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5x16 "Revenge of the Evil Leaper"
Evil Leaper III



Leap Date:
September 16, 1987

Episode Adopted by: Rindi & Brian Greene


In the final "Evil Leaper" episode, Sam and Alia leap together into a women's prison where they are being accused of killing another inmate. In the search for Alia, Lothos leaps Zoey into the prison warden and she gets her own hologram by the name of Thames. Sam and Al struggle to mask Alia from the sensors of  Lothos and must find a way to prove they didn't kill the inmate who was murdered.

Audio from this episode:

Thames: When dealing with Quanta,
nothing's impossible.

Episode Menu
TV Guide Synopsis
Leap Date

Name of the Person Leaped Into
Broadcast Date
Synopsis & Review

Project Trivia
Sam Trivia
Al Trivia

Al's Women
Zoey's Lusts
Al's Outfits Worn in the Episode

Miscellaneous Trivia
Deleted Scenes
Guest Stars
Guest Cast Notes
Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes
Say What?
Quotable Quotes
Best Scenes
Production Credits
More Evil Leaper Stories

Production # 68125

TV Guide Synopsis (Original, for the 2-hour movie special):

Sam leaps into a college nerd, who crosses a vengeful frat boy (Neil Patrick Harris). But Sam’s really crossed up when he encounters the “evil leaper” Alia, whom he attempts to deliver from the dark side in a “simo-leap”that lands them in a women’s prison.

TV Guide Synopsis (, for the 2-part episodes):

Conclusion. Sam and Alia land in a women's prison, unaware that Zoey (Carolyn Seymour) has leapt into the warden. Thames: Hinton Battle. Vivian: Barbara Montgomery. Sophie: Katherine Cortez. Alia: Renee Coleman.



Mallard, Ohio

Leap Date:

September 16, 1987

Name of Person Leaped Into:

Elizabeth Tate

Broadcast Date:

February 23, 1993 - Tuesday

Synopsis & Review:

Note: When first broadcast on NBC, Return and Revenge were presented as a 2-hour TV movie. It opened with the saga-sell and then went into a reprise of Deliver Us From Evil with Scott Bakula saying, "Here are some scenes from Evil Leaper: Part I." After the reprise scenes, a title card appears reading, "EVIL LEAPER II". As this title card fades, Sam leaps in onto the hood of a racing car. When Sam and Alia leap into the prison, after Sam's says, "Oh, Boy" a new title is displayed on-screen as simply: "REVENGE", followed by "SEPTEMBER 16, 1987." There were no additional credits displayed on-screen as they had all already been played at the beginning of Return. These segment and other deleted bits from both episodes can be seen as original aired in the Deleted Scenes video on this page. For most of this episode guide synopsis, we will use the two-part syndicated version as a guide.

Evil Leaper III:

After the saga-sell voiced by Ziggy (Deborah Pratt), Sam finds himself in dark space with small holes in the wall allowing a tiny amount of light inside. Sam immediately calls for Alia. She responds from her own cage of similar size in the dark. She asks nervously, "Sam, where are we?" Sam replies that he doesn't know. A voice they don't recognize answers back, "Good Lord, only a week in the box and you don't know where you are..."

A door opens and Alia is pulled out of her holding room. She yells for Sam. The female jailer named Sophie Nixon laughs, "Sam? If you're looking for a 3-letter savior, I suggest you make it start with 'G'" Sam is pulled from his holding room and slammed into the nearby jail bars, then thrown to the ground next to Alia.

Alia tells Sam they have to get out of there. Sophie says, "Well that's simple. All you have to do is tell me which one of you two did it." Sam looks up at Sophie. "Did what?" Sophie kicks Sam hard. "First you act like you don't know where you are and then act like you don't know why."

Alia cries, "We don't!" Sophie says they better figure it out of they're going back in the box. "Now ladies, which one of you murdered Carol Benning?"

Sam says, "Oh Boy."

The Quantum Leap title theme (rock version for season 5) plays. The scene opens on an exterior of the prison, with the title "REVENGE OF THE EVIL LEAPER" on-screen, followed by "SEPTEMBER 16, 1987."

Sam's voiceover narration is heard: "We had leaped together and survived. But we still didn't know if Alia has Leaped with me or I had Leaped with her. And being in a women's prison didn't make that any easier."

Sam and Alia are led across the prison yard as Sam asks a guard, "Please tell us where you're taking us." The guard says to keep moving. They enter another building and Sophie tells them to sit. Sam begins to whisper to Alia and Sophie notices. She slams Sam against the wall and shouts, "Nobody told you to talk! I told you to sit." Sam mumbles that he needs to talk to her. She slams him again, "You got no needs. You got no wants. You got no rights."

Sam tells Sophie if she wants answers, he will need to be able to talk to her, alone. He says he will find out the truth. She thinks a moment, then walks to a broom closet and says, "Step into my office." Sam, followed by Alia, enters the closet. Sophie stops Alia and says the warden has big plans for her. Alia then goes into the closet with Sam.

Alia is frantic. "Lothos put us here." Sam says, "We don't know that. There's a 50/50 chance this could be my leap." She replies, "Even if it is, when he locates me, he's going to kill me." Sam asks her how long it takes Zoey to do a location search. She says it's usually just a few hours, but once she didn't have contact for an entire day.

As Al is heard entering through the Imaging Chamber door, Sam says they just have to find a way to hide her. Alia is frantic and says that Zoey is locked into her brain waves. Al smiles and tells Sam that there are two women in the Waiting Room! This confirms that it is indeed Sam's leap, and not Alia's. Sam tells Al, "We've got to find a way to alter her brainwaves so Lothos can't get a lock on her." Al checks the handlink, smacks it, and says Ziggy suggests hypnosis.

Alia says that he can't hypnotize her. Al reminds Sam of the time he leaped into the insane asylum and it altered his brainwaves so that he alternated from one personality to another. They kept losing contact with Sam and he suggests that doing hypnosis could do the same thing for Alia. She says she just wants to be free, and Sam says he is going to keep her that way. She asks, "What do I do?"

