"Because I Love You, Goodbye"


GizmoDuck for PQL Security
Staff member
Jun 4, 2004
"Because I Love You, Goodbye"

A QL background story about the 24 hours surrounding Mrs. Calavicci abandoning her family--six year old Al and four year old Trudy. How accurate is Al's memory of the real reason she left?

(EDIT: 6/15/05---until I can get this reposted here, it can be read at Fanfiction.net: www.fanfiction.net/s/1817686/1/ )

"Because I Love You, Goodbye"
by Jennifer L. Rowland

This story, originally written as a four page vignette in April of 1995, was posted to the QL Archive in September of that year (and published in the on-line magazine InterFace). Later, after much prompting by friends and family who felt that there should be more to the story (and after having the ideas bouncing around in my own head), I wrote the rest of the story, which appeared in slightly altered form in the QL Fanzine, LEAPS AND FISHES I: To Write What Once Went Wrong (1996).

As with all things, I'd like to thank God first and foremost for the gifts He's given to me. Secondly, I'd like to thank Jenni Bohn for prompting me in 1995 to share this story on the 'Net, Kat Freymuth for urging me to post the rest of it in the QL Archive, my mom for her wonderful support of my writing, and my best friends for prompting me to go on and write the rest of it!!

Note: The title is drawn from a line in Kate Chopin's novel, THE AWAKENING