Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of ALL ages...Al's Place Proudly Brings you: Rodettevision...The Visions of Robyn X! Email Robyn X at: Tell her what you think at the Rod & Rodette-Vision Feedback Forum on our messageboard!
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It truly is an honor to be allowed to post my thoughts here on Als Place! Where else can I open up and let my thoughts just flow out of me and have fun at the same time talking about something that I have enjoyed from the get go? Thank you, Brian for this opportunity! Its also an honor to be along side The Rod! I know that we will have a fun time working together. *Raises a mug of frothy beer up to him* To us! J
To A Median I have to agree with The Rods recent column written on October 19th. It is up to us to take charge and mail our thoughts about the new Quantum Leap Movie / Series to the producer(s) and let them know that we wont be happy until Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell take the lead roles and bring Sam Beckett back home! But when it comes down to it will Scott and Dean want the roles? Good question and I certainly hope that we dont see the answer. Perhaps we can lead Scott and Dean back if we all write to them! Tina_Als_Girl has the addresses for both of them as well as everyone else: here. Go get those pens out and write honey! Write! Quotable Quotes or Trivia Mania On October 16th, I left a small quote for someone to figure out. The quote was: "I thought that if I ignored him, hed go away." Congratulations to Gelfling1220 and to Mstalanon for guessing the correct answer: It was Angelita Carmen Guadalupe Cecilia Jimenez in It's A Wonderful Leap! Now now now dont anyone peek at the episode guide here on Als Place! Use your noggins! Here is some Trivia: In what episode does Al talk about Tinas tattoo that is "on a super-secret part of her anatomy"? Now to the meat and potatoes of my thoughts this week ..
To An End Recently, I found out that a family member had passed away. It was a sad/glad thing sad because she was gone, but glad that she wasnt hurting anymore. I was on my way home from the funeral, when a song came on the radio that made me stop and think. It was by Kenny Chesney and it was called, "A Lot of Things Different". I dont know if youve heard the song or not, but its about regrets and how they make us who we are. Those regrets can be small things, as the song says, like skinny-dipping with a girl you really liked, or something that didnt seem to matter that made all the difference in the world, like spending more time with a parent before theyre gone or giving in to someone that you love - letting them do something off the wall especially when it wouldnt hurt anything or anyone. This type of song also reminded me of other eye-opening songs that tell us to learn from our past, live in the moment, and to tell those around you how much you really care. I know that youre wondering how does this relate to Quantum Leap? It relates in each of the following ways:
Regrets make us who we are they shape us and keep us down to earth. If someone out there says that they dont have any regrets, they are lying to themselves. We all have regrets, but thank goodness that we can learn from them and grow from them. I think no, I know that Sam Beckett showed us through his leaps what we must do every day. He showed us something very special and honorable: to embrace your regrets and to live every day with your heart. If you can do that then you have a pretty good game plan for living your life. Love and Peace, * Robyn X * *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Should you wish to email Robyn_X about this article or ANY Quantum Leap related matter, you can do so by contacting her at |