With Al guiding Sam, he leads her through the process. She closes her eyes and pictures herself on a mountaintop looking out across miles and miles of dark blue sky with clouds. It begins to work as we see Alia imagining herself there. Soon after, Al starts repeating, "Blue sky, clouds...." Sam has nearly hypnotized Al! Sam whispers to Al and asks where he is. Al replies, "Vegas!" Sam claps his hands around Al's face and the hologram comes back, humorously.

Alia says she doesn't know where she is. Al says, "You're in a broom closet!" Sam ignores Al and continues with Alia. With Al's help, Sam tells Alia that she is now Angel Jensen. Al coaches Sam that she is, "19 years old, arrested for selling pot, and it was an election year... they threw the book at her." Al also advised that one of the women in the Waiting Room is Liz Tate. The other is in a state of shock. Al also advises, "Liz says that after her husband beat her the 15th time, she shot him." Sam takes a quick look in the door mirror to see Liz, his host for the leap.

Alia as Angel says, in her trance, "Liz, someone's coming. She's looking for something." We see Alia in her trance state with the clouds as an image of Zoey passes close to her. Sam coaches, "Your name is Angel Jensen. You only know what Angel Jensen knows." Sam says he is going to count to three and then she will open her eyes. Al stops him and says they need a password to wake her from the hypnotic state when they are ready. Al blurts out "Rumpelstiltskin" and Sam accidentally repeats it, followed by Alia. Sam gives Al a look. Waving his cigar, Al says, "Well it worked for him."

Alia, now as Angel, opens her eyes just in time for Sophie to bust in the broom closet and jerk her out by the hair, pushing her through Al's image. "Tea time is over!" Sophie goes into Warden Clifton Meyers' office and has a brief conversation with him. Meyers says he wants to make sure one of the women hangs to make everybody happy.

Waiting outside Meyers' office, a prison guard named Vivian asks how long Liz has been in the prison. She seems more pleasant than the other guards. Al advises that it's been three years of a life sentence. Vivian says that they should have known better than to mess with Benning. Al says, Ziggy says there's a 73% chance you're here to see that Elizabeth Tate doesn't get executed for the murder of a fellow inmate, Carol Benning." Vivian speaks to Angel/Alia and says she can't help her this time, inferring that she has helped Angel through something in the past. Alia says, "Carol told you the truth," but can't remember what that means.

Sophie exits the warden's office and says, "Well, come on ladies. It's showtime." Al says he is going to go back and see if he can get more out of Ziggy. He relocates out, instead of using the Imaging Chamber door.

In the warden's office, Meyers sit at his desk. Suddenly he is enveloped in red and white streaming energy and is replaced with... Zoey!

Evil Leaper Zoey, now disguised as Warden Meyers, adjusts her tie in the mirror as we see the real Angel and Liz behind him. She turns to Sam and Alia and tells them, "You don't want to make me angry." Angel/Alia says she doesn't remember anything, with Sam adding that she's confused from all the time in isolation. Following this, the multi-colored water door opens behind them and Thames, Zoey's holographic observer, enters holding a diamond-shaped handlink with colored jewels embedded in the surface.

Thames begins singing loudly and is excited. "I feel good!" He barks at Sam and Alia and comments that they can't hear him. Zoey can see Thames, and speaks to him in code. She says, "Since she's drawn a blank, why don't you tell me why we're all here." Thames replies, "My, my, my... did we swiss-cheese a little on our first leap?"

Sam, thinking that Meyers is really talking to him, replies, "Look, we didn't kill Carol Benning." Thames keys something into his handlink. "Murder! Let's see, you are Clifton Meyers, age 55..." and the warden at a women's correctional facility in Ohio. Zoey tries to converse between Sam and Thames. Thames is having fun using the relocate feature as a hologram and pops in and out. Zoey says, "You're not making this easy." Thames says that they lost the lock on Alia, and "Lothos says there's a 79.9% chance that when she leaped, so did the good Dr. Beckett." He says, "Find Sam... find Alia."

Sam responds to Zoey and says they don't know anything. Thames instructs, "Just find out what wrong Sam is here to put right, and the rest is history."

Zoey says that since Angel/Alia and Liz/Sam don't seem to know anything, maybe their memories will return with a few more days in isolation. Alia begins to shake and cry and we discover Angel is claustrophobic. Sam tries to convince Zoey that if the warden would but them back in with the general population, they could possibly find some answers about who murdered Benning. Zoey thinks a moment and replies to Sam, "You go back to C-block, but she goes back in the box."

Angel/Alia begins to freak out and scream. Sam runs to her and tells her to "Go to the mountain! I'll be there as soon as I can!" The guards take Alia away. Zoey asks Sam/Liz what he meant about the mountain, and Sam simply says it's a dream they have. She tells him that he has 24 hours to find out who killed Carol, "or the murder report will read 'stabbed by Elizabeth Tate and Angel Jensen." She adds that Sam can have whatever he wants, but do it fast. Sam is taken away.

Thames remains and speaks with Zoey. He dances and sings, "Yo ho, yo ho! A hologram's life for me!" Zoey is not amused and tells him to get all the data Lothos can find. She tells Thames to stop playing with her, because she wants to find Alia and rip her head off before anything else happens to her. Thames says that all they know is that she leaped into the prison, but as they were about to get a lock, she vanished. Zoey says she can't just vanish because Alia is connected to her mesons and neurons. Thames says that maybe when Zoey Quantum Leaped, somehow she reconfigured the transmission.

Zoey demands, "I want you to go back there and talk to whoever leaped into the holding chamber." Thames says, "Bad news, dear. There's nobody in the holding chamber. Zoey says that's impossible, and Thames replies, "When dealing with Quanta, nothing's impossible." Zoey becomes more frustrated and tells him to re-run the leap a thousand times but, "Get me a lock on Alia!" Thames shrugs and tells her to give him a break. "This is my first day as a hologram."

Zoey says she is on borrowed time. Thames replies, "You're here until you finish what you're supposed to do." Zoey adds, "I only have a 48-hour window after my first leap to get home. After that, with every leap, the percentage drops! Now get back there and do what I told you to." Thames opens the holographic water door and exits. Zoey goes to a mirror and begins to unbutton her shirt, with Meyers' aura looking back at her. "Maybe I should see how the other half lives..."

