Quantum Leap:Conclusions and decisions.


Project QL Intern
Jun 4, 2007
You probably ,already,discussed most of the things i'm gonna write about in this thread,but it something i have to do,so forgive me... :)

Warning: The following things includes some criticism about QL.So Everyone here who is too sensitive about the subject,please think twice before going on with the reading...

Yesterday i've seen "MI" and by that my rewatch the all episodes of QL in their currect order came to an end. It took me a few monthes but i felt i had to do it, because during them i used it to collect info ,that were displayed on the show for the fanfic i'm writing of QL,and i want to be as loyal as i can to the all QL Plot.
Anyway,during this time i came up with quite a lot of conclusions and decisions about the show.And i want to use this thread to share a few of them with other QL fans.So if i may...
1.After watching the entire 5 season from "Genesis" to "Mirror Image" i can say for sure that QL were a great series,defently one of the best i've seen(#3 for me) but as most show -as the show went on it lost some of its "magics" and the 4th and 5th season wasn't as good as the previous three.During Season 4 and 5 we had some great moments and episodes,but to be honest there were only a few moments and episoded like that. And if i'll be more bold i'll dare and say that most of the 5th season were quite a disapointment.
2. In my opinion, The all "Sam leaping into the life of a Real people" theme,we had,during the 5th season was a complete catastrophe.
The fact ,that DPB himself(As I've been reading in one of the threads of the Forums) was against it,but didn't had a choice, make me value him a lot more(But he ,still, could really spare us the LHO episodes).
3."Evil leaper" Trilogy -In my opinion Except the second part of the trilogy,which in my opinion could ,even be a greater independence episode, i think this all plot line was a complete waste of time.
4.After seeing the all 95 episodes of the show i can now say for sure,that my top 3 of the show are 1,"The B**gieman",2."MIA" and 3."Good night ,dear heart" and my last 3(4 to be exact,'couse i have a tie)are...
at 92 it "Rebel Without a Clue."
at 93 i choosed "Blood Moon" which has a tie with my 94. "Stand-Up". and in 95 and the episode i disliked the most of QL is "Lee Harvey Oswoold".
5.There were some episodes during the show,that took me by surprise of how good they were, how bad they were or really made me like'em. One of the episode i was really surprised of how much i liked it was "A tale of two sweeties".One of the episode i like the most from the series.Don't get me wrong i don't think it was such a good episode,it just that i really liked it. we also had "The Beast Within"(518 - an episode that surprised me-not because of the plot,and the episode itself,but the writer of the episode - John D'Aquino(Most known as Frank Lamotta in the show). It was his first and only writting job for the show(Actuelly first and last time ever,that we know of) ,but he did quite a good job,in my opinion.It's really made me wonder if QL would have gotten another season(or two) would we've seen him developing as a writer(and maybe one of the best writer) for the show?
in the other hand we had "Dr Ruth" and "Blood moon" i was really surprised of how bad i thought it was. They had so much potential,but the writers,just,somehow ruined it.
6.After seeing all of the episodes of QL i think that the most amazing part of the show is,that altough Sam Beckett is the main character of the show Al Callavicci is the character with the most depth in the series.I really think it's one of the things,that make QL such a unique show.

That is all,for now.And i want to Thank every one who got this far for his/her patience.
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well, i always have a first love of comedy, therefore, well, dr. ruth is good. i also enjoyed the comedic timing both dean and scott share. especially in the banter they feed off one another in "another mother," a quaint, simple story of growing up, something sam beckett could learn. i agree al has lots of depth, sam, well, being "the ultimate boy scout" wasn't too deep. he, like myself, is childlike, having seen the good in all people, much to a fault. sam hasn't matured much after his father's untimely death when he was 21; i am turning 27. sam still is down deep, an overly shy, sensitive, caring soul who just happens to find his "other side" in al...possibly as a fan fic called him "artificial life" that sam created, similar to his creation of ziggy. however, i am drawn to conclude that both "shock theater" and "lee harvey oswald" or even yes, "8 1/2 months" are my top 3...
isz said:
altough Sam Beckett is the main character of the show Al Callavicci is the character with the most depth in the series.
I agree Al is the most complex charactor in the series and there are so many holes so that fanficers have so many possibilities with him and my best friend Kristen is one of those writer's the loves to play with Al, she has written some wonderful Al scenes, she with a decent amounf of my help have almost written him an entire past all our own but that also fits with what the show did manage to give us. Myself unfortunatly am better writing Sam. I have tried to write Al and although Kristen always tells me that I did a great job I feel like I flopped compared to what she can do. Although I am quite pleased with the one scene where I took his finding out of Trudy's death and mixed it with the last chapter of Tim O'Brien's Things They Carried.

