U.K. Release - 1st Edition


The Beginning

Author: Julie Robitaille

(1st run)

ISBN #: 1 85283 392 0
Leap Date: September 13, 1956

August 26, 1968

Cover: Publicity photo from Genesis


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U.K. Release - 2nd Edition


The Beginning
Author: Julie Robitaille
(2nd run)


ISBN #: 1 85283 392 0
Leap Date: September 13, 1956

August 26, 1968

Cover: Keith Fowles


Germany Release

Back cover:

Das Schicksal hat Sam, dem jungen, ehrgeizigen Wissenschaftler, einenüblen Stretch gespielt. Er wacht an der Seite einer Frau auf, die er nie gesehen hat - gleichwohl erwartet sie ganz offensichtlich ein Kind von ihm! Sie nennt ihn Tom, und der ist von Beruf Testpilot. Pech für Sam, der leider nie fliegen gelernt hat. Jetzt muss er all seinen Mut zusammennehmen, denn es warten immer neue Abenteuer auf ihn.


Zurück in
die Vergangenheit

Author: Julie Robitaille

Michele Hecken & Heiko Langhans


February 1993
Luebbe Verlagsruppe

ISBN #: 978-340133471

Leap Date: September 13, 1956

August 26, 1968

Cover: Publicity photo from Genesis


France Release

Back cover:

Retrouvez Sam Beckett et Al, son ange guardian holographique… Les héros de la célèbre série TV!

Être aux commandes d’un avion de chasse quand on n’a jamais tenu un manche à balai de sa vie... Sacré challenge! Mais comment leur dire, à tous ces gens, qu’il n’est pas celui qu’ils croient?

Sam Beckett en a des sueurs froides. Et, pour corser le tout, il y a cette jeune femme ravissante, plus enceinte que ne l’était Marie six ou sept mois après l’annonce de Gabriel... Cette jeune femme, qui le prend pour son mari - pilote d’essai de son état.. Non mais franchement, il y a de quoi déjanter, non?

“Déjanter? Que veux-tu dire, mon chéri?” C’est la future maman qui pose la question. Il est vrai qu’on est en 1956. À cette époque-là, on ne “déjantait” pas, on “perdait les pédales”.

Oui, mais Sam, lui, est un homme venu d’ailleurs. Et, pour l’instant, il donnerait cher pour être ailleurs, justement…


Author: Julie Robitaille
Isabelle St.


June 1996
J'ai Lu

ISBN #:  2-277-24236-5
Leap Date: September 13, 1956

August 26, 1968

Cover: Publicity photo from Rebel Without a Clue



September 13th, 1956
Edwards Air Force Base, Blockfield, California

August 26th, 1968
Waco, Texas

In 1993, at a New Mexico research laboratory, Dr. Sam Beckett and Admiral Al Calavicci embark on an experiment in time travel called Project Quantum Leap. But when something goes wrong and Sam is transported back to 1956, Sam must correct a mistake in time in the hope that it will bring him home.

Based on "Genesis" from the television series.

Summary & review by Dermot Devlin of the former quantumleaping.com:

This story is the same as the episode Genesis. For a summary of what this story is, please read the Episode Guide from the link above.

Although there are no major changes to the televised version, in the book we get to see that Sam was feeling during this first leap. This I felt harmed this story. I am all for hearing more of the thoughts Sam has during his leaps, but I do not believe that the thoughts that Julie gave Sam in this novel are thought that Sam would have had.

In his thoughts, Sam used some harsh language. Although I have no objection to harsh language being used if it was needed in the story, I do not believe that Sam would have had these thoughts. How many times have we seen Sam give out to Al for saying much lesser things? Fair enough Sam didn't say the words and Al did, but when Sam and Al simo-leaped in The Leap Back, Sam was horrified at some of things that Al though.

This was still are very enjoyable a book and if it had of been a story in its own right, I would have enjoyed it even more. To the book's disadvantage, I like many others, were measuring the book up to the televised version.

In conclusion, I would recommend other people to read, even people who never really were into Quantum Leap before and even now. This book is enjoyable for all to read. In saying that, for people who have also seen the episode in which this novel was based on, please do not compare the two, as the episode will win.

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