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May 26, 2003RodVision
Did Sam Get It Right? Throughout the 5 seasons of Quantum Leap, the leapers watched as Sam Beckett boldly "put right what once went wrong, hoping that his next leap would be the leap home." Seems a very noble idea, very commendable, but could it have all been wrong? What if Sam Beckett was not meant to help the lives of all those people? Perhaps he was only meant to observe? Surely the end result of all his "helping" people would be to have Sam Leap home, not continually bounce around time. So perhaps the EVIL leapers got it right, after all, they never had any bother getting home now did they? Just something to think about Quantum Animation
The Rod had an interesting thought earlier today. A thought that could practically GUARANTEE the continuation of Quantum Leap. They could follow in the footsteps of Star Trek, and have Quantum Leap: The Animated series. Think about it, cheap special effects for the leaping, the producers wouldnt need to pay the cast just as much, and it would maybe save a HELL of a lot of time utilising them, that way freeing up Mr Bakula and MR Stockwell for other projects (I.e. Enterprise & JAG primarily) While it is true that The Rod HATED the animated ST series, perhaps that would not be the case with Quantum Leap. Perhaps, if DPB were to be "The Man" once again, it would be great. Also, a cartoon crossover would be easy to do, imagine Sam appearing in The Simpsons for example. Al has already appeared in Family Guy. Perhaps QL needs to follow suit with The Matrix, and release some short animated stories to try and tease the leapers even more. Quantum Fashion Having watched The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded recently, The Rod has decided that he would like to see a new, female leaper. Why Rod??? 3 words: Leather Cat Suit!!!! See you all next time Hes THE Hot Rod baby!!!
Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Hot Rod. Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Hot Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod. |