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What’s In a Name?

Welcome once again Leapers, to The Rodternet and to Rodvision, here at Al’s Place, Home of The Rod….

This week, The Rod wishes to discuss some thoughts He had on the new Quantum Leap film.

There have been a couple of successful TV shows, which have evolved from what the fans knew and loved, into an almost brand new show, except for the retention of the original name.

Knight Rider. One of The Rod’s favourite shows. To The Rod, the star of the show was not David Hasselhoff, nor was it Edward Mulhare. Even the gorgeous Patricia McPherson and Rebecca Holden could not compare to the stunning Beauty of a jet black Trans-am. This show basically survived and thrived due to that damn good-looking car and more action packed scenes than you could fit into Al’s little black book.

When the show ended, The Rod was distraught. Then Knight Rider 2000 was released, WITHOUT the original car. Ok, it DID have David Huffsalot, but where the hell was the car. The film stated that KITT had been dismantled, in reality; UNIVERSAL had sold the cars to collectors. Without the car, the film was a flop (In the opinion of the writer that is!).

Then Knight Rider 2010 came out, but wait, no KITT, and this time not even Mr Hasselhoff appeared. This was a totally new show, with the same name; ok it did have a talking car, but there the similarities ended. Knight Rider fans across the world were disgusted.

Team Knight Rider. Sounded promising. Well, this didn’t even remotely resemble Knight Rider. It had talking cars, it had new actors but it wasn’t Knight Rider. The original theme of Knight Rioder was about a loner, and his wonderful car. Not a team of, in The Rod’s opinion, hi tech nerds. Where was the mystery of Mr Knight? Where was that oh so lovely Trans-am?

Pre-production is ongoing for Super Knight Rider 3000 with USA Networks, due for release in 2003. It’s too late. The Rod’s heart is broken.

The other show was Airwolf.

The 1st couple of seasons were brilliant. Gripping storylines and excellent character interaction. Plus some of the coolest action scenes to grace the small screen. Again, as with Knight Rider, the star of the show was not human but an awesome attack helicopter.

Then in 1987, they aired a 3rd series. New actors, new roll of characters, new storylines but this time, they kept the original chopper. But something was missing with this series, it just wasn’t the same. As with Knight Rider, they rode the success of the original name, and failed.

By now, you leapers will be wondering what all this has to do with Quantum Leap. Simple really.

Answer The Rod something:

In your heart of hearts, can you honestly say you believe that Quantum Leap will be the same show, the same plotlines and the same characters? It can’t be. Mr Wolfberg (Gooshie) is sadly no longer with us, Scott isn’t a part of it, and unless Mr Bellisario and his Ex are talking again, well, you get the picture.

It has occurred to The Rod that perhaps Universal is going to make a new show, and tack on the title "Quantum Leap".

Think about it, there is a certain amount of logic here. If this were going to be the same show, Bakula and Stockwell would have KILLED to appear on it. Instead Scott states he is not a part of this. Dean has made no statements at all. It is public knowledge that both men have been trying for years to do another Quantum Leap. Now the chance has arisen, why aren’t they speaking out?

Doesn’t anybody else find this even a little bit strange? Or is The Rod just taking too much medication again? 


Madonna The Copycat?

Madonna’s recent film "Swept Away" has had more than its fair share of bad poor TERRIBLE reviews. Let The Rod comment on it.

Hey Material Girl, ever heard of "Leaping of The Shrew"?

Quantum leap is obviously one of her favourites too…



The Rod has been reading the new column Guestvision. Interesting stuff Matt.

Who is next to become a Rodternet writer?

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.