In response to the episode's that you named as your tops, I must say I also enjoy most of the episodes that you listed, the only one I am not a huge fan of but is also not on my least fav list is Goodbye Dear Heart. I gave this ep a second and third chance back to back and it's really ok, and I love how Sam seemed to fall in love with Hilla just from looking back on her memories. The only thing about it is that I just found it kind of dull. It lacked a real exciting plot but I always get a kick out of Al popping in in the middle of the coffin and shouting out when he noticed hehe.

laestrella said:
sam still is down deep, an overly shy, sensitive, caring soul who just happens to find his "other side" in al...
that's an interesting thught although I would think that more true of Al than of Sam because after all Sam basically saved his soul and took him in as a brother almost and Al even said himself in Shock Theater that Sam was the only person who believed in him when he didn't even believe in himself. I really think Al found a lot of himself when he met Sam.

isz said:
as the show went on it lost some of its "magics" and the 4th and 5th season wasn't as good as the previous three.
The all "Sam leaping into the life of a Real people" theme,we had,during the 5th season was a complete catastrophe.
Ouch! Thank you. I agree Seasn four was pretty good but season five was just sad fr the most part especially with Vampires and bigfoot and unrealistic junk like that and Sam is supposed to help real people with their real problems(real to the show I mean not real real). And It was Don's rule at first that Sam could not leap into real people but the new NBC guy only cared about ratings not the show it seemed.
I think they only episodes that kept to the original magic and feel goodness although some of the others were still good of QL were:
Nowhere to Run
The Promised Land
Tale of Two Sweeties
The Beast Within
(except the whole bigfoot thing)
and I would have to say Starlight Starbright because it's simular to Future Boy in the sense that Sam supports and believes in Maxwell Staudard. not only because he also saw the UFO himself but also because Maxwell Staudard is a man with a dream that no one else believes in just like Moe Stien and himself. And its also like Moe's situation in the dirtect respect that like Moe he had to keep Maxwell out of the mental hospital.

Other than that Season five was way over the edge. But still enterianing somewhat.

isz said:
3."Evil leaper" Trilogy -In my opinion Except the second part of the trilogy,which in my opinion could ,even be a greater independence episode, i think this all plot line was a complete waste of time.
Yeah I love the evil leapers I just hate their reason for being which was what else but ratings? However I only really like the first two of the evil leapers I think the third one took it too far, I did not like Zoey as a leaper. I think that was just stupid.

Another simular storyline in the feaky three leap edge respect(in my opinion) is the Abigale Trilogy. Although I think I am starting to sort of like it now too but only the first and third episodes she just annoys the hell out of me in the second one and not just for having sex with Sam becuase she was also very selfish about that little boy. Although I still think the whole thing was kind of a waste of time, my point being that it was kind of a second evil leapers if you will only with a freaky little girl.

Notice: please I don't mean for this comment to start another debate conversation as most of my Abigale comments seem too. I promised Brian I would keep it to a minimum which I am respecting, by just making small comments here and there, which this is one of them and I was only doing a comparison to make a point I was not even attacking Abigale this time which is what frustrated Brian. I am now done with the abigale subject.
so please no more people trying to contradict my Abigale opinions(I have a right to them anyway), please keep to isz's subject.

And I don't mean to be annoying with this notice I just don't want to get in trouble anymore especially because this was not a bad comment so I don't deserve to.

Even Dr. Ruth to a certain extent because it delt with a woman being harassed by a man which is something that Sam hates and wanting badly to help her even though she's not the primary task at hand.
And since both of you listed your top three eps, I guess I will too:)
1.)Temptation Eyes
2.)Nowhere to Run
3.)I am having a hard time choosing between Shock Theater, The Leap Back and It's a Wonderful Leap here.

