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January 26, 2003


Are Universal Scared of Quantum Leapers?

The Rod has been thinking. (Never a good thing)

Perhaps the reasoning behind Scott Bakula not as yet being asked to appear in the new Quantum Leap could be that Universal are scared.

Scared??? What of Rod?

Why, scared of making a complete mockery of QL with the movie/pilot or whatever it will be. Think about it: If they manage to bring Sam back, or even feature Sam IN the movie, then QL purists will be baying for blood. How can they bring Sam back, when they have said he never returned home??

Can you imagine the amount of hate mail they must have gotten/still getting because they cancelled the show, and ruined the storyline?

What if they suddenly restore Sam back home, as if it never happened, or if after Al and his squad cannot locate Sam, they suddenly manage to miraculously find him?

Can you imagine the amount of Mockery Mail that Universal would receive for not being able to retain continuity??

So as a solution, the Universal nozzles decide to have a new leaper.

Answer The Rod something:

If a Nobel Prize Winning GENIUS like Sam Beckett could not find his way home, how then could another lesser man achieve this.

How could Project Quantum Leap sweeten the deal for the new leaper?

"Step right up folks, a one way ticket of a lifetime, step into our Quantum Accelerator, leave behind your life of scientific accomplishments and leap into …….. A Car Valet Attendant"

Oh Yeah, The Rod can see the candidates queuing for MILES!!!!!



A Quantum Career Change

In an effort to assist Universal in their aims of restoring QL, The Rod has decided to try and help them with some of His ideas for new every day careers for their Leaper to assume:

  • Circus Animal Enclosure cleaner
  • Dental Hygienist
  • Guy who cleans up the Set of those AWFUL reality Shows where contestants eat bugs and bathe in sh*t etc…
  • Flea market marquee pitcher
  • Manure Trader

Perhaps the problem facing Universal is that they do not know what leaps their leaper will make. Maybe its because Sam has already done so many great leaps, maybe its because the leaper will inevitably be some teenage snot nosed brat who decides to have the ultimate rush and use the Quantum Accelerator.

Lets face it, Universal must realize that the public don’t want to see middle aged dudes leaping, they want young hip cats on their screens. The only problem is the HUGE plot hole it would leave.

The leaper can leap only within his/her lifetime. What interesting things do the leapers want to see which happened in the 90’s?????

Progress on the Quantum Leap DVD’s

While browsing the Rodternet, The Rod came across, within this they are now giving people the chance to pre order Quantum Leap on DVD.

Click here!

As yet no release date is on offer, it has been suggested that this is Amazon looking for feedback as to how popular this DVD range will be. The Rod has now signed up for this, He suggests that you do too!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.