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April 16, 2003



Quantum Quotes

"Life is like a Box of chocolates" or so the saying goes. Far be it from The Rod to argue with such a good quote, but, Life is more like a series of Leaps.

Take The Rod for example, he "leaps" from site to site, putting right what once went wrong (repairing computers/servers) and He keeps communication with His own "time" (the office) via cell phone.

By now, you are probably asking: what the hell is He talking about now?

Well, for a new film, you need lots of publicity, lots of hype and damn good slogan:

"How can the same sh*t happen to the same guy twice" - Die Hard 2

"I'll Be Back" - The Terminator/ Terminator 2 Judgement day.

These are just 2 examples of a hell of a lot of great movie slogans. To The Rod, a movie slogan adds to the anticipation of a new film. The Rod already was eagerly looking forward to T3, however, upon viewing the trailer and hearing Ahnuld state:

She'll Be Back!

Well, this just BLEW The Rod away. It also got The Rod thinking:

What should be QL's movie slogan?

Naturally, as your tuned to RodVision, The Rod has some suggestions:

"He's Back" - Nah, too similar to The Terminator.

"Out of Time" - Hmm, The Rod likes this one, but, is it too like Back to The Future?

"In the year 1999, we thought Dr Beckett had taken his final leap, but now.....The Leap is Back"

"The Leap is On"

"Still Putting Right What Once Went Wrong"

As usual, The Rod welcomes any and all comments and feedback. In closing, The Rod would like to state the GREATEST slogan of all:

"He's The Hot Rod baby!!"


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Hot Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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