Dean's Stand-Up on A&E

Snish said:
ThankyouThankyouThankyou, Carol!
LOL! You're WelcomeWelcomeWelcome!!!

Ooh! I've got a ton more. Wait 'til you see! I'm SO in love with my capture card. Oh, yeah. Do you or anyone you know have episodes of the Tony Danza show? I've got - maybe three . . . or three and a half. ;_;
That. Was. Priceless.

Personally, I thought the first part of his routine could have used a little work, but I loved it all!

And OMG... I was WAY too young to have watched that year's Oscars, but I've seen that Snow White/Rob Lowe thing on YouTube.... It was like watching a horror flick!

Thanks for posting this; you rock!

:Love To All:
~ Joy ~
tina_als_girl said:
Personally, I thought the first part of his routine could have used a little work, but I loved it all!

I'm not so sure Dean was supposed to be one of the regular stand-ups. He seemed more like an announcer for the announcer.
Personally, I thought the first part of his routine could have used a little work,

Not to get whiny and defensive, but standup comedy is probably one of the few things Dean hasn't done in his exceptionally long career. When he did this in 1989, it may have been years since he had performed in front of a live audience--since he did dinner theatre in the bad old days when he couldn't get film work.

Besides, no one else can ever tell the "Is Dean Stockwell dead?" joke. :)

Originally Posted by LunarCrystal
I'm not sure - he's kinda sensitive. Not sure if he'd be able to handle a Roast. heh ^.^()

Every time he and Scott get together at a convention, Scott teases him without mercy, and Dean eats it up. I don't think he's that thin-skinned.

Wasn't he a speaker at Dennis Leary's roast?

He's not listed on IMDB. Looking at the guest list, it doesn't seem like Dean's crowd, and I don't think he ever worked with Denis Leary.