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09/20/2002 Is there any Future for the Quantum Leap Franchise? One of the main questions just now is this: Will Sam Beckett and Al Calavicci return? There has been a tremendous amount of speculation worldwide regarding the news of Quantum Leap's return. There have been many who read Bonnie Hammer's comments regarding a new leaper, and took this to mean that Al & Sam arent in QL any longer. With this in mind, The Rod has been wondering if QL can enjoy the same success as Star Trek with its many franchises. Star Trek has been, and most likely will continue to be a very successful brand. Can QL be the same? In the humble opinion of the writer, He doesnt think so. Quantum Leap was successful for a few reasons:
A spin off series from QL, probably would not work. The whole premise of QL was about Sam Beckett getting home. How can we have new characters when The Rods buddy Sam is still out there?? We dont care if some other guy/girl leaps. We wanna see Sam either leap on, or come home.
King Of Spin?? The Star Trek Franchise is hugely successful, largely due to the awesome special effects and action packed mayhem. Star trek spun off 4 series from its original series: Star Trek: The Next Generation, brought trekkers back, after a long absence, with hugely exciting episodes, fantastic special effects, and some excellent storylines. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. This was more relaxed than The Next Generation, in the latter seasons, DS9 got really exciting. Star Trek: Voyager: Federation Starship, lost 70 years travel from home. Enterprise: Star Trek Prequel.
Can QL Spin? Can the leapers accept Quantum Leap without the original story? If there were to be a spin off series (This is for your benefit Mr Bellisario, The Rod knows you are a Hot Rodder) If Sam comes home, and there is no more leaping, we could focus the new series on Sams early years with project Star Bright. Watch as Sam and Al met, and became great friends. Alternatively, we could focus on Admiral Als past. Watch as he climbs his way throughout the services, eventually to befriend Sam Beckett. The Rod is single minded on one thing however, Quantum Leap will not work without one of two things:
Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at therod@quantumleap-alsplace.com Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod. |