Dreaming of a perfect Leapcon20??


Project QL Intern
Jul 26, 2009
Well I like to daydream

Rent the Hollywood Bowl for just one day, let them take care of ticketing.
Tables selling Scott and Dean related scattered all over the place.
Tickets price depending on seat number (the closer the higher) (for guys and dolls lowest price was about 17 dollars with a chance to upgrade when you get there if seats still available) This way it would be more fair for the people to get what they can afford but still be there.

Rule: No member of the committee will take up first 10 rows in the Hollywood bowl seating. Members of the Leapcon 2009 commitee are alsol excluded of sitting within the first 10 rows also (they already had their day on first row)
Rule: Everyone brings their own camera and tapes and takes pictures.
Rule: There will be no offficial footage made, so no one will feel the need to destroy it.
Rule: A site set up so that after this con you can upload your footage and share with other members and get all the footage complete.
People who not brought their camera's and didn't take pictures because they don't have a camera, use your cellphone. I think everyone has one by now.
Rule : even if you forgot your camera and your cellphone, no member attending the Leapcon 20?? will be denied access to this site.
Rule: Every fan should receive access to this site.
Rule : No one will be excluded from the Con (this is added as a rule because one of my friends was denied access to the Leapcon 2009)

leapcon 20?? title "Leap of the fans"

The hardest part would be figuring out this mess on who own the QL rights, than get Steven Spielberg to direct it and use this money it brings in to make that movie (or at least make the downpayment to start the movie). (God knows both Don and Deborah probably already hold a script for the movie)
Does BPI still excists? If so dreaming that Scott could would the production :)

Guests at the bowl just Dean, Scott, Don and Deborah.

Bring your food and picknic at the bowl.

Special auction for a backstage pass done the day before by the bowl as was done for G&D only not on ebay. However the ones who won that ebay auction can not paricipate in that one nor can any of the committe members of that Leapcon as well as the Leapcon 2009, it's time for some other fan to be able to get near Scott for a change.

Auction for lunch with the guests also done at the bowl. Members who won any previous auctions are excluded, any previous commitee members of the Leapcon 2009 are excluded from enterring this auction. Members of the committee will be in the same room eating their lunch but not participating at the same table leaving room for the fans to enjoy their meal. However someone should be taping so it would be a good plan to have the committe members near in case any of the fans would like the footage of this lunch but doen't want to eat and tape at the same time. (of course only if permission would be granted by all four guests that taping is alowed)
Rule: this taping will be accible for ALL fans after the Leapcon20??

Than maybe instead of a privat auction as has been held on SBFF with Scott's Leapcon shirt by Helene (which by the way was the same as the ST convention shirt) get Scott to change shirts (on stage or off -up to him :lol) and auction it off at the Bowl. :hurray:
Get Dean to do the same :hurray:
Have them sign it on stage with an official Leapcon photographer there to capture the moment so the one who will win that / those shirts get's the shirt(s) and the pic it was signed (better than a COA)

SAVE THE WATERBOTLES they drink out of and have them auctioned off :lol
Auction off the chairs they sat on :lol

If this Hollywood bowl would be filled up with QL fans however, it would be impossible for the guests to sign of have their pictures taken with them.
Instead of auctioning such a thing off and have people with the most money win that hold a raffle for about 50 people max, that way everyone has a chance. Committee members of that Leapcon as well as committe members of the previous Leapcon2009 will not be alowed to enter the raflle.

So did I miss something in my dreams on the perfect Leapcon? Or did I get it all?

Oh nope, one more thing. Brian will be invited as a special guess all exp. Paid including wife and kids with a special VIP pass to move around freely anywhere he wants, including backstage :)
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Sounds like a wonderful leap con to me because it reminds me of the way it use to be.
I tell you one thing I wish I could go back to this year's convention and relieve it all so that I would not forget a thing.
Rule : No one will be excluded from the Con (this is added as a rule because one of my friends was denied access to the Leapcon 2009)

How could something like this happen at a QL convention. Was your friend dangerous?
How could something like this happen at a QL convention. Was your friend dangerous?

Well if love for Dean and Scott could kill they would def be dead by now. But maybe to certain committee members, who knows really what was behind it all.
I believe there was a misunderstanding about actually being banned. If the person that was banned would like to say for themselves, then he/she may do so here, but I'm not rubbing their name around without their say-so. I will say that the person thought that I had actually banned them. The person could have bought a ticket and could have attended. Hey, we let Helene in. <g>