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April 16, 2003
Rodette Vision


"Putting things right that once were wrong…."

In this time of war… I know that this isn’t all about Quantum Leap, but I feel that this is something that should be said… and amazingly enough, it looks like I’m not the only one who feels it….

Family Decisions….

In every family there is a figure that makes the majority of the decisions – a person who will lead the family down a path. That person bears the majority of the stress and makes the toughest decision for the betterment for all involved – and usually the kids don’t like the decision that’s been made.

If this is the case – every four years, we vote a "father figure" into office – hopefully, someone who’ll stand in adversity, who’ll have hope in hopelessness, and a firm hand in wrong-doing.

Now, here we are a nation fighting a war on Terrorism – a cause that George Bush and other feel is just.

Whether you agree with George Bush’s decision to go to war, or if you are out on a protest showing how earnestly you despise it – we as a nation are his "kids". We may or may not like the decision that was made. However, we need to realize that what he was doing was for the betterment of our nation. He isn’t doing this for votes for his next term in office nor is he doing this to win people over and influence them.

Another individual – Charlie Daniels -- who feels somewhat the same way said this:

"Political change because whether you happen to agree with President Bush’s policies or not, if you’ll be honest with yourself, you have to admit that he is a leader.

He looks neither left nor right, ignores the polls and the sometimes scathing criticism and forges ahead on the path that he believes to be right for America."

I whole-heartedly agree. George Bush is doing what he believes to be right for America and her inhabitants… and, I hope that he’s doing something to better the family there. I don’t see the harm in anyone trying to better us all – or putting things right that are wrong!

Do you?


Reaching for that unreachable star,

If you’d like to e-mail MJ about any Quantum Leap information regarding QL: The Virtual Seasons or any Rodette-Vision Column, please do so at

In my soul, this hope burns free – oh, please let there be one final leap!

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