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Cast your minds back, to 1981, an outstanding film was released.  Entitled Terminator, it cast Arnold Scwharzenegger as an evil robot, sent back in time to kill one Sarah Connor.

Of course, Ahnuld was thwarted in his attempt to kill Miss Connor. 

As 1981 is well within Sam’s lifetime, The Rod reckons Sam should leap into the Terminator, and finish the job, by going to the RIGHT Sarah Connors house in the 1st place.  Al would sort that. 

“But Rod” you cry, “Ahnuld was a machine, Sam can’t leap into a machine!!!!!”

Ok, You got The Rod there.  So perhaps Sam should leap into Kyle Reese.  (Sarah’s protector from the future in the first Terminator film), and rather than save humanity, just kill Sarah himself, or maybe instead of killing her, make sure Kyle doesn’t erm…. Do the wild thing with Sarah Connor, and father the future leader of humanity.

Then he and Ahnuld could have a drinking session, and Kyle wouldn’t die as he originally did.  Perhaps that was what Sam would have been told he had leapt to do.

“But Rod” You cry  ”Surely Sam has to HELP humanity???”  Well, ordinarily, The Rod would agree.


Answer The Rod this:

Who tells Sam what he has to do in each leap?? 

Ok, Al does, BUT who tells Al what to tell Sam???


Now isn’t Ziggy a hybrid computer?  Name Skynet ring any bells?

The Rod sees it like this:

Skynet is in fact Ziggy.  Well, a more evolved Ziggy.  We have seen Ziggy change before, from a male voice to a female voice, so its mot outwith the realms of possibility that Ziggy could become even more egocentric, decide to kill all humanity because she could not bring Sam home, and as he strives to help humanity, she could take her rage out on us, then rename herself Skynet.

The Rod asks you to think about the fact that the next series of QL would have had Al leap into the future, to meet Sam, couldn’t that have been the future where the Terminators rule, all thanks to Ziggy, or rather Sam??

Just imagine the next QL series, with Sam AND Al dodging terminators.

Oh Boy indeed.

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, you can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

Rod Out!