Quantum Leap on Other Programs

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Family Guy

Seven hilarious clips featuring QL-related moments from the hit series!

The Simpsons

Homer takes the leap when he travels through time on this episode of "The Simpsons" titled "Tree House of Horror V: Time and Punishment."


Don Bellisario appears in this 2018 "JAG" episode titled "Father's Day."  Season 3 episode 4.

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How I Met Your Mother

In the season 1 episode 14 episode Zip Zip Zip, Lily says she was watching a Quantum Leap marathon. When Marshall asks how long she can wait to use the bathroom, Lily says she drank a big gulp during the marathon. Marshall then replies with, "Oh, Boy."

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A Quantum Leap Convention on the JAG episode "Father's Day" which guest-starred Olivia Burnette who played Katie Beckett on Quantum Leap.


Scott Bakula & Dean Stockwell reunite in this 2002 "Enterprise" episode titled "Detained."


A parody of Quantum Leap on this episode titled "Freakazoid is History!"


This season 3 episode 9 episode titled Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism features a character watching a Quantum Leap adult program parody. It aired on December 1st 2011.

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Weird Science

An episode titled "Quantum Wyatt" featuring the leap effect and general idea of Quantum Leap. Oh, Boy!

Even Stevens

Listen for the handlink sound effects!

Robot Chicken

Warning: this clip features 3 scenes that may be objectionable to some fans of Quantum Leap. This video is not for children. From episodes 1/11 & 11/20.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

In the season 12 premier episode titled "The Gang Turns Black", the gang quantum leaps and meets Scott Bakula on a strange mission. Scott sings a song to Ziggy!

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Kate and Tony discover a collection of lunch boxes. Among them are Quantum Leap, Airwolf, and Magnum, P.I.



Season 2 episode 19 titled "Mother's Day" gives us a look at a can of Quantum Leak soup!


Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Stephen leaps back into the episode where Sam meets young Donald Trump and tries to change the election in 2016.

Bridget Jones’s Baby

In this installment of the popular film series, a character talks about their book titled Qwantum Leap, and the book can be seen with blue and white leap effect artwork on the cover as he signs it for a fan.

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My Little Pony:
Friendship is Magic

On page 24 of the 12th issue of a My Little Pony comic series (2013), the character Gaffer at one point turns to a holographic pony and remarks, "Why haven't I leaped, Al?" 

The Time Traveler's Wife

Quantum Leap is described in Season 1 episode 4 on HBO. Video unavailable.


Not a video - a screen capture from an episode where we should all know the answer!

Disney's Amphibia

In season 3 episode 3 Thai Feud/Adventures in Catsitting, Sprig tries to get rid of a food truck that's threatening the family business. The Plantars volunteer to take Domino to the vet. We see a DVD titled Quantum Hop with the familiar blue and white streaming artwork on the cover! Screenshot

In the October 25th, 1992 episode of The Ben Stiller Show Janeane Garofalo teams with Stiller for a parody called B Minus Time Traveler.

Step By Step

In the Feburary 4, 1994 episode titled My Bodyguard, actor Brian George, (from the QL episode Moments to Live), plays Dean of Admissions "Stockwell."

He says, “Save yourself the trouble, no Quantum Leap jokes”.

Source Code

In the 2011 movie with a plot very similar to Quantum Leap, the main character makes a phone call to his father, who is voiced by Scott Bakula.

Director Duncan Jones talks about why they chose Bakula for the voice role: “When I first read the script, I couldn’t help but think of many, many influences that obviously must have been there when Ben Ripley was writing… and there was that moment where Jake sees himself in the mirror – that’s a Quantum Leap moment to me. We were working out the voices and it just occurred to us, ‘Wouldn’t it be great if Scott Bakula did that?’ And he’s the right age and the tenor of his voice is definitely a supporting, nurturing voice that he has. We brought him in and he was so lovely and willing to take it seriously, and he got why we wanted to have him do it. It was great, really lovely to have him do it. It’s subtle, and the ‘Oh, boy’ was the thing that I was not sure about. Would we get away with that? But he did a few versions and I think we got it just right, that it just slips past most people.”

Teen Titans Go!

In the season 5 episode 10 offering titled "Quantum Fun", Robin attempts to explain to the Titans the science behind quantum physics in order to justify his existential crisis. Cyborg mistakes quantum physics for Quantum Leap and fondly recites part of the show's introduction.

The Quantum Leap segment happens near the end. Jump to it here.

American Dad

In "The Best Christmas Story Never Told," the Ghost of Christmas Past has a device that looks at things that happened in the past, similar to the Handlink that Al uses. This is season 2 episode 9 of the series.

For the best look at this handlink, start viewing the clip here.

Bob's Burgers

In season 4, episode 5, "Turkey in a Can," Gayle, who is staying with the Belchers at Thanksgiving, accuses her sister Linda of changing the tv channel after Gayle had left the room. She tells Linda, "It was Quantum Leap and I'll never know where he leapt!" to which Linda retorts, "You know where he leapt!"

Jump to the clip here.

In season 5, episode 13, "The Gayle Tales," Scott Bakula appears as a time-traveling vicar who helps cheer up Aunt Gayle. Gayle is heartbroken after discovering that Bob is married to Linda. The only solution is to send for the local time-traveling vicar, Scott Bakula. Scott whispers a prayer into Gayle's mouth, and she feels much better.

There is an animated Quantum Leap at the end of the short clip!


In season 4 episode 1, "The Trip, Part I," Jerry and George walk through a cooridor at NBC studios in California. On the wall behind them is a poster Quantum Leap, featuring Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell.

Parks and Recreation

In season 3 episode 2, "Flu Season", Leslie is on strong flu medication while giving a speech. As Ben stops her from continuing, she says, "Give it up, everybody, for Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap".

Raising Hope

In season 3 episode 8, "The Walk for the Runs", Jimmy remembers the times when Burt and Virginia fought and made Jimmy solve the issue. In one of the memories, Burt thinks that some riots on TV were real. Virginia says, "Remember when I changed the drapes and you thought we Quantum Leaped?"

Tracy Lawrence Music Videos

In the 1990's, country music singer Tracy Lawrence did a series of music videos where he "leaps" from video to video in different scenarios. See them all in order here! (Open in YouTube for full playlist)

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