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August 2nd, 2003



Watching Enterprise, and watching Quantum Leap, have really gotten The Rod thinking about Mr Bakula’s future.

All the fans hope that Scott will appear in this forever touted Quantum Leap film, but, you gotta ask yourself:

Will he?

Anthony Edwards left ER because he didn’t want to be typecast. Now, he appears to be a movie star (Thunderbirds). Could the same be true for Scott Bakula? When The Rod approaches people on the street, after the initial "Oh My God, its The Rod!!!" He asks them about Scott Bakula, they reply "Oh, the guy from Enterprise". It would seem that only a smaller number of people remember Scott for Quantum Leap. He has obviously not suffered since its demise.

Would he then, want to go back to Quantum Leap, back to being known as Dr Beckett for a small role in a TV film, when in all likelihood, with the Star Trek franchise he may even get some movie money, and sure as hell another 5 seasons of Enterprise.

The very same question is different for Mr Stockwell however. He is a semi regular with JAG, but would he prefer to have a permanent spot on a syndicated show?

In the harsh light of reality, one can predict that Scott will either have a very small role or none at all within the new QL. You can’t really blame the dude; he now has a very serious commitment towards Star Trek, plus, why spend all the hours in the world filming, in between Enterprise he can be with his family.

However, Quantum Leap NEEDS Al Calavicci at the very least. You could sort of get away with a QL without Sam, or with infrequent cameos. But QL without Al is like The Rodternet without The Rod & RodKinis!!

Just some random thoughts for you…


Should it be…

With the blockbusters of 2003 (Matrix Reloaded, Terminator 3, Matrix Revolutions and of course Lord of The Rings: Return of the king) it got The Rod thinking.

Is it really worth everybody’s time to bring out a QL film?

Of course the QL fans will say ‘yes Rod!’ But if you really think about it, the timing isn’t very good:

If the QL film is, as expected a TV Movie, the rating will probably not be very good as its looking more and more likely that this film will be out next year. Next year will see the above films starting to get released on the cable channels and in rental stores. QL will not get a look in.

If the QL film was a theatrical release next year, it would probably do marginally better, ending up as an embarrassing straight to video release.

Often, great films get treated this way, just because the audience (Usually composed of Jamokies) don’t understand it.

Take for example "The Last Castle" Starring Robert Redford.

Without giving anything away, this is truly an awesome film, unfortunately requiring some thought. Perhaps this is why it didn’t do as well as The Matrix Reloaded, whilst it WAS a superior film.

Quantum Leap, it would seem, is destined for one of 2 things:

  1. Released into general public viewing, suffering the ratings thang and as a result languishing on a shelf in some TV Nozzles closet for eternity.
  2. Never to be released for fear of the ratings thang, and languishing on a shelf in some TV Nozzles closet for eternity.

Of course, The Rod HOPES He is wrong about this one…

He’s THE Hot Rod Baby!!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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