Sam narrates through voiceover as we see him in the prison with other inmates, "I've been Leaping long enough to know that when you cross minds with a phobic, whatever fears they have now belong to you. Alia was holding for the moment, but I had to ask long.  How long before what was left of Angel cracked and Lothoscould lock onto Alia."

Al enters behind Sam. "We've got problems, Sam. Ziggy says there's another leaper." Sam thinks Ziggy must be picking up Alia. Al responds, "No, we already counter her. Ziggy says you gotta make sure you discover them before they discover you. And certainly before they discover her." Sam asks if Al checked on Alia, and he says she is rocking back and forth, not doing well. "She keeps saying, "It wasn't me."

Anther inmate approaches Sam and tells him that she didn't mean to get her and Angel in trouble. Al says this is Fedeila "Fiddler" Jimmerson, who was arrested for kidnapping, but it was a case of mistaken identity and she was released later this year. Fiddler tells her story of what happened that day with Carol Benning. "You and Angel came in and you was fightin' about somethin'. I couldn't hear what, though. Then Carol come in, she was crying and real upset, there was blood on her and she was holding herself.... She was real scared. But like I said, I didn't hear nothin'." Sam asks what she was afraid of, but Fiddler didn't know. Al adds that after Fiddler was released from prison, she disappeared. "Ziggy says there's no trace of her."

Fiddler continues, "Looks like she was beggin' you for help. Angel went to get towels. Then Miss Sophie and her gang come in, and Carol fell over, dead. She was white as a sheet. And there was blood all over the floor. And I had just finished cleaned it."

Sophie approaches and says, "Ain't this sweet. Kind of a family reunion, ain't it?" She smacks Fiddler and tells her to take a walk. Al comments, "Is she some refugee out of a 'B' movie?" Sam asks what she wants, and Sophie says the warden wants to see her in his room. She may "want to freshen up", laughs Sophie as she walks away smiling.Al says history is changing. "Now Liz dies, but Angel dies too."

Zoey lights a couple of candles and admires Meyers' bare chest in the mirror. She is angry and says to herself, "All those years. All the things we went through.
Betrayed." From behind her, Zoey is surprised to hear Thames' voice. "She's a coward.  You yourself said yourself, she didn't have the instinct." Zoey replies, "I taught her, Thames.  Every nuance, every twist, every wonderfully deceitful lie. And she was brilliant." Thames chimes in, "Mistake I believe, was the adjective Lothos used. I once remember when we were in a deep input session and he said he regretted ever sending her." Zoey says it was her own fault, "I insisted on it." Thames says, "It's so unlike you to go against Lothos." Zoey takes a drink. "Let's just say I owed her." Thames looks angry, "Well, she should have been terminated years ago!" He says that all systems to locate her are on full power and it's just a matter of time. "Unless she finds you first." Zoey become enraged and smashes a drinking glass against the wall. She tells Thames to make sure that doesn't happen.

Sam is back in his jail cell when guard Vivian comes to get him. "If Sophie catches me doin' this I'm dead meat. But you got to talk to Angel. She is screaming her head off. I don't think she can make it through the night!" She leads Sam out.

Zoey continues speaking with Thames and says, "This is the perfect place for revenge. Thames replies, "Other than a Twelfth Century torture chamber with an iron maiden and a few racks; it this runs a close second. But you know, I wouldn't put it past you to call Torture Chambers-R-Us and ask for immediate installation."  Zoey crosses to the window and looks out.  The occasional flare of light from the search beam illuminates her face in an eerie glow. Zoey says, "She's here. I can feel it."

Thames reports, "Lothos has run a thousand scenarios and there's a 92.4% chance..." Zoey interrupts, "I don't want to know about scenarios. I want her." Thames adds, "Whatever device she's using to cloak under has got to wear down.  Maybe when she's asleep. At that point it's simply a matter of pinpointing the subconscious mind." Thames crosses next to her and whispers sensually into her ear. "This is your destiny, Zoey. You have always been the one he's wanted to carry out his plan."

Vivian and Sam arrive at the location where Angel/Alia is being held. Alia is screaming for someone to let her out. Another guard named Masterson sits calmly eating an apple. Vivian asks her to open the door, but she refuses. Sam grabs her around the neck from inside the bars, and Masterson buzzes them in. Vivian takes the guard's keys and Sam rushes in to free Alia. She is strapped to the wall in a standing position in the dark! She wails. Sam carries her out.

Masterson shouts that she won't take responsibility for this and Vivian tells her to shut up. Vivian says she will take all the responsibility.

At Project Quantum Leap, in the Waiting Room, Angel sits curled under the observation table.  She is lost and vulnerable, unable to deal with the pressure of what's happening.  Liz squats next to her.  She watches her despondent friend.  Al paces behind her. Liz, it's not gonna do anybody any good if you shut down. In fact, the truth is, the more information you give can me, the sooner you can get out of here."

She replies, "I still don't know where here is. And maybe, just maybe, being
'here' is a hell of a lot better than where I was." Al says they call this 'The Waiting Room." She says, standing, "The waiting room doesn't tell me chip!  Especially when we just come from being locked up in some black hole, and I don't remember why I was there."

When Liz asks why Angel is hiding under the Waiting Room table, Al says it's a byproduct of what brought them there. "When she gets back to her own time, she'll be fine, and so will you." Al adds that he needs her to tell him what happened to Carol Benning. "I can't even remember my own last name.  How do you expect me to remember who killed Carol Benning!"

They both realize that she does remember that she was at least killed. Al asks her to continue, and to try and remember what Carol said to her just before she died.

Back at the prison, Sam consoles Angel/Alia. Alia says she suddenly couldn't remember anything about her own history when she got chained down. Sam says big pieces of her memory are missing. "If you imagine a hunk of swiss cheese, the big holes could represent something like your mother or your father, and the little holes could be simple little things..." Alia says it's something more than that. "It's like I'm living someone else's life!" Sam says just to stay in that place until he can figure out how to get them free.

