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The leaper with No Name?

One of The Rod’s favourite trilogies (Apart from Star Wars) is "The Man With No Name" trilogy. There is just something so damn cool about Mr Eastwood dispatching bad guys by the dozen, with his string of one-liners.

Sam has been a cowboy, but, what if Sam had been The Man with No Name:

  • Sam would not be blowing holes in all the bad guys.
  • Sam would most definitely NOT be smoking cigars.
  • Would Sam have played 2 rival gangs off against each other?
  • Think about the graveyard scene at the end of "The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. The sequence where the viewer gets close ups of all the eyes. This could have humorous effects with Sam looking at all the bad guys, at Al, then the bad guys, back to Al……….
  • Sam would NOT be sleeping with the *ladies of the saloons. Though Al would probably be trying to make him…


One thing would be beneficial for Sam in this leap: He doesn’t have a name to try and remember!


The Leap of Choice

Throughout his "career", Sam Beckett played a multitude of roles. From a Cop to a Bandit, from a TV star to a stuntman. The Bartender told Sam it was Sam leaping himself around, so, could it have been Sam subconsciously picking out the people, or more accurately the jobs he always wanted to do? Think about it, you never saw Sam leap into a garbage man did you?

With this in mind, The Rod has compiled a list of a few careers He would love to "leap" into:

  1. Bikini Contest Judge.
  2. Bikini Contest Bikini Fitter.
  3. Ferrari test driver.
  4. Stunt Double for David Hasselhoff while driving The Knight 2000.
  5. World Famous Rodternet Column Writer (Well, lookie here, Al’s Place is visited by the global community, and they seem to like The Rod…Whooo Hoooo)
  6. Homer Simpson.
  7. Gigolo.
  8. Fighter Pilot.
  9. Secret Agent (Double O Rod)
  10. Jedi Knight

Attention Mr Lucas, regarding number 10 on the above list, The Rod says He would settle for a role as a Jedi in Star Wars Episode III. He could be called Jedi Master Rod!!

Sleep on it eh??

Perhaps one of the great things about Quantum Leap, was the fact that every leap brought something different to Sam, as children, boys and girls fantasize about what job they want to do, Sam Beckett got to do em all.

What jobs would YOU like to do?

Should you wish to email The Rod about this article or ANY QL related matter, or even if you Rodettes out there just want to send Him fan mail/pictures. You can do so by contacting Him at

Keep Leaping Sam; maybe one day YOU can be The Rod.