Ok I didn't expect this post to be so large its past time for me to make my lunch.
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Isz, I thought your comments were interesting and worthwhile. You definitely got a lot of discussion going in the Episode Ratings section, which I've enjoyed very much.

isz said:
6.After seeing all of the episodes of QL i think that the most amazing part of the show is,that altough Sam Beckett is the main character of the show Al Callavicci is the character with the most depth in the series.I really think it's one of the things,that make QL such a unique show.

I'm happy to say I agree with you on this point.
To be honest,in my opinion, the best thing,that came out from Deborah Pratt's "Trilogy" was Sammy-Jo. I think if we had another season,the all Sammy-Jo twist had a lot of potential.And if i remember currectly i read somewhere that Deborah Pratt thought of making another leaper out of Sammy-Jo character and maybe,even replace her father in this advanture and send him back home to his wife. If only it would happend...

BTW here a question,that came up my mind,after i watched MI - During the show we heard a lot about Gooshie and Tina but were never been told what was Gooshie last name,and what was Tina's last name,right?!
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isz said:
even replace her father in this advanture and send him back home to his wife.
Yay that would be good Sam needs to be with his Donna :)

isz said:
but were never been told what was Gooshie last name,and what was Tina's last name,right?!

Not in the show I don't believe so but in the novels there are suggestions.
Gooshi is actually a nickname Al branded him with thats short for his last name Gushman. And Tina's last name is Martinez-O'ferral I could swear it was mentioned once in the show, but maybe not.

Snish said:
You definitely got a lot of discussion going in the Episode Ratings section, which I've enjoyed very much.
Yes she does, and I also try to but am often overlooked. eaither that or my posts are still the last ones to this day. :p
Ooh, a discussion! As emphasized by isz, everything here is my opinion.

isz said:
1.After watching the entire 5 season from "Genesis" to "Mirror Image" i can say for sure that QL were a great series,defently one of the best i've seen(#3 for me) but as most show -as the show went on it lost some of its "magics" and the 4th and 5th season wasn't as good as the previous three.During Season 4 and 5 we had some great moments and episodes,but to be honest there were only a few moments and episoded like that. And if i'll be more bold i'll dare and say that most of the 5th season were quite a disapointment.

I tend to agree with this for the most part. Season three has some of my favorite episodes, and it seems to be the season I'm wearing out the fastest. The 4th season wasn't bad; nothing really stands out as horrible to me. But I thought the 5th season was the weakest, too. It had some definite high points, and I liked some of the experimentation they did, but some of it didn't work for me.

isz said:
3."Evil leaper" Trilogy -In my opinion Except the second part of the trilogy,which in my opinion could ,even be a greater independence episode, i think this all plot line was a complete waste of time.

I liked the first one. The second one was okay, but I really didn't like the third.

isz said:
4.After seeing the all 95 episodes of the show i can now say for sure,that my top 3 of the show are 1,"The B**gieman",2."MIA" and 3."Good night ,dear heart" and my last 3(4 to be exact,'couse i have a tie)are...
at 92 it "Rebel Without a Clue."
at 93 i choosed "Blood Moon" which has a tie with my 94. "Stand-Up". and in 95 and the episode i disliked the most of QL is "Lee Harvey Oswoold".

I loved LHO, but it has more to do with how Sam was reacting rather than the famous leapee. I love episodes that explore a main character's darker side, and Scott handles the shift between Sam and LHO eerily well. Still, it didn't need to involve a famous person; an episode like this would have worked just as well if Sam had been merging with some fictional crazy, like Leon Stiles.
ladykayoss said:
I loved LHO, but it has more to do with how Sam was reacting rather than the famous leapee. I love episodes that explore a main character's darker side, and Scott handles the shift between Sam and LHO eerily well. Still, it didn't need to involve a famous person; an episode like this would have worked just as well if Sam had been merging with some fictional crazy, like Leon Stiles.

