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June 15, 2003



Quantum Revolutions

Leapers of the world unite and revolt!

The Rod says that in order to further the cause of The Quantum Leap fans worldwide, it is now perhaps time to try and bring the great show back into the public domain once again.

It is no longer enough for the Sci Fi Jamokies to air occasional Quantum Leapathons every now and then. It is no longer acceptable (To The Rod anyway) that the fans, the public and MOST importantly The Rod have had NO further information regarding this 'upcoming' movie.

Surely by now the producers and other Jamokies have at least some idea of whom they will be casting?

With all of this in mind, The Rod proposes the following measures in order that Quantum Leap be cast up in the public domain:

1. Sponsored Jamokie Hunting.

2. General strikes throughout the country and world, called off only when information is provided or the movie is finished.

3. The Rod is elected President of Sci Fi TV. From this post, He would be able to force the Quantum Leap Jamokies to 'put their feet on the gas' with respect to Quantum Leap. Also from this much-vaunted post, He would be able to schedule ALL of the great classics BACK onto domestic screens. Titles such as "Automan", "Manimal" and all of The Rod's other favourites would come back.

Ok, so perhaps The Rod is getting a bit carried away, but this is what happens when He isn't given information.

In fact, The Rod is not actually calling for insurrections of a massive scale, but perhaps the Hot Rodders and Hot Rodettes should continue writing into Sci Fi's letters dept.

To assist, The Rod has drafted a letter, which He will be sending to Sci Fi et al:


Attention Jamokies of Sci Fi/Universal/Vivendi,

By now, you will have heard of The Rod. He was a frequent flyer at The Quantum Leap message board here at Sci He is writing in to you in the hope that you can provide some or any information in regards Quantum Leap.

In July 2002, you announced that a telemovie and perhaps a new series of Quantum Leap were being devised.

Since then, there have been no further updates to the people. With this in mind, The Rod asks for the current status of this project. He frequently reads updates on the Battlestar Galactica project and of course on the whole tremors nonsense, and wonders why the secrecy with Quantum Leap?

He also wishes to state that very soon, He will be in charge of Sci Fi channel, and that if you please Him now by issuing any information, The Rod will bear that in mind, before He fires your ass!

You may submit your replies via email to: or via the Sci Fi newsletter or a bulletin on the channel or website. He isn’t too choosy.

Failure to provide any information will result in public disorder on a fantastic scale.

The Rod


Quantum Dreams

What if Sam Beckett awoke, only to discover that he was not a scientist, nor was he a time traveller. What if he awoke only to discover that he was just some miner in a backwater town?

Perhaps this could be an excellent storyline for DPB and his staff to pursue, where Sam is convinced at first that he is Dr Sam Beckett, and as the film continued he would discover that he is actually a nobody who has been suffering from a schizophrenic condition. The whole Quantum Leap scenario had been a figment of his imagination.

Then we would discover a new leaper, who had leapt to rescue Sam from the clutches of the Evil Leapers.

They had ensnared Sam, and were attempting to break his spirit for their own evil gains??

The Rod knows He isn’t exactly a storyteller, but He thinks you get what He means!!

Until next time constant readers!!!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.


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