006) of his sins and -- perhaps incongruously -- as the titular Kris Kringle in Farewell Mr. Kringle (2010). Sheppard has also been a prolific voice-over actor for animation and video games and has performed in radio plays with Los Angeles Theatre Works. He had latterly taught acting techniques at The Director's Playhouse in Los Angeles. William Morgan Sheppard died on January 6 2019 in LA at the age of 86.

Stephen McHattie as Stawpah: Stephen McHattie was born on February 3, 1947 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada. He is an actor and director, known for Pontypool (2008), The Fountain (2006) and Watchmen (2009). He is married to Lisa Houle. They have three children. He was previously married to Meg Foster. Perhaps his most famous appearance is in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) episode "In the Pale Moonlight," where he plays Romulan Senator Vreenak, who Captain Sisko, Avery Brooks, attempts to dupe into believing that the Dominion is about to invade his homeland. That episode is considered by many to be one of Star Trek's finest and his hissing delivery of the line "It's a FAKE!", regarding the recording Sisko provided, is especially popular. Bears a striking resemblance to actor Lance Henriksen, with whom he is often confused. They both appeared on an episode of the '80s TV show Beauty and the Beast (1987) called "Snow". He is the only actor to appear in Beauty and the Beast (1987) and its remake Beauty and the Beast (2012). He played Gabriel in the former and Mr. Zalman in the latter. His acting mentor was the late Eli Wallach. Of Scottish and Irish descent. Brooding actor of the 1970s with sunken cheeks best known for his role of James Dean in the 1976 mini-movie which co-starred ex-wife Meg Foster. Also played the evil Gabriel in the TV series Beauty and the Beast (1987). Graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts when he was 21. Has appeared in episodes of two different series with Scott Bakula in which he played a character involved in mining: he played a Russian miner named Stawpah in the Quantum Leap (1989) series finale "Mirror Image" and an alien mine foreman in the Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) episode "The Xindi". Worked opposite Avery Brooks twice: first as the villain Corbett in Brother to Dragons (1986) and then as Romulan Senator Vreenak in In the Pale Moonlight (1998). Alumnus of the AADA (American Academy of Dramatic Arts), Class of 1968. Frequently cast in the films of Bruce McDonald. Watch this clip of Stephen in Seinfeld - his part begins about 3 minutes in:

Michael Genovese as Mr. Collins: Born and raised in St. Louis, MO, Mike Genovese taught acting at Webster College from 1969 to 1973. There, he also began his professional acting career with the Lorreto Hilton Repertory Theatre, now the St. Louis Repertory Theatre. While performing in Washington, D.C., he met his future and present wife, TV/film actress Ellen Crawford. His career continued after he moved to Chicago and later Los Angeles. A veteran character actor, Genovese has appeared in many films such as two Richard Pryor billed vehicles: "Jo Jo Dancer, Your Life Is Calling" (1986) and "Harlem Knights", which also co-starred Eddie Murphy, Redd Foxx and Della Reese, and guest roles on TV series such as "The Dukes of Hazzard", "Star Trek:The Next Generation", "Family Matters", "NYPD Blue", "Quantum Leap", "Arli$$", "ER", Chicago Hope" and "JAG", just to mention a few. For "ER", the long-running medical drama which airs on NBC, Genovese appeared in a recurring role as Officer Al Grabarsky, where he appeared opposite his real life wife, actress Ellen Crawford, who was as cast regular as Nurse Lydia Wright, his character's girlfriend. He appeared in twelve episodes of the series from 1994 through 2000. In 1979, Mike had a notable performance as Philip Marlowe at Chicago's Organic Theater in Stuart Gordon directed adaptation of Raymond Chandler's "The Little Sister." In 2005, he appeared as Rev. Tollhouse in "The Book of Liz" play by Amy Sedaris and David Sedaris at the 2nd Stage Theatre, Hollywood.