Yeah I agree LHO is yet another episode where Scott gets to express his amazing talent for voices and going into another person's mind. The episode itself was freaky the first time I saw it but I rather like it now. What also is intriguing is Willy Garson going from shy nerdy Seymore to Cold Blodded assassin Oswald, his performance is wonderful as well. It was also neat to see a young Don talking to Oswald, I love how he wrote this episode just to show the people who made JFK who's boss. And it was very well written.I especially love at the end how it took a deep personal memory like Sam's dad teaching him to drive a tractor to get him out of Oswald the second time. That was just sweet to me because we see in both Genesis and The Leap Home how much he loves his dad so to see in LHO the look on his face and the way he said "dad?" when Sam begun to come back is very meaningful. The one thing I don't get (besides to make it a interesting episode) is why Sam had to go through so much of Oswald's life.
I think it was so that the project could gather information so that they could determine if there was a conspiracy and who was behind it.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
I love how he wrote this episode just to show the people who made JFK who's boss.

I wouldn't say anyone is "boss" when it comes to the actual events surrounding the assination of Kennedy. Bellisario held the belief that Oswald acted on his own. Oliver Stone (producer/director/screenplay writer of "JFK") held the belief that there was a conspiracy surrounding the assisination of Kennedy. Both of them are men who were in a position to take their beliefs and present them to an audience. It doesn't mean either one is right or wrong.

Personally, I do enjoy the episode "Lee Harvey Oswald" because of the degree of acting in it and the twist at the end with Jackie Kennedy but I don't agree with Bellisario that Oswald acted alone. I lean more toward there being soem kind of conspiracy surrounding the assination. Enough of the stuff I've read about and the research I've done would point to their being more than one gunman.
Jmoniz said:
I wouldn't say anyone is "boss" when it comes to the actual events surrounding the assination of Kennedy.
Oh where I am its just an expression that just means that he was displeased with the movie and wanted to do it his way. Sorry for the confusion.

jmoniz said:
Personally, I do enjoy the episode "Lee Harvey Oswald" because of the degree of acting in it and the twist at the end with Jackie Kennedy but I don't agree with Bellisario that Oswald acted alone. I lean more toward there being soem kind of conspiracy surrounding the assination. Enough of the stuff I've read about and the research I've done would point to their being more than one gunman.
I have no opinion there, I never really did any research on it and it didn nt come up in any of my history classes, or if it did it was just barely. But you are smart and like to research a lot so I can see the logic and where you are coming from. Plus there is slight evidence in the episode at least it seems like it is, when Al is demanding that he tell him if he's planning to kill the president and he says that his alternate identity is going to do it, and it made little sense to me for him to blame himself as another name, so it seems like the alternate identity was in real life an actual person/accomplice. Just a thought I had.

naggindraggin said:
I think it was so that the project could gather information so that they could determine if there was a conspiracy and who was behind it.
Oh yeah huh? I forgot that I only saw it twice.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
The one thing I don't get (besides to make it a interesting episode) is why Sam had to go through so much of Oswald's life.

It's all because of the mind-merging that occurred immediately after Sam made his first leap into Oswald. In this case, it was an unusual amount of merging, which was more than most other leapers that Sam leaped into. Basically the whole episode happens the way it does because Sam and Oswald's minds are trying to reconnect with each other. The leaping "yoyo" might have ended sooner, but the Project inadvertently made things worse when they leaped more of Oswald's mind into Sam's. At the last second, their minds finally reconnected and knocked Sam out of Oswald once and for all, although Sam still had his mission to accomplish, so he leaped into the nearest possible person that could have accomplished it.
QL Nut said:
It's all because of the mind-merging that occurred immediately after Sam made his first leap into Oswald. In this case, it was an unusual amount of merging, which was more than most other leapers that Sam leaped into. Basically the whole episode happens the way it does because Sam and Oswald's minds are trying to reconnect with each other. The leaping "yoyo" might have ended sooner, but the Project inadvertently made things worse when they leaped more of Oswald's mind into Sam's. At the last second, their minds finally reconnected and knocked Sam out of Oswald once and for all, although Sam still had his mission to accomplish, so he leaped into the nearest possible person that could have accomplished it.
Ah that makes sense too as well as what Naggindraggin said. Thanx Chris. I should have seen both those points though... talk about an "AH DUH!" moment.:banghead

I wonder what made Sam mind Merge with Oswald so much though.
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It sounds like I might be outnumbered here in terms of my opinions, but I found Sam to be a very deep person and I disagree strongly that Sam can be described as childlike or that he didn't mature after his father died. Somewhat naive, yes. Definitely sees the good in people, yes. However, the character I saw was quite mature, intelligent, sensitive, and wickedly funny at times.

