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February 16, 2003RodVision
When is the Leap Not a Leap ? This week, The Rod would like to examine some possible scenarios for a new Quantum Leap to explore.
When its a dream . Al Calavicci awakens from a bad dream, in it, his best friend Sam Beckett vanished and was never seen again. Only problem is, he cant remember who Sam Beckett was. With this dream in his head, Al may realise that Dr Beckett really IS trapped in time. Now maybe Al wouldnt know whom Sam was as a result of Sam changing time, and persuading Beth to stay with Al. So this movie could be all about Als quest to retrieve his long lost friend. He could leap (and be the new leaper) or send a leaper (knowing Al, it WOULD be female!!) after Sam, and maybe find him, or maybe get close, but then lose him.
OR When it Never Happened/Is about to happen The story centers on Sam Beckett, who is about to take a large leap for mankind by using his Quantum Accelerator for the first time. Or perhaps they could focus on the events of Project Starbright. There they could focus on the blossoming friendship between one Al "Bingo" Calavicci and Dr Sam Beckett. Well, think about it, prequels are all the rage these days!!
Project Evil Leaper With the announcement of a movie and the possibility of a new leaper, minds have been working overtime to try and anticipate what or whom the story will revolve around. Will it have Dean Stockwell and Scott Bakula, will it stay true to the original ideas of Quantum leap, and will it have a new Leaper? These are just a few of the questions being asked of The Rod week in and week out on the Rodternet. Open your minds and consider the following:
Now either of these storylines would be a prequel of sorts, and probably not what the leapers around the world want to see. But, they all paid to see The Phantom Menace did they not??
Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Hot Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod. |