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February 23, 2003RodVision
Quantum Leap gets glamorous?? Perhaps one thing Mr Bellisario could consider, at The Rods request, could be the inclusion of certain methods of spicing QL up slightly. Ok, ok, so you all think The Rod is pretty one dimensional, and, to an extent you may be right, but He always thinks that a little T&A can help. With this in mind, if DPB and Co are going to be using a female leaper, please, pretty please consider the male audience. They want to see nice pretty girls on their screens. The female audience got to see Scott Bakula strutting around topless more often than Pamela Anderson for crying out loud!!!
The Leaper Considering this fact, that Scott was often half naked, a perfect actress to don the white jumpsuit (heh heh) would be Heather Graham, one of The Rods favourite actresses. She portrayed the role of (an intellectual) Doctor Robinson in "Lost in Space" rather well The Rod thought. She also has the distinct advantage of being a bombshell too. (Which in The Rods humble opinion is one of the more important qualities, well, that and the fact that The Rod has a fancy for her . ;-) ) She also displayed her physical toughness in Austin Powers 2, when she fought some inept guards. Leapers have to be able to defend themselves after all. Erm, she was also GREAT as RollerGirl . Another actress to be considered for the role could be Amanda Tapping of SG1 fame. She has for years portrayed the genius Dr Carter admirably. It often seemed at time as though she and O Neill were recreating the roles of Sam Beckett and Al Calavicci with their humorous banter. This coupled with the facts that SG1 is ending after this season and that she too can mix it up wit the toughest o bad guys would make her a viable actress for consideration. (Well, that and the fact that The Rod has a fancy for her ) Then The Rod comes to Sarah Michelle Gellar. She beats bad guys left, right and center all the time, plus she can play the intelligent type too. She is also a pleasure to look at as well; perhaps she should get the role.
The Observer The Rod has given His candidates for the Leaperette. So how about the role of Observer. If you think about it, the ONLY choice has to be Dean Stockwell. You want at least one link to the original series, Dean may not be quite as busy as Scott, and should be able to appear in a New Quantum Leap. But, this is not The Rods main thinking behind choosing good ole Al as the observer. Look at the chemistry Al had with Sam. Especially when Sam was a woman. Having a female Leaper may even give the fans some classic comedy when He is confronted about His sexist (Correct description of it??) ways. Some people have declared that if Sam is not to be shown, neither should be Al, that they want a new Observer as well. To Them, The Rod says this: Remember "A Leap For Lisa". The other Observer didnt quite cut it. Dean Stockwell MADE the role of Observer, nobody else can touch that!! Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Hot Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at therod@quantumleap-alsplace.com Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod. |