When I watched the show through the first time (1989-1993), it was ALL about the characters to me. I didn't really become a more Bakula focused fan until 2005. Before then, the only things I knew the man had done were QL and ENT.

QL was one of my favorite all time shows. I've mentioned before that I even took extra physics (Quantum stuff) because of it. I named my calculator at the time Ziggy (I was going through my B.S. coursework in chemistry during the run of the show so I used my calculator A LOT.) When the final episode aired, I was devastated. It took me years to get over it (I'd never been that into a show that deep before or since.) I've since made my peace with it to some extent.

SO...when I talk about the Sam character being deep to me, I speak that from the heart. That doesn't take away from the deep characterization that characterized Al. I felt that was there as well. Both of these characters played off of each other so well. Five years was definitely not enough.
You are right Sam is definietly a deep charactor because he takes so much to heart, I don't know about anyone else but personally I see him childlike in the form of his sensitivity and Nievness. I don't recall anyone saying that he did not mature after his father died, there is no question that he definietly did, and he matured even more when he attempted anf failed to save his family in The Leap Home. Sam is definietly a mature man but when he show's his sensitive side I believe he is very child like in that manner.

Does that make any sense at all?
I didn't say Sam character didn't have depth,i'm just saying that Al's Character is the character that got the most depth from the writers of the show,espacially from DPB.
Maybe it's because the viewers learn the most about his past and his experiencey,but we didn't get a lot of those two about Sam - probably because of his Swiss-cheesed memory.

BTW,Me like a lot of people here, prefer Sam Beckett's Characters in QL.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
You are right Sam is definietly a deep charactor because he takes so much to heart, I don't know about anyone else but personally I see him childlike in the form of his sensitivity and Nievness.

The way I would put it is that Sam has a kind of innocence that he still keeps after all the leaping and all of his life experiences. He still thinks that people are basically good, or if they're not good, they can be steered back into being good. But he's not some cardboard Pollyanna type--he's a real person. He can sometimes complain, be negative and cynical, despair that he will ever get home, or get tired of his bizarre job, but he always maintains his belief that he's doing a good thing and he can get the job done.

I would say that Al has more depth (which I'm sure everybody knew I would say :) ). He's done a lot of living in his 60+ years. Don't get me started, I could write a dissertation. But that shouldn't take away from Sam, who was also so well realized.
Yeah I agree Snish, Sam has sme depth of course as he's been through quite a lot with his family and even his marriage in one timeline, but Al has the most depth of any charactor I have ever seen let alone of the show. Like I said there is so many holes for fanficers to fill in and Kristen and I have done a lot of just that. He's a fun charactor to work with for a writer, I just happen to be better with Sam as she is better with Al.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
You are right Sam is definietly a deep charactor because he takes so much to heart, I don't know about anyone else but personally I see him childlike in the form of his sensitivity and Nievness. I don't recall anyone saying that he did not mature after his father died, there is no question that he definietly did, and he matured even more when he attempted anf failed to save his family in The Leap Home. Sam is definietly a mature man but when he show's his sensitive side I believe he is very child like in that manner.

Does that make any sense at all?

Absolutely YES it does make sense and i totally agree :D

I think both Al and Sam have excellent depth of character but exhibit it in such different ways, Al hides his and exposes it only the those he is closest to and only when necessary. Sam's totally influences everything he does and he doesn't hide it at all, which probably is what gives him his childlike characteristics (hope thats spelt right) His sense of justice reminds me so much of my 8 year olds, she's totally horrified over anything unjust and wants to change the world... and just for the record, her name is sammi - j.
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Bexter said:
Absolutely YES it does make sense and i totally agree :D