Sam asks her to try and remember everything she can about Carol Benning. "She came to you, and she was bleeding, and wanted your help. You got to remember!" Angel/Alia thinks hard. "She was afraid. Meyers was angry at her because--" Suddenly Masterson shouts for them to get up. Liz is there as well and comments that Sam didn't tell her Meyers was expecting you. "You didn't tell me you were going under!" Sam doesn't know what that means, and Masterson says everyone knows what that means.

Masterson shouts for Angel to get back in the box. Sam says she won't survive that. Liz offers to take her down to the old transfer tunnels. Masterson blocks their way out of the cell and Sam punches her, knocking her out cold. He yells for Vivian and Alia to go and then drags Masterson into the isolation room.

Zoey and Sohpie arrive at the cell and find Sam pretending to console Angel from outside the isolation room. Zoey says, "You stood me up." Sam turns to her. "Angel needed me." Zoey half-smiles. "Mother, murderer, psychotherapist. Is there anything that you don't do?" She then says that she had such fun things planned for them. Sam asks her to let Angel out. She shakes her head, "Business first, and then pleasure." Sophie grins evilly. Zoey asks again, "Who killed Carol?"

Simultaneously, Al and Thames enter from their respective Imaging Chamber doors. Al says Sam doesn't have much time. "Their computer is gonna lock on Alia." At the same time, Thames tells Zoey, "Lothos is picking up a transmission on Alia." Zoey asks where and Thames points to the isolation room.

Zoey demands for Sophie to open the door. Sam blocks the door. Zoey screams, "Out of my way!" as Sam grabs hold of her. They look at each other as their bodies morph into their true forms. Now they know who each really is.They stare at each other in surprise as Thames says, "It's Beckett!" Sam sprints out of the cell.

Zoey shouts for Sophie to "Stop him!" Sophie is confused and says, "Him?" Zoey demands of Thames, "Get a lock on him and find him, right now!" Thames presses keys on his handlink and relocates. Sophie, extremely confused now, opens the door to find Masterson unconscious. Zoey yells, "No!" and runs off after Sam.

Sirens blare at the prison. It is dark outside and search lights comb the prison yard. Sam runs and hides as he makes his way across. Al appears and says the transfer tunnels are only 50 yards from his position. Thames relocates to Sam;'s position. Thames says, "Are we talking to somebody?" Sam tells Al, "Who the hell was that woman?" Al looks at the blinking handlink and replies, "Ziggy says she's someone named Zoey. She was Alia's hologram, but now she's another leaper. It must have been the leaper that Ziggy was picking up. Thames says, "She's going to be your worst nightmare."

Al tells Sam that there's a 91% chance that Vivian can help him get over the prison wall. Sam realizes, "If Zoey's leaping now, doesn't that mean she's going to have a hologram?" Thames comments, "Hey two points for the home team!" Sam tells Al, "I swore to Alia I'd get her out of here." Thames hears Alia's name and relocates away. Al tells Sam how to get away and then relocates himself.

Thames pops in on Zoey as she walks a hall. Zoey says Alia is gone. Thames does a quick second relocate to catch up with her walking. "Where is Sam Beckett?", she asks. Thames says he left him hiding in the courtyard and, "There's a 95% chance he's going to go over the wall." Zoey says, "Perfect, now I have an excuse to shoot them both!"

Thames hears sounds from his handlink and checks it. Zoey turns to see what the problem is. "This is impossible. They've done something to jam Lothos' S and L.  They're jamming our externals. We can't get a search and lock!" Zoey scowls,  "Override!Somebody turn off those damn sirens!" She runs off.

Sam makes it to the other side of the prison and finds Vivian. The guard leads him to where Alia is hiding. Vivian gets second thoughts and doesn't want to get shot along with them. She says she needs to take them back. Sam asks her to listen. "This isn't going to make any sense, and I don't expect you to believe me, but I don't have a choice now. I'm going to tell you the truth." Vivian grabs Sam and heads for the exit. He holds fast. He explains, "I'm not Liz and this is not Angel.  We're time travelers from the future, and so is Meyers."

Vivian looks at him in disbelief. "This is no time to be funny, Liz." Sam shakes his head. "My name's not Liz. I'm a man. My name is Sam Beckett. And Meyers is a woman named Zoey." Alia remembers the name and repeats, "Zoey." Suddenly the sirens stop. Sam panics, knowing that he might trigger Alia's memory. He grabs Vivian's arms as she tries to grasp what he's saying. Sam says horrible people have traveled across time to kill Alia, and Vivian is their only hope.

Vivian says, "This is unreal!" Sam pleads with her to forget reality and to please help them. Vivian shouts, "If I'm getting ready to step into the Twilight Zone I just need a damn minute! Give me one good reason why I should believe you." Sam asks how long Vivian has known Liz. She replies that it's been a long time. Sam asks, "Would she make up a story like this?" Vivian thinks. "All right. All right. I know how I can get you out. This better be a flashback ofsome drug I did in the Sixties."

Thames and Zoey stand with Sophie. Lothos has lost them," advises Thames, angrily. Sophie says they can't get out of the complex. "The only way out of here is that gate or that one, and neither of them opens without keys. Anything else getting out of here is moving on four legs."

In an underground tunnel, Vivian hands Sam a bolt cutter. She says they have to get down to an electric gate. She is going to cut the power and they will have 15 seconds to cut the lock and get through before the backup generator kicks in. Vivian says she will be right behind them. Alia asks, "Why are you doing this?" Sam asks if it matters. Alia responds, "Yes. I want to know why some people help other people." Vivian responds, Because all my life, I never did anything really special. For once, I want to be the good guy."

Thames and Zoey stand in the courtyard. Lothos has a theory. Thames says, "He thinks that the power emitted from the electrical fences may have been converted and is being used as a cloaking device.  He says that if we shut down power we can get a lock and..." At that very second the entire area goes black.  Zoey smiles. "Find them."

Thames is all over the handlink:  In the dim light the faint glow of the little computer lights only his face with an eerie orange glow. "Come on. Come on."  Chaos builds around them.  Thames gets results, "Got them! They're outside the perimeter. Northwest side." Zoey shouts to a nearby guard, "Get me a vehicle! Get me a gun!"

