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What Came First?

Answer The Rod something:

What do the following have in common:



Quantum Leap

The Incredible Hulk


Amazing, you all got it right!! The Rod says they have all been in comic form, TV form and movie form. (Well, QL soon will be!)

With this in mind, The Rod asks: What came first, the chicken or the eg.........*ahem* (a little off topic there!!) How did Quantum Leap FIRST appear? Was it as a comic or as the highly successful TV show?

The Rod's sources advise that Quantum Leap appeared first in 1989 on TV, 1991 saw the comic range, with the novels following in 1992.

What really matters, is that if the Comics/TV/Film formula is followed to completion, the Quantum Leap saga should be very successful and lucrative for all involved. All that remains is for Bonnie Hammers people, to pick up the phone and call Scott Bakula's people ASAP.

More on the Rumor Mill!

Tina_Als_Girl, a renowned Hot Rodette, recently announced some news of a kind relating to Quantum Leap. It was regarding Donald P Bellisario, to read this post, please follow this link: Al's Place Messageboard

Quantum Preview

Whilst attending the flicks ad viewing all the previews, it struck The Rod just how damn cool it would be, to see a QL preview for the upcoming Quantum Leap Film.

Already, the world is buzzing about the forthcoming releases of The Matrix Reloaded and Lord of The Rings 2. Imagine though, sitting down to watch The Lord of the rings 2, having to endure the previews, when all of a sudden you see that ever so familiar blue and white leaping effect, and hear that very welcome leaping noise, writing on the screen would proudly proclaim:

Sam Still Out There.

Spring 2003

Don't know about you Leapers, but that would very probably ruin any film The Rod goes to see. Who cares about LOTR when you had just seen the Quantum Leap Preview.

Sci Fi/Universal need to get a preview sorted out. They need to get some sort of official press release organized too. In fact, while they are at it, fetch The Rod a beer too!!!

If, like The Rod you cannot WAIT until QL is back, check out "The Mirror Shattered".

It is so good, that it might just be the QL Film plot. Perhaps the writer works for Bellisario?

(Anything you want to tell us Tina_Als_Girl?)

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam, maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.