I think both Al and Sam have excellent depth of character but exhibit it in such different ways, Al hides his and exposes it only the those he is closest to and only when necessary. Sam's totally influences everything he does and he doesn't hide it at all, which probably is what gives him his childlike characteristics (hope thats spelt right) His sense of justice reminds me so much of my 8 year olds, she's totally horrified over anything unjust and wants to change the world... and just for the record, her name is sammi - j.
Yes and based on a line from Shock Theater("You believed in when when no one else did, not even myself" That's the line) I think Sam gave a part of Al that he lost back to him; his faith in the world and in life. From the description given in Play Ball of the day they met it seems that Al was a broken man ready to give up on life(I don't necessarily mean in a sucidel way although according to something Kristen and I wrote he did try that option once) before Sam rained on his already grey parade. And I can give you many examples of Sam always seeing the good in someone and completely ignore the bad, but his saving Al's soul as described in Play Ball is the strongest example of all, Alia coming in at a very very close second. I think that Sam is the strength in Al when Al himself can't find it, and vise versa. And even though Al is not as open as Sam all the time, its almost like Sam can read his heart. The Leap of Faith is a pretty good example of that.

In a way it seems like they both kind of share a soul.

Oh btw: Bexter your little girl sounds soooo cute :dreaming
too bad she's onlny eight she sounds like she'd make a good Sammy Jo.
Sam Beckett Fan said:
Oh btw: Bexter your little girl sounds soooo cute :dreaming
too bad she's onlny eight she sounds like she'd make a good Sammy Jo.

Yes she is, her name is Samantha Jane, Jane after me, however second choice was Samantha Joanne after her aunty, now how cool would that have been!! :hurray:
Bexter said:
Yes she is, her name is Samantha Jane, Jane after me, however second choice was Samantha Joanne after her aunty, now how cool would that have been!! :hurray:

And I forgot to mention my other daughters name is Beth!! Both named way before I even knew Quantum Leap existed.

Me and Quantum Leap and match made in heaven :dreaming

And I know its totally unrelated but here is a humorous little story for you all and especially for snish because she was kind enough to say she liked my humour

Today I had a run of Annual General Meetings for the properties that I manage. At one meeting a couple who where purchasing one of the units there arrived to basically check me out and pick my brains so here is how the conversation started

Them: So what is this meeting you are having today?

Me: Its the Annual General of the strata Company

Them: And how often do you have Annual General Meetings?

You'll be happy to know I didn't embaress him in front of his wife by saying "Annually you Moron!!!" :banghead and was very diplomatic by replying
"We hold them once a year"
Bexter said:
Yes she is, her name is Samantha Jane, Jane after me, however second choice was Samantha Joanne after her aunty, now how cool would that have been!! :hurray:

Haha what a coincidence hehe.

Bexter said:
Me and Quantum Leap and match made in heaven :dreaming

hehe yeah same here, and Me and Scott would BE my heaven :dreaming :dreaming

I am I am glad he's married and all (and him and Field have been going eleven stong years thats great) but he's so yummy and so what I like in men. Hot and sweet and everything neat thats what I like my guys made of. ;)
(I randomly made that up while I was making the avatar I am using hehe, I actually very nearly added "And everything neat, that's what Scott is made of")
Bexter said:
Them: So what is this meeting you are having today?

Me: Its the Annual General of the strata Company

Them: And how often do you have Annual General Meetings?

You'll be happy to know I didn't embaress him in front of his wife by saying "Annually you Moron!!!" :banghead and was very diplomatic by replying
"We hold them once a year"
:lol Too funny!
Bexter said:
And I know its totally unrelated but here is a humorous little story for you all and especially for snish because she was kind enough to say she liked my humour

Today I had a run of Annual General Meetings for the properties that I manage. At one meeting a couple who where purchasing one of the units there arrived to basically check me out and pick my brains so here is how the conversation started

Them: So what is this meeting you are having today?

Me: Its the Annual General of the strata Company

Them: And how often do you have Annual General Meetings?

You'll be happy to know I didn't embaress him in front of his wife by saying "Annually you Moron!!!" :banghead and was very diplomatic by replying
"We hold them once a year"

Bexter, I am humbled by your restraint. My hat is off to you. Either I would have cracked up laughing or I would have said, "Annually you moron!"

You have a daughter named Samantha Jane and one named Beth? That's even weirder than the fact that my ex-husband's birthday is June 15. Oh, and I was wife #3.