Sam and Alia (who is still hypnotized as Angel), run through the woods. Al pops in and informs Sam that, "They got a lock on you." He says when they blew the electric fence, the forcefield was taken down against their tracking systems. Sam looks at Alia and says, "Rumpelstiltskin." Alia opens her eyes. "Sam! Where are we?" Immediately, Thames appears and shouts, "Got ya!"

Alia can see Thames. "Holograms at your service, baby."  Alia says his name. Sam repeats, "Thames?" Thames asks, "You ready to die, sweet cakes?' Alia asks where Zoey is. Thames says it's all timing. Sam informs Alia that Zoey is here. "She leaped." Alia looks at Sam in awe of the situation. They hear dogs barking nearby. Alia tells Sam to save himself, "It's over, Sam." Thames says, "Ain't nobody getting saved tonight! Zoey! They're over here!" Thames relocates after pressing a button on the handlink.

Al warns, "They are getting closer!" Guards are seen around the woods, closing in. Sam and Alia run up an embankment. Al is waiting for them at the top and warns that this may not be the right way. Headlights turn on them and Zoey exits a vehicle holding a rifle. Alia pushes Sam away and says, "Go on, Sam. Save yourself!" Sam resists her push. Alia shouts, "Come on, Zoey! It's you or me!" Zoey cocks her rifle. Sam tries to cover Alia, but she pushes him aside.

Zoey fires! At that moment, Alia is surrounded by an aura of blue and white light. Streaming energy closes around her and she leaps! The bullet from Zoey's gun passes through her energized form and as the light fades, Angel falls to the ground on her knees. She is not injured!

Thames reports, "Lothos has lost her!" Zoey replies in a fury, "That's impossible!" Vivian checks out Angel and says, "I saw her get shot!" Zoey says she leaped. Thames yells, "She didn't leap back! We lost her!"

Zoey takes aim at Sam and says, "We still have you!" Al yells, "Sam! Look out!" Sam whirls around with Vivian's rifle and shoots Zoey before the evil leaper can fire her own weapon. Someone yells, "Meyers is shot!" Thames pounds on his handlink shouting for Lothos to leap Zoey out and fades away. "She's dying!  Leap her out!  Leap her out!" A red and white glow captures what is left of Zoey and she leaps, leaving Meyers to return, also unharmed.

State troopers approach with sirens blaring. Sam begs Vivian to turn him over to the state troopers and not to let Meyers take him. Sam doesn't know that Zoey has leaped, and says to Vivian, "She'll kill me!"

Vivian shouts to the troopers that she wants Liz taken into state custody until a formal investigation can be done. Sophie says Vivian is under arrest. Al says Liz reports that Meyers is responsible for Carol's death!" Sam tells everyone what he has just learned. Al adds that Meyers got her pregnant. Sam tells the troopers, "Meyers got Carol pregnant!" Meyers shouts that it's a lie. Al and Sam report finally, "He forced her to abort, and when it failed, he let her bleed to death!" Al tells Sam to tell them the name of the doctor that has all the facts.

Meyers says to put Liz in his custody, but after hearing all this, the trooper says Liz is in state custody until they sort it out. Meyers looks scared about what will happen next.

Sam is taken to the trooper's vehicle and asks Al what happens. Al replies, as he checks the handlink, "Meyers and Sophie take the fall. Angel and Liz are paroled, and Vivian end up running the prison!" Sam looks over, smiling at Vivian, and tells her, "Everything going to be all right, just trust me."

Vivian asks, "What about your friend?" Al keys into the handlink, "We don't know where she is, but wherever she is, she's free." Sam looks back, "She's gone Vivian. We did it. And you got to be one of the good guys. Thanks!"

Sam is the last leaper to go, as the blue and white electricity overtakes him, and he leaps.

Synopsis by Brian Greene with a few inserts taken from the draft script.

Personal Review by Matt Dale:

As with Deliver Us from Evil, this is a divisive pair of episodes. If you find the concept of the Evil Leapers tacky and unnecessary, stop reading here. You won’t like what you have to hear. Return of the Evil Leaper and Revenge of the Evil Leaper represent in my opinion the pinnacle of Quantum Leap. The storylines to both are energetic and introduce some real jeopardy for Sam and Al, the performances are all top notch (in particular Harris relishing playing a bad guy role, and Tait whose duologues with Stockwell in the Waiting Room are nothing short of tear-jerking; “your parents were innocent” still raises the hairs on the back of my neck). It’s a grand finale for Alia and Zoey, and the only downside is that they hadn’t had chance to breathe in their evil roles before Alia started to turn in the first part – a wrong that would be put right in Knights of the Morningstar (and see also The Avenger and Second Childhood). Source


"Yo Ho! (A Pirates Life For Me)" from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney Parks is parodied by Thames replacing the phrase with "A Hologram's Life For Me."

Project Trivia:

Ziggy is referred to as male in this episode.

Ziggy uses the electric fence in the prison to block Zoey from finding Alia.

Alia's mind merges with her Leapee, causing her claustrophobia and panic.

Thames uses the term "Swiss-cheese" when referring to memory loss from a Leap. Perhaps the Evil Project inherited this term from Project Quantum Leap in the past?

Thames can see both Zoey and Alia. Al can only see Sam due to the tuning of their mesons and neurons specifically.

"Quanta" may be the name of the Evil Project.

Zoey states that after 48 hours the percentage to Leap home drops. Perhaps this is why Sam couldn't Leap home in the first episode - he was in "Genesis" over several days.

Thames is able to initiate a leap-out via Lothos. Ziggy has been unable to achieve this for Sam.

Sam Trivia:

This episode marks the closest Sam Leaps to his own time - September 1987.

Al Trivia:

Al has a cigar throughout the whole episode.

Al's Women:

Al likes prison women...

Al: "Chicks in cells, what could be better?"
Sam: "Al!"
Al: "Chicks in chains in cells."

Zoey's Lusts:

Zoey likes her reflection as the warden in the mirror. She also plans to have sex with Liz (who she doesn't know is really Sam).

Al’s Outfits Worn in the Episode:

1st appearance (with Sam): Al was wearing a bright red jacket with a diamond pattern on each breast side, a black button down shirt with a thin metallic red tie,

2nd appearance (in waiting room): Same as outfit #1.

