Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of ALL ages...Al's Place Proudly Brings you:

Rodvision...The Visions of The Rod!

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Read the Archived Rodvision Columns!




Where Is Quantum Leap?

The Rod, like many of you, has been waiting on tenterhooks for ANY updates to the Quantum Leap revival film which Sci Fi announced in July. His emails have been met by the Sci Fi standard reply:

"Due to the large amount of correspondence, we are unable to respond to emails personally."

The Rod asks: What the hell is the point of having a programming email address, only to reply with a standard email telling you that they CAN’T reply!

To all of the Hot Rodders and Rodettes who read Rodvision. The need to write to key contacts within this industry has once again arisen.

We cannot, and MUST not let these people think that by announcing a revival, then not following up on it, they can shut the leapers up.

Join The Rod in this fresh struggle. Write to these people, encouraging them to include Scott Bakula & Dean Stockwell in this film

For those of you who are unsure as to what to write, Tina_Als_Girl has written a template letter. This can be found here.

The addresses to write to can be found here, at Al’s Place.


Forget about the Leapers, Does Scott WANT to Leap?

The Rod has to admit something. He has been guilty of assuming that both Scott & Dean wanted to be a part of Quantum Leap once again.

However, now that Captain Archer is off at Warp 5 exploring the Alpha Quadrant, and Mr Stockwell is appearing in Jag (Don’t watch it, so cant put a synopsis on it), do they want to leap?

Star Trek actors have always said that Trek is a demanding show, does Scott want to be apart from his family even more, whilst filming QL. Scott himself said at the webchat (see Rodvision 09/28/02) "That would not be something that would include me."

So now, the leapers are faced with the possibility, a very real possibility that Quantum Leap will NOT resolve the tragic story of Dr Sam Beckett.

Only Scott Bakula, Donald P. Bellisario or Dean Stockwell can put right THIS wrong.

A New Beginning.

The Rod would like to welcome Robyn X to Al’s Place. She will be doing a weekly column here entitled Rodettevision.

Robyn, you and The Rod are gonna have a blast!

Originally, The Bartender and The Rod were going to have a

Bikini contest, selecting the winner as the Rodette to write Rodettevision. However Robyn X has declined this.

To all you Hot Rodders out there, if you wanna see Robyn X in a bikini, get emailing:



To all you Hot Rodettes out there, if you wanna show The Rod what YOU look like in a bikini, email Him at the addy below

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at


Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.