U.S. Release

Novel # 7


Random Measures

Author: Ashley McConnell

Printed: March 1995
Ace Publishing

ISBN #:  978-0441001828
Leap Date: June 6, 1975
Cover: Stephen Gardner


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U.K. Release


Random Measures

Author: Ashley McConnell

Printed: September 1995

ISBN #: 978-0752209345
Leap Date: June 6, 1975
Cover: Colin Howard


Cover Art

Cover Art by
 Stephen Gardner

June 6, 1975
New York

Sam embarks on a new time-hopping adventure that transforms him into a part-Native American bartender even as Al, back home, copes with the reappearance of one of his wives.

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It’s time for one last Leap into the McConnellverse with Random Measures!

Join hosts Allison Pregler, Matt Dale, and Christopher DeFilippis for another meeting of the QLP Book Club, to discuss author Ashley McConnell’s fifth and final Quantum Leap novel in which Sam must save the life of a young woman, and in which Al enters an altered reality that contains a new wife — Janna Calavicci!

It’s a timey-wimey trip that you don’t want to miss!


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