3rd appearance (with Sam): Same as outfit #1.

Miscellaneous Trivia:

Thames uses a different handlink than Zoey.

From the script, we get an approximate date of when the Evil Leaper project may be set: 2020. "Sam crosses next to a perplexed Alia. Behind them the water door appears and through it walks a tall angular African-American, impeccably dressed in what might become BOSS in the year 2020. He is holding Zoey's handlink. His name is THAMES. Zoey looks at Sam and then back to Thames. He walks through the room and waves his arm through Sam and Alia."

Even if the Evil Leaper project was set in the 1990's, Alia looks too young to have leaped back into the 1950's. The best guess would be that their project is not subject to the same rules of time-travel that Sam is bound by. This is definitely possible as seen in the 2022 revival series of Quantum Leap!


Deleted Scenes:

A compilation of clips from the originally televised movie-length version of Quantum Leap: Return and Revenge.

Edited when split into two parts for syndication (renamed Return of the Evil Leaper and Revenge of the Evil Leaper) and every home video release. The movie version was shown only once and was never released on physical media or made available to stream. Here are the missing pieces only seen in the 2-hour movie!

Cut Scenes:

The fourth draft script of this episode, dated January 22nd 1993 is almost identical to the finished version and contains nothing notable.

Return & Revenge: Movie Version:

The original broadcast of the second and third parts of this story were in the form of a double-length movie promoted as The Revenge of the Evil Leaper (note the additional 'the'). It has never been repeated in this form or released on home media or streaming. The actual on screen title is Return, but with Revenge appearing half-way through.

The movie opened with a saga sell, a reprise (with Scott Bakula saying "here are some scenes from Evil Leaper, Part I" over the 're- prise' action; this voiceover was removed for the two-part version), the leap in, and then the credits.

After the opening titles, a caption "RETURN, OCTOBER 8, 1956" appeared, followed by the guest and production credits combined from both episodes (with PART II and PART III noted where necessary), including Editors Wiles and Koslowsky, Production Designer Birnie and Director of Photography Robert Primes, who are usually referenced in the end credits. These were the same roles that had been moved upfront for the Trilogy movie. No other changes were made to the 'Return' portion.

Soon after the leap to the prison, a new caption appeared reading "REVENGE, SEPTEMBER 16, 1987", but with no guest or production credits, which had already appeared at the top of the movie.

Further changes were as follows (words in grey are in the two-part version, timecodes refer to the Blu-ray release of the syndicated version):

After the close-up of the dog barking at 3m54s, the movie version had a clip of Sam looking back at the dog, removed from the syndicated version.

When Sam hypnotises Alia, the music in the movie and syndicated versions differ. The mirror shot is also extended by 6 seconds after Al raises his eyebrows at 9m5s.

At the end of the first scene with Warden Myers, the shot of him sitting down is a little longer in the movie version. It is also immediately followed by extra dialogue at the start of the following scene:

SAM: Why am I here?
VIVIAN: You're here because you were stupid.
Liz. Really stupid.
AL: I'm working on it.
SAM: Stupid?
VIVIAN: How long you been in here, Tate?

After the commercial break at 13m11s, the establishing shot of the prison runs slightly longer at the end, and the triple mirror shot slightly longer at the start, in the original version. A music cue is also shifted to accommodate.

Thames's exposition at 14m56s lasts a little longer in the movie version, as he says which pinpoints our last trace before we lost contact with the fair Alia right before she leaped here. Lothos says there's a 79.9%..."

After Sam tries to negotiate a plan with Meyers/Zoey, some extra material:
ZOEY: You go back to C block... and you go back in the box.
ALIA: No! [longer shot]
ZOEY: No? You don't have the slightest choice in the matter.
SAM: We both go back to C block, or you can get your own information
ZOEY: Delusions of power? A very foolish thing for a prisoner to have. Take Angel back to the cooler.

There is also a moved music cue around this point.

Extra material with Fiddler in the movie version, including some extra short extensions of shots:
FIDDLER:They said 'what did you see, Fiddler?' and I told 'em. I told 'em. I told 'em. [last three words over alternate shot of Sam in movie version, Fiddler's face in syndicated].
SAM: And what did you see, Fiddler?
FIDDLER: I was cleaning. On bathroom duty.
That means it was Thursday, because I always clean the toilets on Thursday.
SAM: And you do a very nice job.
FIDDLER: Yeah I do. Don't I.
SAM: So what, uh, happened?
FIDDLER: Well uh [cut down to run over previous shot of Sam in syndicated version], you and Angel come in and you was fighting about something but I couldn't hear what though [some extra frames here]

Extra material with Thames and Zoey in the first transmitted version, including some extra frames in the movie and syndicated versions, and a shifted music cue.
THAMES: Well she should have been terminated years ago [a few extra frames in the movie version].
ZOEY: The pleasure's now mine [holds on Zoey for a beat in the syndicated version to allow for a line from Thames]
THAMES: Lothos giveth and Lothos taketh away.
ZOEY: Not if I get my hands on her.
THAMES: All systems are on full power [this is over the close-up of Zoey in the syndicated version, close-up on Thames in first broadcast]. It's only a matter of time.

As Sam comforts Alia, some extra dialogue in the movie version:
SAM: Stay in that place, until I can figure a way to get you outta here. OK? Angel.
ALIA: 'Angel's like it's not even my name.
SAM: Yes but it is... You're Angel. I need you to remember everything you can...

After the preview of Goodbye Norma Jean, there is an extended sequence of clips from the next four episodes in the original movie version, as a trailer for the remainder of the season. This includes some alternate takes and longer shots from the ultimately broadcast versions of those episodes.

The end credits for the movie merges the credits that would ultimately be split between Return and Revenge, with a unique clips montage behind made up of clips from Revenge.

Unlike Trilogy Part II, the clips are all as broadcast.