Susan Diol as Beth Calavicci: Susan is of Scandinavian and East Indian Descent. She was born in Marquette, Michigan. Raised in Palatine, Illinois and Worthington Ohio. Her parents, Christine and Peter Balwant Singh Diol owned C & P Coffee, which is where Susan used her acting skills and accents while working in the office. The Diols also hosted many foreign exchange students and visitors, often having someone living in their basement or on their couch. It was a very lively upbringing. She received her BFA from Otterbein College, and she interned, her senior year at Pat McCorkle Casting in New York. That connection led her to moving to NYC, where she worked as a reader for Pat, was a perfume spritzer at Macy's and cleaned apartments. Pat cast her in her first Equity acting job, playing Viola in "Twelfth Night" at The Alaska Repertory Theatre, directed by her dear friend, Roy Brocksmith. She then got her big break in "You Never Can Tell" on Broadway at Circle in the Square, acting with Uta Hagan, Victor Garber, John and JD Cullum. Then she did "Opera Comique" at the Kennedy Center, with Eli Wallach, Anne Jackson, Charlotte Moore and Brian Bedford. She was a series regular on TV, in ABC's "Hothouse" in New York, with Michael Learned, Michael Jeter, Art Malik, Katherine Borowitz and Josef Sommer. Her most recent film credits with lead roles:"Your Own Road", "Reality", "Loqueesha" and "Basement". TV Movies: "Hacker" with Haylie Duff, "The Wrong Mother" with Vanessa Marcil, and "Bad Twin". Recent TV: "Notorious", "Perception", "Murder in the First" and "Hart of Dixie". Her Favorite TV roles: Beth, Dean Stockwell's wife on "Quantum Leap", Dr. Denara Pel with Bob Picardo on "Star Trek:Voyager", John Larroquettes baby sister on "Night Court" and Audrey on The Nose Job Episode of "Seinfeld". Susan was a Hooker on "Wings" with Tony Shaloub, Steven Weber and Tim Daly. She played Tyne Daly's daughter, Margaret, on Christy", a Nun on "Murphy Brown", and a killer on "Touched by an Angel" and "CSI: Grissom VS the Volcano". She then played a mother of a killer on "CSI" with Ted Danson, and a Doctor on "NCIS". And a Hypnotist/Therapist with Hank Azaria on "Herman's Head". On Soaps, she played the lovelorn Emmy Borden on "Days of Our Lives" and the crafty, phony Preacher/Con Artist, Angela Holliday with Chris Cousins and John Loprieno on "One Life to Live". She is a proud member of the Road Theatre Company in NOHO, where she is an actress, playwright and director. She is also a writer, director, filmmaker and producer at her company ZenGleam Filmz. Passionate for Senior citizens and Brain Health and Wellness, she teaches Zen Move & Groove for Seniors, privately on Zoom.

Dan Butler as Mutta: Dan Butler was born on December 2, 1954 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA. He is an actor and writer, known for Frasier (1993), The Silence of the Lambs (1991) and Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2011). He has been married to Richard Waterhouse since September 12, 2010. Is one of only two actors to have appeared in the original Hannibal Lecter film, Manhunter (1986), as well as The Silence of the Lambs (1991). The other is Frankie Faison. In 1995, he and Candace Gingrich served as spokespersons for the National Coming Out Day Project. Butler appeared in public service announcements that included the gently humorous statement, "I'm not a straight man, but I play one on television". Butler disclosed his homosexuality on Entertainment Tonight (1981) in 1994 during his run as a swaggering heterosexual on Frasier (1993). Best known for his role as Robert "Bulldog" Briscoe in Frasier (1993). Initially, he was a recurring guest actor, but in 1996, he became a member of the main cast. His character was written out of the show in 1999, but returned to guest star in five episodes of the series' last three seasons. Openly gay, he starred in Terrence McNally's 1989 play "The Lisbon Traviata" and wrote a one-man off-Broadway play about his life, "The Only Thing Worse You Could Have Told Me...", which derives its title from a comment Butler's father allegedly made when Dan came out to him. In the play, he plays 14 different gay characters.

Dennis Wolfberg as Gooshie (Project Quantum Leap): Dennis Wolfberg was born on March 29, 1946 in New York, USA. He was an actor and writer, known for Quantum Leap (1989), The Clairvoyant (1982) and Teacher Teacher (1990). He was married to Jeannie McBride. He died on October 3, 1994 in Culver City, California, USA.

Kevin McDermott as Kruger: Kevin McDermott is known for My Stepmother Is an Alien (1988), Magic Fingers (2018) and The Driveway (2010).

Ferdinand Carangelo as Ghee: Ferdinand Carangelo is known for Quantum Leap (1989), The Liars' Club (1994) and JAG (1995).

Brad Silverman as Pete Palermo: Brad Silverman was born on May 16, 1966 in Glendale, California, USA. He is an actor, known for I Am Sam (2001), Quantum Leap (1989) and Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000).

J.D. Daniels as Kid # 1: As a child, J.D. lived on Long Island New York before moving to Greenwich Village. At an early age his acting, singing and dancing talents surfaced and was quickly recognized by talent and casting agents. He was cast in his first role at age 7. Besides his film and television credits, JD appeared on Broadway as Gavroche in Les Miserables and won the LA Drama Crtic's Circle award for his role as Young Charley in Conversations With My Father. He attends Columbia University where he is majoring in film studies. In addition to his acting career, he aspires to be behind the camera, writing and directing. He was awarded the 1993 Los Angeles Drama Critics Circle Award for Featured Actor in a Play for "Conversations with My Father" in presented by the Center Theatre Group/Ahmanson at the James A. Doolittle (University of California) Theatre in Los Angeles, California.

