Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of ALL ages...Al's Place Proudly Brings you: Rodvision...The Visions of The Rod! Email The Rod at: Tell The Rod what you think at the Rod & RodetteVision Feedback Forum on our messageboard! Even Sam supports The Rod! Listen for yourself!
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January 12, 2003Rodvision The Rod would like to thank Robyn X for her interview with Him. He hopes that all your questions were answered, and if you ever wishes more, feel free to ask . On with the show
Doctor Rod's Psychological Profile. With the possibility of a new leaper, people around the world are trying to guess who it would be. Lets see what it takes to be a leaper. A Quantum Leaper is not an easy life to live. You have to abide be strict rules governing your behaviour whilst in the past. But with these rules is a little bit of flexibility, as Sam Beckett proved. A Quantum Leaper must be:
Perhaps a Quantum Leaper needs to be a super intelligent, whiter than white goody two shoes. If this is the case, was Sam Beckett a one of a kind? Can any other leapers accomplish what he accomplished? There are debates on having Sams offspring as the leaper, however, The Rod says that a leaper would have to have plenty of life experience, and be about the same age as Sam, otherwise you will see the new leaper bouncing around within a time frame of his/her short life. Quantum Possibility The Rod brought to you on the 22nd December RodVision a possible storyline, created by an avid Hot Rodder. Once again, RodVision is proud to bring BACK to you another excellent theory, once again created by Dan Goff. "In the original series of Star Trek, the episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" introduced those furry little cuties (Tribbles) to the Enterprise (and I'm still chuckling over Kirk's facial expressions from the episode). Years later, Deep Space Nine has an episode titled, "Trials and Tribble-ations" where the DS9 crew is sent back in time and nose to nose with the original ENTERPRISE. Therefore, DS9 beams on board the original ENTERPRISE and interacts with the original episode thanks to spiffy special effects. As the DS9 crew stands mere feet away from Kirk and Spock in their prime and even talk to Kirk, they must find bomb and dismantle it before it blows up the original ENTERPRISE therefore altering the timeline. How about a similar concept for the new Quantum Leap series. At one point, the leaper(s) finds themselves entering Al's Place. This concept also depends on how Al's Place is used in the new Quantum Leap, but nonetheless...how about this new leaper(s) leaps back to 1953...Cokeburg, Pennsylvania...just days before Dr. Sam Beckett supposedly arrives. The new leaper(s) is on a different assignment. Leaping in at a different location in the town. I'm thinking that the new leaper(s) come from the vast far future and the legendary Dr. Sam Beckett is much what the character Dr. Zefram Cochrane (The renowned Terran American scientist and developer of warp drive on his world) is to Star Trek. Dr. Sam Beckett (The brilliant quantum physicist and developer of Quantum leaping) for whom is idolize in the future and immortalized in fascinating science-fictional tales of time travelling. The new leapers realize their position in time: Cokeburg, Pennsylvania 1953...a few days prior to when Dr. Sam Beckett leaps to Al's Place. (How these new leapers arrived in 1953 I don't know yet, maybe some bizarre force in the space-time continuum became entangled and interrupted their leaping sending further back in time, or something...I'm a creative writer, plus it's science fiction...WHAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!) Anyway, the new leapers research the town. Of course, back at the new PQL...the Committee is hardcore strict and sceptical about this timeframe. Interacting with past Quantum Leaping is strictly forbidden. Any unlawful interaction with past events may seriously harm future events (the usual time-travelling problems). The new leapers (ala Star Trek) investigate the town and find themselves across the street from Al's Place. They (or just the one leaper) enters Al's Place. I'm not exactly sure what all happens the day prior, but essentially the two stake out the place. August 8, 1953...the new leapers witness the "leap in" of Dr. Sam Beckett. Now (ala Trials and Tribble-ations) the new Quantum Leap series enters the original Quantum Leap series final episode MIRROR IMAGE from a different prospective (ala Back to the Future Part 2 also). Sitting at a table in the background, the new leapers drink quietly and sit in awe as they witness the events of a truly historic moment. I'm working on this idea in my head as I type this, but I figured since I have this in my head...I might as well share it. Just imagine seeing the future of Quantum Leap interact with the past of Quantum Leap. Possible titles for this whether it be big screen, Sci-Fi episode: MIRAGE MIRROR'S IMAGE " Tune in next week for yet another Quantum possibility. RodVision and Dan Goff, together they WILL get Quantum Leap back!! Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at therod@quantumleap-alsplace.com Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod. |