Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of ALL ages...Al's Place Proudly Brings you: Rodvision...The Visions of The Rod! Email The Rod at: Tell The Rod what you think at the Rodvision Feedback Forum on our messageboard! Even Sam supports The Rod! Listen for yourself!
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March 09, 2003RodVision
Welcome back To Rodvision folks, thank you kindly for spending some time
Quantum Compensation Picture the scene, you have just gotten married, and are about to start your honeymoon with the Girl of your dreams or The Rod. Then all of a sudden, you find yourself in the future, being questioned by strangers in some weird complex and NOT having the time of your life? So just WHO the hell do you file a lawsuit against?? If you think about it, Mr. Beckett has ruined a few peoples lives during his quests to right wrongs. OK there have been the MANY that he has helped, and one or two that have been killed as a result of Sam Beckett, but does helping many, justify ruining the lives of and indeed ending some peoples lives? Far from being punished for doing so, GTF actually rewards him by letting him leap!! Lets look at the episode "Trilogy pt 1". In this ep, Sam Beckett leaps into the father of Abigail Fuller , at the end, Sam saves his young daughters life, but in doing so, condemns the father to death in a burning fire.
What About The Bad Guys But its not just the main characters lives which Sam toys with, oh no, its also the fringe characters on the show. Every single Bad Guy always gets their comeuppance due to Sam. Now, leapers think this is great, but, what of the bad guys?? Bad Guys have been stopped killing innocent people in their homes, they have been stopped committing Sexual Harassment and have even stopped murdering. How can a Bad Guy get a break, When Sam Beckett is on the case? All because of Sam Beckett, their evil deeds get thwarted. Is it right for Sam to be interfering with peoples lives like this? The Rod supposes that the very fact that Sam has helped more people than he has hindered them would probably balance out the poor bad guys.
Sci Fi for Sale Again It looks as if Vivendi are selling off The Sci fi Channel. The Rod believes this will further delay, if not cancel the forthcoming and LONG awaited QL film. Thanks to Tina_Als_Girl for this info: click here!
Update on The RodCave The RodCave has a frontpage now, nothing special, just letting people know its coming. As soon as The Rod uploads it to a suitable Web Space Provider He will post the URL for all Hot Rodders & Hot Rodettes to see. Until Next Time Hot Rodders & Hot Rodettes . Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod. |