Michael Bellisario as Kid # 2: Michael Bellisario was born on April 7, 1980 in Los Angeles County, California, USA. He is an actor, known for Grandma's Boy (2006), NCIS (2003) and JAG (1995).

Donald P. Bellisario as Miner (at bar ordering drink): Donald P. Bellisario was born in North Charleroi in Pennsylvania. His father ran the tavern, where he grew up listening to the war stories of vets returning from WWII. He had a fifteen-year career in advertising before moving to Hollywood. He broke into television as the story editor for Black Sheep Squadron (1976). His most celebrated works to date are NCIS (2003), Magnum, P.I. (1980), Quantum Leap (1989), and JAG (1995). He has been married four times, and has seven children (one of whom is deceased), two stepchildren, and eight grandchildren.

Christopher J. Marcinko as Miner: Christopher J. Marcinko was born on August 27, 1974 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA. He is an actor, known for Walker, Texas Ranger (1993).

James Whitmore Jr. as Police Captain: James Whitmore Jr. was born on October 24, 1948 in New York City, New York, USA. He is a director and actor, known for Black Sheep Squadron (1976), Hunter (1984) and Tequila and Bonetti (1992). He has been married to Salesha Ali since March 28, 1972. They have four children. Played Capt. Jim Gutterman in Black Sheep Squadron for the first season but was not in the Second Season (no explanation given as to why or what happened to his character). Has directed Scott Bakula in episodes of four different series: Quantum Leap (1989), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (1996), Star Trek: Enterprise (2001), and NCIS: New Orleans (2014).He directed his father James Whitmore in Home for Christmas (1985). James Whitmore, Jr. has directed 15 episodes (counting the multi-part episodes) of Quantum Leap.

Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes:
Dennis Wolfberg as Gooshie in "Genesis", "The Leap Back", "Lee Harvey Oswald", and "Killin’ Time"

Bruce McGill as Weird Ernie in "Genesis"

John D’Aquino as Frank LaMotta in "Jimmy" and "Deliver Us From Evil"

Brad Silverman as Jimmy LaMotta in "Jimmy" and "Deliver Us From Evil"

Richard Herd as Moe Stein in "Future Boy"

Susan Diol as Beth Calavicci in "M.I.A." and in several episodes of the 2022 revival series.

James Whitmore Jr. as Bob Crockett in "8 ½ Months", as Clayton Fuller (mirror image) in "One Little Heart – Trilogy, Part I."

Donald P. Bellisario as Dr. Mintz (mirror image) in "A Portrait for Troian"

Michael Genovese as Don Geno in "Double Identity"

J.D. Daniels as Josh Elroy in "A Tale of Two Sweeties"

Dan Butler as Jake Dorleac in "Southern Comforts"

Michael Bellisario as Little Boy in "Camakazi Kid", as Billy the bat boy in "Play Ball" and as Martin Jr. in "Tale of Two Sweeties"

Familiar Faces

From Al the Bartender to Don Bellisario himself, here are the characters they previously played throughout the series.

Mirror Image Character

Previous Episode Character

Al the Bartender

Weird Ernie in "Genesis"


Mo Stein in "Future Boy"


Jake in "Southern Comfort"

Mr. Collins

Don Geno in "Double Identity"

Tonchi Palermo

Frank in "Jimmy"

Pete Palermo (arm around Sam)

Jimmy in "Jimmy" & "Deliver Us From Evil"

Police Captain

Bob Crockett in "8 1/2 Months"

This is Donald P. Bellisario
Miner at Bar

This is Donald P. Bellisario
Dr. Mintz in "A Portrait for Troian"

Two boys outside Al's Place
who Sam recognizes.

Martin, Jr. & Josh Ellroy
"A Tale of Two Sweeties"

Mirror Image Character Previous Episode Character

Say What?

Since Bruce McGill had previously appeared as Weird Ernie in Genesis, and then was the bartender in Mirror Image, why didn’t they get W.K. Stratton to make a final appearance as well? It would have been very fitting, considering the number of episodes he had previously participated in. The Bartender could have been God, and Stratton could have been the equivilant of St. Michael, the guardian angel.

Bartender Al offers Sam the choice of 'regular or schooner' glasses. The glass referred to as a schooner is in fact a Pilsner. Schooner glasses have a broad rimmed, round body with a short thick stem, whereas pilsner glasses have a tall, constant angle tapered shape.