Regular Cast:

Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett
Dean Stockwell as Al Calavicci

Guest Stars:

Renee Coleman as Alia
Carolyn Seymour as Zoey
Hinton Battle as Thames
Rosanna DeSoto as Fedeila "Fiddler" Jimmerson
Katherine Cortez as Sophie Nixon
Maggie Roswell as Masterson
Sam Scarber as Warden Clifton Meyers (and Mirror Image)
Barbara Montgomery as Vivian
Cynthia Steele as Liz Tate (and Mirror Image)
Laura O'Laughlin as Angela "Angel" Jenson (and Mirror Image)

Guest Star Cast Notes:

Renee Coleman as Alia: Renée Coleman (born January 8, 1962) is a Canadian actress who has appeared in several TV shows and movies. She is best known for her role on the NBC TV series, Quantum Leap (1989), in which she played the role of Alia, the "evil leaper". Coleman is also known for her role in the 1992 box office hit, A League of Their Own (1992), as left-fielder and substitute catcher Alice Gaspers, and in Who's Harry Crumb? (1989), as kidnapping-victim Jennifer Downing. Coleman appeared in several more films through the mid-'90s, including Pentathlon (1994) (one of her last domestic roles), the Mexican film El jardín del Edén (1994), the Polish film Gracze (1995), and the Swiss film Waiting for Michelangelo (1995). In 1995, Coleman left the film business and returned to school, where she earned her Mythological Studies doctorate (with an emphasis on Depth Psychology) at Pacifica Graduate Institute in 2002. She currently lives with her husband and their four children in Santa Clarita, California, where she works in a private practice as a certified DreamTender. In August 2012, Coleman's first book, Icons of a Dreaming Heart - The Art and Practice of Dream-Centered Living, was published.

Carolyn Seymour as Zoey
: Carolyn Seymour is a highly accomplished actress of stage and screen, with a long and impressive list of credits on both sides of the Atlantic. Born in Buckinghamshire to an Estonian father with Russian descent and an Irish mother, Carolyn trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama, before rising to fame with starring roles in Peter Barnes' much acclaimed THE RULING CLASS starring Peter O'Toole and directed by Peter Medak, Terry Nation's cult sci-fi television series SURVIVORS and the BBC's TAKE THREE GIRLS. Multiple film credits include GUMSHOE opposite Albert Finney for director Stephen Frears, STEPTOE & SON, MR. MUM with Michael Keaton, and CONGO for director Frank Marshall. Carolyn's extensive theatre work includes THE GREAT EXHIBITION written by Sir David Hare, for which Carolyn starred opposite David Warner and Penelope Wilton at The Hampstead Theatre. The production was directed by Sir Richard Eyre. Carolyn received critical praise for a role as Ophelia in HAMLET at The Gielgud (formerly The Globe Theatre), directed by Peter Coe and produced by Sam Wanamaker. ON APPROVAL saw Carolyn starring opposite Kenneth More and Moray Watson at The Vaudeville Theatre. In THE PRODIGAL DAUGHTER Carolyn co-starred with Wilfred Hyde-White for the production at the Theatre Royal Brighton followed by a national tour, both directed by Roger Redfarn. HAY FEVER marked Carolyn's debut on Broadway playing Myra Arundel for director Brian Murray. SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL directed by Brian Bedford would follow at The Taper in Los Angeles. Carolyn made the effortless transition to American television during the 1980s, with celebrated performances in a multitude of hit, award-winning series including FAMILY TIES, HART TO HART, CAGNEY & LACEY, MAGNUM P.I., MURDER SHE WROTE, QUANTUM LEAP, L.A LAW and ER. Recurring guest appearances on the Emmy award-winning STAR TREK: The Next Generation and STAR TREK Voyager, like that of her work on SURVIVORS, have also drawn a strong and devoted fan-base. Carolyn is also a regular voice artist, recording audio adaptations of stage plays by Sir Alan Ayckbourn (TABLE MANNERS and LIVING TOGETHER), as well as TOP GIRLS by celebrated playwright Caryl Churchill. For Big Finish Productions, and by the demand of her loyal fans, Carolyn returned to her iconic role of Abby Grant in SURVIVORS, as well as guest-starring alongside the surviving DOCTOR WHO's. Over 5 decades in the industry, Carolyn has continued to adapt to the demands of the business including successfully transitioning into the world of video games, with multiple projects for the STAR WARS franchise amongst many others. Having resided in the United States and France for many years, Carolyn returns to her native England in Summer 2021 with plans to return to her roots - British stage and screen. Carolyn divides her personal time between her family, her love of art, and her passion for charitable work including animal activism and supporting the homeless.

Hinton Battle as Thames: Hinton Battle was born on November 29, 1956 in Neubrücke, Germany. He was an actor, known for Dreamgirls (2006), Quantum Leap (1989) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997). He died on January 30, 2024 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Hinton Battle won the 1991 Tony Award for Best Featured Actor in a Musical. Watch him accept it below:

Rosana DeSoto as Fedeila "Fiddler" Jimmerson: Rosanna DeSoto was born on September 2, 1950 in San Jose, California, USA. She is an actress, known for Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), La Bamba (1987) and Stand and Deliver (1988). She has been married to David S. Ward since September 20, 1980. They have two children. She was previously married to Jonathan T. Taplin. Although she played Lou Diamond Phillips and Esai Morales' mother in La Bamba (1987), she is only twelve years their senior. She appeared in two films which have been selected for the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant": La Bamba (1987) and Stand and Deliver (1988). Although she played David Warner's daughter in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991), she is only nine years his junior.

Katherine Cortez as Sophie Nixon: Katherine Cortez was born on September 28, 1950 in Detroit, Michigan, USA. She is an actress, known for Luckiest Girl Alive (2022), Critters 3 (1991) and By Dawn's Early Light (1990).

Maggie Roswell as Masterson: Maggie Roswell was born on November 14, 1952 in Los Angeles, California, USA. She is an actress, known for The Simpsons Movie (2007), The Simpsons (1989) and Pretty in Pink (1986). Left The Simpsons (1989) cast in spring 1999 after the show's tenth season when 20th Century Fox refused her requested raise increase from the $2000 she earned the past three seasons until her departure.Before her departure, Roswell had been flying into LA from her Denver home on her own money to record her lines. Rejoined The Simpsons (1989), after a three-year absence due to a salary dispute. Runs a voice-over studio with her husband, Hal Rayle, near their home in Denver. She has been married to Hal Rayle since June 5, 1987. They have one child.

