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09/13/2002 Mirror Image.......Dream or The End?
Recently, A Hot Rodette suggested to The Rod that Mirror Image was in fact, a dream. This got Professor Rod thinking. How many of you remember the TV Soap Dallas?? There was a HUGE plot twist that turned out to be a dream. Indeed, a number of shows have pulled this swerve on the viewer. This could explain a few of the flaws within Mirror Image. The Rod hears you cry: "What flaws Rod??" Let The Rod enlighten you: (1) In Mirror Image, when Al finally catches up with Sam, Sam asks if he turns blue when he leaps. Al replies that he doesn't know. Now this is not true, Al himself turned blue when he stood next to a radio transmitter in " Good Morning, Peoria", turned blue and exclaimed: "Im Leaping!!"(2) If Sam had physically leaped into Al's Place (nope, not the fabulous Website of the same name, but the bar in Mirror Image) then why wasn't he wearing his white lab suit and gown which he was wearing, throughout the series, in the waiting room?? Why would he have had his wallet on him?? (3) Sam's surname was misspelled at the end of Mirror Image. Surely this could not have been a mistake? The Rod puts it to you, the Hot Rodders and Hot Rodettes, that this was in fact a subtle clue, as to the eventual continuation of Quantum Leap, and resurrection of Sam's quest. (4) Mirror Image was a very surreal episode, almost dreamlike in parts. Especially when Sam was encountering people from his various leaps. If it was a dream, that would explain it. On the other side of The Rod's coin: People have said that the very fact that you see Al & Gooshie struggling to find Sam and panicking when they cant find him, disproves this theory. However it has been suggested to The Rod that seeing Al & Gooshie could be a subliminal message in Sam's head (maybe put there by GTFW), telling him, that there are people out there who still care about him and who are desperately searching for him. Perhaps Sam was having a crisis of faith or perhaps he no longer wished to continue with his quest to continually 'put right what once went wrong', and so this dream was induced by GTFW to try and 'perk' him up a bit. The Rod wishes to give special thanks to Tina_Als_Girl for the inspiration behind this edition of Rodvision. Happy Birthday El Presidente, may you continue to try a whippin The Rod's ass at pool for another year. Eventually, that bar will NOT be big enough for you and The Rod! ;-) Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at therod@quantumleap-alsplace.com Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod. |