The pinball machine in the front corner of the bar was first released in June 1970, 17 years after the episode takes place.

The episode of "Captain Z-Ro" was not shown until 1954.

In the sports section of the newspaper, there is an article about an RKO radio license.

When the bearded Gooshie is talking about how Stawpah was the only miner who came out alive, he mentions something about slate on his back, but if you watch closely, his mouth doesn’t actually match the word slate. It looks as if he’s saying "stone." The same thing happens when Sam is talking as well.

Another audio dub flub! As Sam is realizing that he can’t go home because he has a wrong to put right, the words that we hear is "for Al," but again the mouth doesn’t quite match the words. It looks as if he’s saying "first."

Al says he doesn't know what Sam looks like when he Leaps. However in "Good Morning, Peoria" when he starts to glow blue from the electrical interference on the roof, he states that "I'm gonna Leap!" He has made references to knowing what it looks like in a few other episodes. In Animal Frat, after telling Sam how to complete his mission and leap, he makes an electrical sizzling sound and motions with his hand to imply it passing through Sam's body.

The Imaging Chamber door does not operate in accordance with what has previously been seen when Al enters and exits. It's slower opening and closing and larger.

Since he didn't leap into anyone but himself in this episode, the clothes he's wearing, including his wallet with his (expired) driver's license, must have materialized from storage or somewhere, since the project would not have dressed him that way with people leaping in and out over five years. What happened to the Fermi Suit or white lab coat we've seen other leapees wearing in the Waiting Room? Did it leap into a closet somewhere?

The photo of Al in Beth’s house is not the same one shown in "M.I.A."

"Georgia On My Mind" was not released until 1960.

In the final screen of the episode, Sam's last name is mis-spelled "Becket." This was an error broadcast only in certain areas of the United States but is now presented in every digital form currently available without correction.

What happened to Sam Beckett in the years after Mirror Image? Perhaps the video below will give us some "Say What?" answers:

Quotable Quotes:

I was born roughly the same time I came through that door.
-- Sam, "Mirror Image"

Gooshie, this isn't working, I'm getting dizzy!
-- Al, in the Imaging Chamber, "Mirror Image"

Whatever Sam's drinking, I'll have one!
-- Voice in the bar crowd, in response to Sam describing a leap, "Mirror Image"

Suppose you were a priest.
I WAS a priest.
So you were. If the priesthood had been your *chosen* life ...
-- Bartender Al and Sam, "Mirror Image"

Sometimes, that's the way it is.
-- Bartender Al, "Mirror Image"

That too.
-- Ziggy, "Mirror Image"

Not much of a looker, huh?
I wouldn’t let her hear you say that.
-- Ziggy and Sam (about the computerized Ziggy), "Mirror Image"

Hang on.
-- Gooshie and Al, getting a lock in the Imaging Chamber, "Mirror Image"

Stawpah was a leaper!
Stawpah was Ukrainian.
-- Sam and Gooshie, "Mirror Image"

Where would you like to go, Sam?
-- Bartender Al and Sam, "Mirror Image"

God Bless, Sam.
-- Bartender Al, "Mirror Image"

You let too much time go by and you could lose touch with reality.
-- Al the Bartender, "Mirror Image"

I know an Al who says ca-ca.
-- Sam, "Mirror Image"

Sometimes 'that's the way it is' is the best explanation.
-- Al the bartender, "Mirror Image"

...the lives you touched, touched others, and those, others. You've done a lot of good Sam Beckett, and you can do a lot more.
-- Al the bartender, "Mirror Image"

Sam, you will only do this as long as you want to.
-- Al the bartender, "Mirror Image"

Whatever it takes, I'll get you out of this.
-- Al, "Mirror Image"

You're not just a bartender.
That's true--I own the place too.
--Sam and bartender Al, "Mirror Image"

Beth never remarried.
She and Al have four daughters and will celebrate their 39th wedding anniversary in  June.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home.
-- The End, "Mirror Image"

Best Lines:

There’s actually two which I think falls into the category of best line. I just couldn’t decide between them. The first is funny, and the second is an extremely powerful allusion that Sam is still out there, Leaping around in time, setting right what once went wrong.

Al: Gooshie, I’m gonna ralph.
Gooshie: Ralph?
Al: Barf. Upchuck. Spew. Make like Mount Saint Helens. I’m... I’m gonna blow chunks.
Gooshie: Oh, regurgitate.
Al: You got it, I’m out of here.

Al the bartender: ...the lives you touched, touched others, and those, others. You've done a lot of good Sam Beckett, and you can do a lot more.

