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August 12th, 2003



The Rod was thinking over directions of which He would like a possible new QL series to take.

He thinks it would be cool for QL to become a little more historically oriented. By this, He means dealing with factual events in the QL way. (Please ignore the whole cant leap beyond lifetime rule)


The Hoover Leap

The Year: 1921

Sam leaps into a young (ish) J. Edgar Hoover at the critical time where the formation of an organisation known as the FBI is ongoing.

Sam could be there to try and solve Hoover’s first case, perhaps historically it didn’t succeed. However, in this leap, it would not be the story that was intriguing, but more so the actual events of the day. Perhaps Sam could meet President Roosevelt, as Hoover and he were quite friendly.

Or perhaps Sam could leap into Hoover in the later years, when suspicions over Hoovers sexuality and over alleged corruption mired an ageing Hoover in controversy, the episode could even look at the decaying relationships between Hoover and the new US Presidents who disapproved of his methods.



Leap To The Stars

The space race between the US and Russia hotting up, how exactly did the US win that race? Everybody knows about Armstrong and Aldrin. But what about the poor Jamokies who built the damn ships??

Sam should leap into one of them, perhaps into one of the techs involved in rescuing Apollo 13. Perhaps into the tech crew supporting Armstrong and Aldrin.

The Rod is still (today) fascinated by space travel. He loves standing there in awe, watching these magnificent shuttles lifting off, and would personally love to see a QL episode dealing with just one of these fascinating adventures beyond….



Leap to The End….

Sam has leapt well beyond his lifetime, leaping to the end of Earth.

Mankind has abandoned their planet, Sol; keeper of Humankind is about to explode, destroying all in the solar system.

Closest salvation is a distant planet, however, as shuttle space (Even that far in the future) is limited, a lucky few are selected to colonise the planet. Sam must find a way to get a young woman and her daughter aboard this last vestige of humanity before it lifts off without her.


Ok……ok…So this is not quite a factual leap, but its called RodVision…So The Rod can change it!!!

Subject matter such as this can’t really fail now can it??

Dont get Him wrong, The Rod loves the fictional stories just as much, but there is so much potential with any sci fi/time travel show that you just HAVE to delve into more factual stories as well.

Episodes such as Lee Harvey Oswald made for gripping viewing after all!


Rod Out!


Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.

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