Sam Scarber as Warden Clifton Meyers: (1997) from the same creator of Played in the NFL for 9 years with the San Diego Chargers and the Oakland Raiders and also appeared on Jag: GhostsQuantum Leap, Donald P. Bellisario. Sam Scarber was born on June 24, 1949 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. He is an actor, known for Over the Top (1987), The Karate Kid (1984) and Eraser (1996). Played in the NFL as a running back. Drafted by the Dallas Cowboys in the third round of the 1971 NFL draft.

Barbara Montgomery as Vivian: Barbara Montgomery was born on June 25, 1939 in East Orange, New Jersey, USA. She is an actress, known for The Meteor Man (1993), Quantum Leap (1989) and A Different World (1987). Was offered the role of the sex-goddess "Carla" in Robert Patrick's play "Kennedy's Children" on Broadway, which won Shirley Knight a "Tony" Award, but chose instead to play the school teacher, "Wanda", because she wanted to build a career as a character-actress. October, 2001 - Served as Mistress of Ceremonies for the 40th Anniversary celebration of La Mama, an Off-Off Broadway theatre that promoted the early careers of playwrights such as Paul Foster, Lanford Wilson, Robert Patrick, William M. Hoffman, Tom Eyen, Sam Shepard, Leonard Melfi and Harvey Fierstein.

Cynthia Steele as Liz Tate (and Mirror Image)
: Cynthia Steele is known for Quantum Leap (1989), Final Judgement (1992) and Panic in the Park (1995).

Laura O'Laughlin as Angela "Angel" Jenson (and Mirror Image): Laura O'Loughlin was born in 1969 in the USA. She is an actress, known for I Spy (2002), Quantum Leap (1989) and Mr. Jones (1993).

Guests who appeared in other Quantum Leap episodes:

Renee Coleman appeared in:
"Deliver Us From Evil"
"Return of the Evil Leaper."

Carolyn Seymour appeared in:
"Deliver Us From Evil"
"Return of the Evil Leaper"
"A Portrait For Troian."

Say What?

When Lothos loses Alia at the prison, why don't they think she leaped out? Why the hunt? Perhaps they got no quantum energy reading on their system?

The sun sets suddenly in a remarkable 10-minute time frame.

Thames tells Zoey there is no one in the holding chamber. However, Warden Myers should have been in their holding chamber / waiting room as well, since Zoey had leaped at that point!

As Sam and Alia scrabble up the embankment at the end, Sam says “hurry”. Just after that, on the top-left of the screen, a crewmember’s hand carrying a remote-control device briefly comes into view. Source

Quotable Quotes:

"Good Lord only a week in the box and you don’t know where you are."

"We had leaped together and survived, but we still didn’t know if Alia had leaped with me or I had leaped with her…" --Sam

Before I step into the Twilight Zone, I need just a damn minute.
-- Valerie, "Revenge of the Evil Leaper"

I want to know why some people help other people.
-- Alia, "Revenge of the Evil Leaper"

~Sam is in a jail cell dressed as a woman filled with even more women.
Al: Chicks in cells, what could be better?
Sam: Al!
Al: Chicks in chains in cells.
Sam: Al!
Al: Oh, right.

Best Line:

"Sam? If you’re yelling for a three letter savior I suggest that it start with a G."
-- Sophie to Alia

Best Scene:

The best scene is when Sam is hypnotizing Alia and she goes to a mountain surrounded by white fluffy clouds and a beautiful blue sky. It is so peaceful and serene.


Production Credits:

Theme by: Mike Post
Musical Score By: Velton Ray Bunch
Co-Executive Producer: Deborah Pratt
Co-Executive Producer: Chas. Floyd Johnson
Supervising Producer: Harker Wade
Supervising Producer: Richard C. Okie
Producer: Robin Jill Bernheim
Created by: Donald P. Bellisario
Written by: Deborah Pratt
Directed by: Debbie Allen

Executive Producer: Donald P. Bellisario
Associate Producers:
Scott Ejercito, Julie Bellisario
Coordinating Producer: David Bellisario
Director of Photography: Robert Primes, A.S.C.
Production Designer: Cameron Birnie
Edited by: Randy D. Wiles
Unit Production Manager: Ron Grow
First Assistant Director:
R. John Slosser
Second Assistant Director: Brian Faul
Casting by: Ellen Lubin Sanitsky, C.S.A.
Set Director: Robert L. Zilliox
Costume Designer:
Jacqueline Saint Anne
Costume Supervisors: Jill Sheridan, Alice Daniels
Art Director: Ellen Dambros-Williams
Sound Mixer: Barry D. Thomas
Stunt Coordinator: Diamond Farnsworth
Make-up: Jeremy Swan
Hairstylist: Andrea Mizushima
Sound Editor: Greg Schorer
Music Editor: Bruce Frazier
Special Visual Effects: Roger Dorney, Denny Kelly

Panaflex ® Camera and Lenses by: Panavision ®

This motion picture is protected under laws of the United States and other countries. Unauthorized duplication, distribution or exhibition may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

Copyright © 1993 by Universal City Studios Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Some of the characters portrayed in this motion picture are based upon actual persons. Although some of those events have been fictionalized for dramatic purposes, otherwise the characters and events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Bellisarius Productions and Universal Television, an MCA Company

Want more Evil Leaper action?

In this exciting unproduced episode script titled, "The Avenger", Sam leaps into museum curator Philip Cooper, an avenging angel of the night, fighting crime in New York’s Central Park. But when history starts changing, it can only mean one thing…

The Evil Leapers return again in this novel: "Knights of the Morningstar."

Finally, they are back in an unproduced comic book, "Second Childhood." Read the script for the comic and see much more info on this fun leap.


Hell hath no fury like the Revenge of the Evil Leaper!

Join hosts Allison Pregler, Matt Dale and Christopher DeFilippis for the final chapter in Sam’s battle against Lothos and the mysterious Evil Leaper Project. Strap in for geeky speculation, flagrant retconning and TV hypnotism at its finest.

Listen to The Quantum Leap Podcast on this episode here:

If you’re yelling for a three-letter savior, we suggest you make it start with a Q — and end with an L – P!

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