Best Scenes:

Any scene that featured the interior of the Imaging Chamber were superbly done. Typically, most hologram scenes were filmed in front of a blue or green screen, depending on what the individual was wearing. That screen was edited out and replaced electronically by the scene that had already been filmed. In this case, the blue screen was a perfect compliment for the previously seen Waiting Room, and still allowed the swirling special effects to be integrated.

Another scene, which also fits that category, comes at the end when Sam finds himself in Beth’s living room and tells her that Al is alive and coming home. The emotion is so powerful that you can practically feel it radiating through the television screen! The Leap effect on Al’s picture is perfect symbolism of what was possibly to come in future episodes, had the network not canceled the series.


Read the official script for "Mirror Image" with two alternate endings!

Alternate Endings:

To read the alternate endings, look above for the script.

Filmed alternate ending #1 - Photo of Al Leaps into photo of his family:

Filmed alternate ending #2 - Beth and Al talk about finding Sam:

Fan Fiction, Novel, Essays, and More!

Return to Al's Place Bar in the Virtual Season's three-part saga which received an average rating of 9.64 out of 10 points!

Mirror Expression - Part One
by B. D. Greene

Mirror Expression - Part Two
by B. D. Greene

Mirror Expression - Part Three
by B. D. Greene

More Fan Fiction

Virtual Seasons, Prequel, & More!

"The Mirror Shattered"
Screenplay by

R. Joy Helvie

"Somewhere Between
Limbo and Lightning"

A short story by Chris DeFilippis,
author of the QL novel "Foreknowledge"

Mirror's Edge by Carol Davis

June 15, 1999
New York City, New York
Las Vegas, Nevada

After leaping back into the present, but into the body of a very rich and powerful man, Same is in danger of losing himself forever, unless the Quantum leap team can get him back.

Visit the Novels section of Al's Place for more info on the final novel in the series!

A beautiful piano cover of Suite From The Leap Home
Set to the final scene from "Mirror Image" by Bullbayliss Music.

Opening title cell for Mirror Image

All of the titles and credits for Quantum Leap were done by taking a black cell and cutting out the letters for each title. Then they would put the cell on a white backlit background. Then they shot it with a video camera, then with a modern linear switcher they did a simple "key" to cut out the shape (in other words take anything that's white and keep that shape), then they added the tint and drop shadow with the switcher as well. Presto....credits.

Thanks to Matt Dale for the high-res photos!

Production Credits:

Theme by: Mike Post
Musical Score By: Velton Ray Bunch
Co-Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Co-Executive Producer: Chas. Floyd Johnson
Supervising Producers:
Harker Wade, Richard C. Okie
Produced by: Robin Jill Bernheim
Created by: Donald P. Bellisario
Written by: Donald P. Bellisario
Directed by: James Whitmore, Jr.

During the credits, a photo of Donald P. Bellisario's father holding him as a young boy in front of an airplace is shown.

Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Associate Producers:
Julie Bellisario, Scott Ejercito
Coordinating Producer: David Bellisario
Director of Photography: Robert Primes, A.S.C.
Production Designer: Cameron Birnie
Edited by: Randy D. Wiles
Unit Production Manager: Ron Grow
First Assistant Director: Ryan Gordon

Second Assistant Director: Brian Faul
Casting by: Ellen Lubin Sanitsky, C.S.A.
Set Director: Robert L. Zilliox
Costume Designer:
Jacqueline Saint Anne
Costume Supervisors: Glenn Bradley, Alice Daniels
Art Director: Ellen Dambros-Williams
Sound Mixer: Barry D. Thomas
Stunt Coordinator: Diamond Farnsworth
Make-up: Jeremy Swan
Hairstylist: Andrea Mizushima
Sound Editor: Greg Schorer
Music Editor: Bruce Frazier
Special Visual Effects: Roger Dorney, Denny Kelly

Panaflex ® Camera and Lenses by: Panavision ®

This motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

Copyright © 1993 by Universal City Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Some of the characters portrayed in this motion picture are based upon actual persons. Although some of those events have been fictionalized for dramatic purposes, otherwise the characters and events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Bellisarius Productions and Universal Television, an MCA Company

Visit the Mirror Imaging page of Al's Place for even more info on the series finale!


Forget everything you think you know about Leaping and belly up to the bar; it’s time for Mirror Image.

Join hosts Allison Pregler, Matt Dale and Christopher DeFilippis for a deep dive into Quantum Leap’s infamously controversial, confusing and heart-breaking series finale.

We talk GTFW, dubious doppelgängers, and debate Sam’s ultimate fate.

Listen to The Quantum Leap Podcast on this episode here:

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