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July 7, 2003



The Rod would like to dedicate this RodVision to one of His heroes, King of Love, Barry White, who sadly passed away on Thursday July 3rd 2003. This truly is the day the love died.


Whose side is he on?

Wouldnt it be funny, if we were to discover that Sam was actually an evil leaper? Al actually the devil!

People worldwide are hesitant, even afraid to mention The B**geyman. The Rod has censored it, not because He is afraid of it, but rather out of respect for The Bartender who does not like it mentioned here at Al's Place.

What if The Halloween episode was actually meant to reflect what REALLY happens on Sams leaps? What if Sam was actually the baddest of the bad, more evil than "Sheriff Buck"? Due to his swiss cheesing, he cant remember this. Wouldnt that be ironic. Sam the boy scout, is actually the baddest man on the planet.

They could work something like PQL managed to snatch Sam from EPQL, and as every leap wipes his memory, they could tell him anything they wanted and he would believe it. They could reprogram a NEW Holo version of Al tohelp Sam be the hero!!

Makes you think doesn't it?


Quantum Cancelled

So why was Quantum Leap shelved anyway! From a purely objective point of view, if it was so great,why did they stop it?

The Rod (as always) has a few thoughts on this:

1. To some, it could have appeared monotonous. Sams leaps while different were basically following the same format every time.

2. The humour of the show may have been percieved as tired, politically incorrect and old (to some), Al constantly referring to ex wives and letching on other women. Sam becoming all shy and squeamish around good looking women on his leaps.

3. Special effects, or lack of.

4. Newer and more competitive shows appearing on other networks.

Now before you all bombard Him with hate mail and objections to these suggestions, please note These are not the opinions of The Rod!!

With these points in mind, cast your thoughts to the final season of QL. Its purported that Universal insisted that Bellisario make all the so called "Hollywood leaps" (Marilyn Monroe, Elvis etc.), these, couples with the excellent Evil Leaper episodes makes you think.

Why can a show be cancelled when its ratings went back up due to these changes?

The Rod had some thoughts on a new story line they could run. It would have everything: laughs, sadness and of course RodKinis!!!

The idea involves Sam/New Female Leaper (will refer to her as Rodette for now) leaping into the middle of a beach Volleyball contest set on the beautiful beaches of Florida during the 1980's. The leaper has to ensure their teams victory.

Now can you IMAGINE Als expressions and commentary? Can you imagine Sam/Rodette's disapproval of having to wear a RodKini for this leap!!

Of course it would have a sad/tragic ending when Sam/Rodette has to leave. Well, it would make The Rod cry anyway!!

Later Leapers, The Rod is going back to His beach!!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.


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